Do you think male players want 4 different versions of Elves? (Do you have any idea about business acumen or do you think men desire the same exact things as women?) It’s about demographics. If you ignore demographics then I have no further discussion with you, I will just chalk it up to ignorance.
I’m not even poking fun at the idea of gender based stereotypes. Sure, demographics exist. But those specific examples you gave are just ridiculous. Like where in the hell did you get the idea that men don’t like elves?
Jokes on you I have 4 different elf characters and I love em!
I have a lot of male friends who played elves of every flavor. What are you on about?
Something you don’t know anything about for this game, as they’re not published.
Are you claiming women can’t care about DK and Warlock customization? Really?
Huh the only DK that would say this are ones that don’t know their lore.
But if the old lore you’re referring to is stuffing shaman souls into human paladin bodies, I will volunteer to slaughter your shaman and paladin alt and mash them together for the Cause.
The Ebon Blade is always looking for new recruits.
Very true.
The scale of customisation in this game is abysmal. No one disputes that. In which case this entire thread is worded poorly. What is the point of picking out just one class unless you have some form of bias. So clearly you do have bias. Which means you cannot dismiss someone calling out the disparity in already released new custimsations as a valid point to someone bemoaning custimsations for a particular class.
If you want to be legitimate to what you are now saying, then act like it. Talk about things agnositc of any class or all classes. Or more accurately, those remaining classes that haven’t received any updates in a long time (which rules out Warlocks and Druids at least).
Tovi, we both know from our time on the forums … That’s a lot of people.
My thread is to address customisations in general, not just one race or class.
Are you attacking my thread for disagreeing with you on that other one? …
Because that’s the vibe I’m getting.
Like for monk’s
Personally, for monks I’d love silvery grey mist visuals – You know, like actual mist colours? Not something that looks like a toxic gas station has a cracked pipe. lol
The scale of customisation in this game is abysmal. No one disputes that. In which case this entire thread is worded poorly.
I think its worded fine & the bias suggested is merely of opinion than actual fact.
— Many others in the thread seemed to get the gist of the wording of the thread just fine.
I used warlocks text as a humoured example, if I were to list every single class & example the thread creation text would be too large & people would think “Too long, didn’t read.”
Probably doesn’t help that blizz has taken things from/shot down requests on the basis of it stepping on the toes of another class. Like necromancer being similar to unholy DK so no go.
We almost didn’t have the green fire, it was a passion project by a dev apparently who had to fight for it. Which is kind of depressing considering how much of an easy W it would be to add similar to it for other classes every once in awhile.
The draenei have the spirit speakers or whatever as well which seem to be priests so there is a precedent
I’d kill for some DH transmog that’s outside of the box. Tired of flames, skulls, and S&M leather armor
You suggest some customisation options for anything else on the forums & you just get shutdown, bullied & belittled.
I think it’s because Blizzard is so extremely stingy with customization passes.
Getting something as seemingly easy as a new eye and hair colours is like trying to sip jello through a straw. So people are fighting over the crumbs.
We almost didn’t have the green fire, it was a passion project by a dev apparently who had to fight for it. Which is kind of depressing considering how much of an easy W it would be to add similar to it for other classes every once in awhile.
I think it’s because Blizzard is so extremely stingy with customization passes.
When it comes to customisations, they could easily go forward with more class customisations – They legitimately just need to be more creative & more willing to go forth with the ideas.
They got so much source material they can use, not only to make it work, but also to assist further world-building & create new characters + help build future content.