Eh, I’ve seen customisation stuff get shutdown.
For instance.
Those arguing that warlocks should just be shoehorned into “Demons only” instead of the core-fantasy of warlocks of them using different varieties of dark & forbidden arts.
That being said, I did get quite a bit of possitive feedback in the thread I made of my own →
As for other stuff, not from the top of my head but yeah you get a bit of a tug-of-war going on. It would be nice to get some more customisation stuff in the game.
- Personally I’d love the Revendreth vampire red visual for shadow spells
Affliction warlock & Shadow priests would feel epic.
- Same with alternate cosmic visuals for race-identity, such as shadow-visual for holy spells & holy visual for shadow spells.
Yeah, that’s true.
Thankyou for the feedback. To a degree, I actually agree.
As of such — The title has thus been changed.