Getting kicked from AV!

so first it’s because i’m horde, now it’s because i’m level 58? trying to get your rep before 60 is smart, now i don’t need to farm rep to get the gear at 60, already have it, you’re just getting stupid with these responses, anyone from 51-60 can do av my friend, you’re not entitled because you have a premade

why wait to get rep if you can start getting it at 51… sounds stupid.


You have a problem with this?


If I have problem with people leeching my A.V. matches? Yes I do.

Your AV? So now you feel justified in falsely reporting people who are queueing legitimately?


Do you feel justified in flagging every one of my comments?

Fat princess, I am sorry but you have no idea what you are even talking about. Bruce is part of the GRIZZLY guild and premades are a thing no matter what you naysayers say about it. You are wrong. Do some research.

Wasn’t me, /shrug. I don’t flag comments I disagree with.

Seeing all the topics on this in Classic has made me glad I quit playing it and uninstalled it.

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This is against Blizzard TOS as defined here:

Specifically: Blizz ToS: Disruption / Harassment: Engage in any conduct intended to disrupt or diminish the game experience for other players, or disrupt operation of Blizzard’s Platform in any way, including: Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and/or any other activity which violates Blizzard’s Code of Conduct or In-Game Policies.

Please ban these idiots @Blizzard

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Blizz made AV 51-60. They put in fishing, and for most of Vanilla you could get thorium, black lotus, etc… too. Being low level in there is intended- if not, they’d make 50-59 and 60 separate brackets.


Except you have people admitting to doing it in this very thread.

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Or which one is true? Can you still get DC’d when Squelched? Remember how some Posters were saying that?

So which is it? :thinking:

I’m a real person, what is wrong with your brain? This isn’t r/pol and I’m not a Russian bot



Um, IDK why I got notified about this Comment because I never said anything about you being a Russian Bot nor denied you being a “real person”. I simply asked which one is true: being DC’d upon be Squelched or not. Since there’s conflicting Posts about it.

Said ‘no?’ in bg chat while in tunnel, screen froze for a second as the we passed the lumbermill and I was disconnected to login screen.

I understand what you said. Then there’s other Posters (as I’ve already quote them), making a claim, that they do not reach the Login Screen, upon getting Squelched. Hence my Question, to more than just you. And, this may be a bigger issue, then simply being Squelched. That Blizz has done some oversight and perhaps some are still experiencing being DC’d upon being Squelched, while others are not. If I believe any of this to be true. Just some food for thought.

this is one of the reasons why right click report was a mistake

Speaking directly to the premades: This is only making it more likely Blizzard will take action against you. Pugs already have it bad, but this kind of behavior is just going to push you over the top.


Our premades have a 99% win rate. We never mass report anyone that doesn’t deserve it. They can do what they want, or they can follow us. We dont mind. Wont say what premade or what server. Just know not all of them are A Holes.

We had one today where we had a wipe on Drek. Not every game, even the best premades is a 6-7 minute game, and even the best premades wipe from time to time with heavy turtles, normally a 7 min average, with the rare 17-19 minute turtle. Those games still end in a win, but when some random starts talking crap in chat about “oh you guys are a premade? wow, what premade loses like this? you guys are stupid morons” and trash like that, we mass report so that you are actually removed from the match. That’s how the report system is supposed to work. Stupid and morons is harassment, so it’s a legit mass report.

Any of this “can you please leave?”, “do what we tell you or you get removed.” or removing simply because the random is too low of a rank, or even maybe a level 51… That’s BS and an abuse of the system, you should report those players/premade. It’s a BG, you can play anyway you want. Kicking you for that is BS.

tldr; If someone does this to you and you literally did nothing wrong, report as many players as you can from that specific game. But if you called them morons, or used any kind of harassing language, it’s on you. “no?” is not a justifiable reason to mass report. You should report them for abuse of the report system.