Wish they treated it like they did Death Coil/Mortal Coil. In ye olde days Warlocks got Death Coil but I think when Wrath hit the visual and name was given over to Death Knights while Warlocks got a different visual and name in the form of Mortal coil. Wish they did the same with Metamorphosis.
Ah fair point. I may have skimmed past that with all of the angry example conversations.
That’s certainly where they ended up going with it, but the OP kind of shot themselves in the foot with that title. I suspect they started writing it to whine about wanting more for warlocks before they had a moment of realisation, and then pivoted. But they forgot to change the title.
Eh, I’ve seen customisation stuff get shutdown.
For instance.
Those arguing that warlocks should just be shoehorned into “Demons only” instead of the core-fantasy of warlocks of them using different varieties of dark & forbidden arts.
That being said, I did get quite a bit of possitive feedback in the thread I made of my own →
As for other stuff, not from the top of my head but yeah you get a bit of a tug-of-war going on. It would be nice to get some more customisation stuff in the game.
- Personally I’d love the Revendreth vampire red visual for shadow spells Affliction warlock & Shadow priests would feel epic.
- Same with alternate cosmic visuals for race-identity, such as shadow-visual for holy spells & holy visual for shadow spells.
Yeah, that’s true.
Thankyou for the feedback. To a degree, I actually agree.
As of such — The title has thus been changed.
So they haven’t added spell customization since MoP and the green fire quest line and as far as I can remember, they cited it was a massive undertaking code wise and allegedly a mistake they wish they could take back. Can’t cite sources and I may be making that last part up.
If they ever did something like that again, what class/spec do you think would get it?
My attempts to hijack customization threads and make them about BDKs always falls flat, then I remember no one even plays DK.
allegedly a mistake they wish they could take back
That’s back when they were still angry at the Warlock designer and tried to remove everything he added to the game out of spite.
don’t worry, you’ll be able to play a third type of dwarf next expansion! so much better than enhanced class fantasy.
That’s back when they were still angry at the Warlock designer and tried to remove everything he added to the game out of spite.
as far as I remember that’s probably because he wasn’t exactly nice about things when he left. That said, he clearly actually liked warlock so that was nice. These days it feels like class designers hate the classes they design sometimes
Warlocks should have gotten shadowflame customizations. Specifically Demonology
We didn’t get any use out of the new demon models, and we are the ONLY spec in the game that combines shadow and fire.
don’t worry, you’ll be able to play a third type of dwarf next expansion! so much better than enhanced class fantasy.
I love dwarves and 2 of my characters are Dwarf and I’m not excited about this new Dwarf class/race/whatever they are. Oh my god why can’t they just add playable Kyrians already.
I can’t take any warlock players seriously complaining about lack of customisation when DK went through the entire DK themed expac (SL) and got bupkis. Even shammy got partial new doggo form outta SL. DK animations and effects are so old you can count the pixels.
“Oh hey, how about some fel or demonic customisa —”Demon Hunters:
“NO! That’s stealing what is rightfully ours!”
Cough Pre Legion Demon Lock Meta form.
They should bring back that form just for its cosmetic glory. Make it the animation for when you use one of their Dark Soul cooldowns. Do those still exist?
and the green fire quest line and as far as I can remember, they cited it was a massive undertaking code wise and allegedly a mistake they wish they could take back.
Funny enough, without it the warlocks wouldn’t have had an order-hall in Legion. lol
(Although, like with other classes - They probably would’ve made something else up)
That’s back when they were still angry at the Warlock designer and tried to remove everything he added to the game out of spite.
Spot on.
I can’t take any warlock players seriously complaining about lack of customisation when DK
As stated, this thread is more to address the scale on customisation as a whole, due to the pettiness of people saying “No, it’s unfair to X-Y-Z!” — Your statement both proves & emphasises that point completely.
(Not saying you’re petty, but just in certain cases they can be - or are retorted against with such malice)
However, as mentioned -
I mean, with the right lore and maybe some shared features amongst specs & classes:
- Such as being earned through the same kind of questline and applied to the same sort of cosmic power used (Eg. Crimson Revendreth visual for those that use shadow-spells) – I really don’t see why people have to be so toxic.
So it’d be pretty cool for Death Knights to get Revendreth blood visuals too, along with shadow & void spell casters.
I am a huge demon hunter lore fanatic. So I get it. All of the lore for them in Cata was so good!
Demon Hunters getting shadow-flame visuals would be pretty cool.
— Lorewise could paint it as them honouring the message Illidan left to them, by watching for what lurks in the shadows.
- “We fight fire with fire. We applied such notion with the fel. It only makes sense we do so when addressing the forces of the void too.”
Not to mention there’s demons born of the void too, such as the Void Walkers and Void hounds / Void Terrors (eg. those many-eyed hounds you see in the Sunwell Plateau).
So it would make sense for Demon Hunters to harness further powers of hunting & slaying various demons.
Warlocks and Death Knights need more, that’s all I will say here.
They’ve drawn in all the women players they possibly can, now it’s time to design stuff for men, your original playerbase. Why is this so hard these days?
I’ve seen people ask for different spell effects to be implemented like green fire.
Yeah I think theres a lot they could do there. Like for monk’s spinning crane kick it would be cool to have options for a blue/white wind effect with some lightning in it instead of the green with feathers, or a sudsy brew appearance.
They’ve drawn in all the women players they possibly can, now it’s time to design stuff for men, your original playerbase.
Very cool and normal comment.
I guess myself and the rest of my female friends who started in Vanilla somehow don’t count.
Very cool and normal comment.
I mean it’s “bad” when you take it out of context, but we literally have 4 different Elf races. We have no DK customization, Locks are crying about customization, Warriors look indistinguishable from DKs, other than the glowing eyes, Rogues have no customization, they all use 1 pistol and all look similar.
What exactly do you want me to do? Ignore everything and pretend to be blind? Things can be feminine and things can be masculine, it’s not hard.
but we literally have 4 different Elf races. We have no DK customization, Locks are crying about customization, Warriors look indistinguishable from DKs, other than the glowing eyes, Rogues have no customization, they all use 1 pistol and all look similar
What does any of that have to do with male or female players?