Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

No skeleboyes please, too spooky.

I’d destroy worlds for some Forsaken options like Nathanos.

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Not if you’re creative… and be able to be open minded.


Just do natural hair colors at this point. Void elves are blood elves so how do you steal from yourself?


I don’t think it computes for him. But lets just drop it, if he wants to be like this, then that is his problem.

Our problem is…

A Horde vs Alliance World Cup using the Gnomes as Footballs.

OMG I love it :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Great so with the RP tools provided you literally don’t need the last remaining elements which is the hair.

I’m glad you’re so creative like that :hugs:


Nice try . :blush:
We will never agree . It’s ok .

You don’t like your own argument then?

You used this to try to justify the new skin tone diversity as “Wretched” options.

But per your own creativity you’re unable to make do with the hair you have despite almost having the complete look via this last compromise?

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Why’s there no meme for “Why not all of the above?”

We’ve passed the point of false binaries.

Problem, you said? I sense distinct opportunity.

I just…

I can’t…

Actually you know what… I’m not doing this today lol


The perfect opportunity

I think characterizing any of these customization options as compromises is misguided. At the end of the day, Blizzard has demonstrated that they are going to give most players what they want, regardless of what other players feel they shouldn’t have.

Natural hair colours for void elves are almost an inevitability at this point in time.


You’re misconstruing the fact other players want uniqueness and falsely construing that as somehow being “what other players feel they shouldn’t have”, no those are other people’s wants, and in this case a compromise should be had and was had.

Nothing is stopping players from being unique. There are still blood elf exclusive options.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Blood elves do not have a monopoly on natural hair colours any more than void elves do on blue toned hair colours, AKA they don’t.


In the case of Thalassian Elves they do have that visual theme uniqueness because VEs are Void.

I mean, you can make some pretty convincing void elves from the new blood elf options.


Because they share the same skintones now.


Exactly, and now they both have access to blue hair! Different shades of course, but still blue.

Also, I laughed out loud at this. I do genuinely enjoy your posts, even when I disagree with the content.


Yes because jewelry only female characters can wear and new skin tone diversity for Human Skin toned races which BEs have that as their visual theme through being the regular Thalassian Elf, yes that just screams Void Elf.