Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

I mean, doesn’t it though? Since they are both descendants of the high borne and share so many similar traits…


It wasn’t a compromise at first place. Compromise was to give the blood elves blue eyes and purple eyes and light blue hair


Well hey just because I disagree with others doesn’t mean we cant be entertaining!

I used to be a lot more active on these posts but it seems like we all just keep going in circles and we just just keep saying the same thing over and over.

So I’ll stop in with a gif from time to time lol

Isn’t that just the truth. There’s never ever really new arguments made. People have dug their heels into the sand and make their case repeatedly.

Whether people like it or not, I still think all signs point in the direction of void elves getting natural hair colours. I don’t think they’ll give them the exact shades that blood elves have, but I can definitely see them giving them the Kul’tiran textures or something similar.


Metzen: What we showed at the end of Burning Crusade, like during the whole Sunwell event, was that the warped naaru M’uru was kinda transformed back into his purest self, purest light that Velen used to reignite the Sunwell, as a fountain of Holy power, as much as it is arcane.

How did the blood elven fel eye glint become so widespread? The Warcraft Encyclopedia suggests that Rommath only taught the blood elves of Azeroth about how to siphon arcane magic, as most of the populace would likely be “horrified” if they knew the true extent of Kael’s dealings with Illidan.
The situation regarding blood elf eyes is, in fact, extremely similar to that of the green skin of orcs: just being around heavy use of fel magic turned the eyes of the blood elves green. You could be the most pious of priests or most outdoorsy of Farstriders, chances are, if you were a high elf in Quel’Thalas or Outland following the Third War, you were around fel energies, and your eyes would turn green. Like the orcs’ skin color, such an effect would take a very long time to wear off. Fel magic works a bit like radiation in this sense; it permeates the area and seeps into anything in the vicinity. Anything near a source of fel magic shows signs of slight corruption, it just so happens that high elves and orcs manifest it in a very visual way.

As for purple eyes a glitch that effected HEs, BEs are HEs we received the colors that fit our existing theme.

I mean, she’s not exactly wrong.

High Elf - the baseline; generally made up of the nobility or families thereof who sided with Azshara or who did not aid the rebellion against her, and were thereby exiled across the sundered sea. They later made a home in the contested (primarily by the Amani tribe) northlands above Lordaeron, building a new vessel for the waters of the ancient Well of Eternity which they called the Sunwell.

Blood Elf - a High Elf who joined the faction started and named by Kaelthas in his original separatist movement. Those among them with green eyes most likely followed Kaelthas into the Outlands and there consumed Fel or else partook of mana from vessels he attained from the Legion or have made use of later-period demon-harnessing techniques. Note that Kaelthas was later named a traitor after having allied with Kil’jaeden, but use of Fel under his direction was until then condoned.

Void Elf - A member of a varied counter-movement among Blood Elves who now generally follow the Second War hero (gone spacefaring demon-fighter) Alleria Windrunner for any of varying reasons, but are ultimately bonded by having taken void energies into their body. They are as “Blood Elf” as Kael’s inner circle were towards the end; that is to say, magically augmented and also branded as traitors. Racially, they are High Elves, the vast majority of which are now called Blood Elves. Politically, they are neither.

And im totally guilty of that too. We’ve all got pretty strong opinions and it’s obvious at this point that nobody is gonna back down.

We’re all essentially yelling at walls here lol

I’m feeling this too. While I doubt they’ll get blonde hair, I’m finding it really likely were gonna be getting black/white options.

Which isn’t a bad thing but I’ve just never really been down with the whole “copy/paste” from blood elves idea.


What I like about this is it fits the VE main theme, so it would look good / on brand for that.

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I think that once a blood elf is turned into a void elf, they forfeit the blood elf title.

Blood elves feed off of the sunwell. Void Elves do not and that makes them 100% not the same.

Now a highbelf and a blood elf you can consider the same because the only real difference is political


No doubt. Though that likely has solely to do with most successful void integrations being under the guidance of Alleria, an enemy. You cannot be a student to the enemy without being an enemy yourself.

