Customisation for Warlocks: The OG Necromancers

I mean … When ya think about it.
They kinda were?

  • The first generation of Death Knights were undead humans infused with orc souls of the Shadow-Council – Created by Gul’Dan. :zombie: :smiling_imp: :zombie:

Which sparks an idea! :partying_face:

Customisation options for Warlocks!

  • Swapping out Demon Pets for Undead Pets (as an option, of cause) – with different names & such. They can be beings seen throughout WoW such as the fiends of Northrend, the bats of Revendreth or other glorious monstrocities! :sparkles: :skull: :sparkles:
  • Swapping out a handful (Yet not all) of our shadow-visual spells for necromantic spell visuals - To match the vibes alongside your undead, ethereal & night-creature minions! :ghost:

It’d be cool to see warlocks get some love & get a questline for unlocking it, then from then onwards having glyphs, uniquely found items and drops throughout the game to add additional customisations to them.

  • Whether it’s directed at the pets … or extending the necromatic-spell visuals to more & more spells than the handful you’re given to work with the new spell appeal earned.

:diamonds: Through the newly discovered powers of necromancy, perhaps there could be a handful of new spell visuals to utilise through to add to your newfound powers.

Spell Visuals such as:

  • Necromantic Green / Blue / Blackish swirls – As seen used by Liches, many Necromancers, Death Knights and the energies utilised by Maldraxxus.
  • Soul-Frost & Ghost-Light Magics – Seen swirl around Icecrown Citadel, Bwonsamdi, emanate through the risen Frost Wyrms and burn brightly eyes of the undead.
  • Shadows of Undeath – Seen used by Helya or emanating off other dark forces, and swirling more like mist with sparks of various bubbling colours that flicker with dark wild magics
  • Mysteries of Revendreth :drop_of_blood: – That crimson Revendreth vamparic spell visual we all know & love – Plus who wouldn’t wanna be a necromantic warlock with undead minions & vampire spell visuals? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Some Undead alternative examples for the Demons could be:

  • Fel-Guard = Endless possibilities! Just need a chad undead warrior with glowing eyes & menacing clothes. :grin:
  • Felhunter = Voidhunter (Youngling of an undead Crypt Lord Nerubian)
  • Imp = Bat Fiend (Lil Bat guys we see in Revendreth)
  • Sayaad / Succubus = Floating Witch (Eg. Lady Waycrest)
  • Infernal = Soul / Bone Goliaths (Eg. Amalgam of Souls in Black Rook Hold, or Soulbound Goliath in Waycrest Manor)
  • Void Walker = Blood Walker (Eg. Creatures like Executor Tarvold from Sanguine Depths) or an Alchemic Fungal Monstrosity (Like Loatheb from Naxxramas).

Anyway! :star_struck: What’re some keen features from the secrets of Necromancy would you like to see your character have – Whether through the questline, the companions at your will or the mysterious spells to harness? :thinking:


If they ever do class skins (which it’s frankly idiotic that they haven’t yet) then a Necromancer skin for warlocks would be kind of a no-brainer.


People have been asking for this as long as I can remember. I remember seeing posts like this way back in Vanilla about this. 20 years later they still haven’t done it.

It only makes sense though. Just give Demo the ability to be proper necromancers.

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Eh… Gul’dan learned Necromancy because of Kil’jaeden, who learned it from the Nathrezim.

Do we really want Shadowlands lore seeping into more stuff? lol

Might as well, if it gives us cool stuff :dracthyr_shrug:

It’s not going anywhere lol


I didn’t consider Maldraxxus “cool.” It just seemed to destroy what was cool about Necromancy, imo.

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Class skins would be nice. It’ll never happen. But it’d be nice.

I mean, Shadowlands lore aside – You could tie it to OG lore & merely use assets from SL from there. :slight_smile:

  • I wasn’t a fan of Shadowlands either (Haha, I just had a conversation arguing to why on such in another thread) ---- but Blizzard have made it aware it’s here to stay one way or another.

So ultimately: We may as well use what good things we can from it :woman_shrugging:

Exactly! :partying_face:


Which is why none of my undead suggestions use undead examples from Maldraxxus. As for the spell appeal, eh ~ That’s a different story.

  • Honestly if they used the questline to reflect there’s a power beyond the Shadowlands, and the realm of the Shadowlands merely acted as a shield & dam to prevent its powers seeping forth and becoming more of a threat to the cosmos – You could probably restore some elements to the OG Necromantic lore. :star_struck:

Said story could be began & gleaned from the tome of Kel’Thuzad … Then for meme purposes, reveal he survived (again) with his second Phylactery. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I mean people have said the same about many things in WoW.

  • Green Fel Fire for warlocks.
  • Transmog.
  • Dragon Riding in all of Azeroth.
  • High Elf skins on Void Elves (Although that still didn’t make their zealots happy)
  • Eredar skins on Draenei.


All that aside, another good spell feature to use:

  • Would be having the ‘Demonic Circle: Teleport’ make you explode into bats like the Dreadlords do when they teleport & appear. That’d fit quite well and nicely with the Necromancy gifts & new dark powers at our behest.

:bat: :grin: :bat: