Would be nice to have undead demons to fill in the missing casting necromancer aesthetic. I would love to have a skeleton of a felguard as my pet. Anyone else agree? Or is that too much out of the realm of warlock fantasy?
If only Blizzard didn’t hate inscription, Glyphs should have been expanded upon to reskin entire specs to give different aesthetics/themes.
You are a warlock.
You summon demons.
Undeads are not demons.
The undead plague was created by the burning legion. It exists because of demons lol
Ner’zhul (the lich king) under the guidance of Kil’jaeden of the burning legion released the plague of undeath on the humans of Lorderon. Thats how undead (the scourge) came to be in Azeroth
Be that as it may, undead are not denizens of the nether, regardless of how they were initially created
Undeads are currently the realm of Death Knights, and still have nothing to do with Warlocks.
We are even getting a new hero spec that can summon undead, dark ranger.
It’s not a warlock thing.
I made a thread on the GD for this!
Along with a handful of suggestions upon it.
As for -
Like I mentioned in my own thread, within WoW - it’s on par with Warlock Fantasy.
Warlocks were some of the first original necromancers in Azeroth So it fits well.
— Would also be neat to getta cool questline for it like the Green Fire Questline – Give warlocks some more room in their lore & class-fantasy.
Y … You do realise that Warlocks CREATED the first Death Knights … Right?
First generation death knights are literally nothing like second generation death knights. First Gen dk’s were warlock souls in paladin corpses. Second generation dk’s were created with maw magic via the lich king. Warlocks don’t deal with undead.
Elaranella’s reply is on point.
And what I said still stands; you open portals to the twisting nether. Undeads do not reside in the twisting nether, nor would you have any control over an undead to begin with.
Was Gul’dan not a warlock?
Why can undead use holy magic then?
You are missing the point here, I could type what was said already again but at this point just read it again I suppose
First gen dks are nothing like modern dks I agree. But the first gen death knights were literally created by Gul’dan. A warlock. He took other locks from the shadow council and put them into dead human corpses.
Do warlocks not raise people from the dead with a soul stone?
That’s not the point though. The point is —
That they’re still undead.
To say Warlocks raising the dead, or having anything to do with necromancy isn’t canon or doesn’t make sense: Is factually wrong.
- Warlocks were literally the ones that kickstarted the undead amongst the forces of the Legion. As I wrote above, the first Death Knights albeit different to todays generation of Death Knights — Were
To say Warlocks have nothing to do with undead or necromancy is like me saying the Forsaken have nothing to do with undeath, or that Death Knights have nothing to do with melee. It’s just a braindead statement that’s headcanon at best, merely to dissuade from the truth of the connection that’s shared in the WoW universe.
- For the sake of this thread & in-game wise, the thread is merely asking for skins; not a whole new class, lol. Lore-wise you don’t see many Necromancers in-game whipping out swords & changing into plate gear half way through the fight all of a sudden.
Warlocks have lore that relates to the undead whether you like it or not.
And yet that doesnt change anything that summoning demons have nothing to do with creating undeads
It looks to me like you confusing/mingling what Warlocks do, with necromancy.
Necromancy is different as there a number of NPC’s in game who are necromancers and not Warlocks.
Admittedly, there may be Warlocks that practice necromancy, but they’re not using the same magic Warlocks use to summon demons when creating undead.
Kinda does. 
Gul’dan could do it. Hell, by the time Nordrassil was invaded many could. Those warlocks typically harnessing the sole powers of the Twisting Nether, fel and demons meant jack squat. They wanted to go deeper? Darker? Congrats, they’re warlocks – They tend to do that.
Warlocks tap into dark powers – Not solely the Twisting nether, otherwise they’d just be called ‘Nethermancers’.
Why does summoning demons ‘have to’ have anything to do with creating undead? As mentioned, they’re warlocks. Using dark forces to their will & whim is literally what separates them from mages, hence why the Kirin Tor excommunicated Kel’Thuzad.
After a questline, they could just explain that it could be its own thing, independant from the powers they normally employee, yet game-play wise have the same abilities & with their new skinned minions having their new unique names when undead.
Apply it as the same spells, different visuals – Lorewise just state they’re tapping into a different power source. It’s not rocket science.
Plus if they want to argue that locks shouldn’t have necromancy magic I was also a necrolord lol.