That said, the Sunwell was already shattered/tainted in the destruction of Quelthalas and its use in raizing Kel’thuzad. That campaign to use and then destroy the Sunwell is how the High Elves remaining in the north came into the situation that sparked insurrection, into becoming the Blood Elves (named both for their fallen brethren and to demark that new era, separate from a deeply bonded support system to the greater Alliance). It’s the whole reason for the fall of Elven power and the need for a replacement for the Sunwell across the plot of W3:tFT, leading to the place of the Blood Elves in WoW:tBC. The Sunwell does not make or break a racial identity. The most prominent period of the history of Sin’dorei had no functioning Sunwell.

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I don’t particularly like that either, I just don’t see ‘blonde’ as integral to blood elf identity. I know people disagree with that sentiment, but tying an identity to a hair colour is just a little silly to me.

It’s not unlike the people who were upset when they added a variety of darker and more ethnic skin tones to blood elves and void elves. A lot of people were upset because they were always supposed to be “pale”, but once again, I think that’s a silly sentiment and I’m glad there are black blood elves.

It’s also one thing for us to talk about what we would like to happen, and another to talk about what we think will happen. With regards to that, I think you and I are on a similar page, I would just like to see more variety in hair colours added than white and black. I think even two toned blonde into blue would be really cool, there are ways to do it and still make it unique.


I think the void elves are still using a similar way to recreate what happened during their botched ritual.

The void elves in the rift are still playing around with that weird void box. So maybe they figured out another way.

  1. The Void elves are former blood elves and high elves.
  2. The Game director and his team are definitely pro- Horde . By telling that the Blood elves are high elves explains only that he don’t have a lot to do with the lore of Word of Warcraft .
  3. At Vanilla the Horde were not really loved because the races weren’t really Not eye pleasing at all . So they took the Alliance High Elves and gave the race to the Horde . For balance .

End of the story

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That’s fine by me. Their hair is really nice. I wouldn’t mind if they took bits from various alliance races though to spread it out a bit. I havent checked NE hairstyles, but there may be a couple there that would look good. NE options dont always look good on VE though I have noticed.

They could also make completely new styles and colors (although I would imagine that between all the races in the game probably every shade of every color has almost been met, at least with natural colors).

They can add some void options. Not really my interest, and all of the voidy customization so far hasn’t impressed me in the slightest, so I wont comment on what those options should be, but there can and should be variety so everyone gets something.


The story makes more sense, you or anyone else ignoring that part to hyper focus on balance is moot.

BEs are HEs and a core Horde race, that should be considered when dealing with the HE request on Alliance, and hopefully Blizzard sees that as well.

Sorry, just wanted to be entertaining too

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If we’re talking about borrowing assets from other races, specifically alliance races, a lot of the hair styles that the Draenei received in the customization update would look fantastic on the void elves. They don’t have to be the exact same of course, but they incorporated a lot of braids in long and elegant hair styles that I thoroughly enjoy from an aesthetic standpoint.

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It feels inconsistent to feature the silver covenant so often and then say “What even are high elves? They’re just blood elves.” It would’ve been perfectly valid to say that high elves weren’t visually distinct enough from blood elves and that doing a model swap from H -> A wouldn’t be enough to justify the option and then leave it at that.


I dont agree with this part myself. They gave a version of HE to horde, not actual HE. If they were just HE they wouldn’t have the story that they do, they would be called HE, or they would have never developed anything in regards to HE on the alliance and essentially let them cease to be. If they added just HE to the horde it would have never made sense, like forsaken joining the alliance. They either had BE slated as a regular enemy and decided to make them playable, or they twisted the idea of a HE to fit the horde and made it playable.


But having said that, when they did not have the Sunwell, they began feeding off of the “imprisoned” Naaru which was basically their replacement sunwell.

And while blood elves had to feed off different energies to survive, it didn’t really change them like it did for void elves. Void elves are now physically different from blood elves and I would say they’re even further way from being high elves now and the void change is permanent.