Getting kicked from AV!

Been AVing all morning and I’ve run into a couple premades that didn’t mind me around till about an hour ago I got a premade that was half from Whitemane. They asked me to leave the game and I said ‘no?’. I was disconnected from the game and when I got back on I was squelched in chat except for my guild.

Whats the deal?!


Sounds like you probably got into one of the higher echelon premades. They typically only allow rank 11 or higher and have insane honor per week requirements, they consider pugs/the gen pop alliance to be leeches. Not sure whats up about you getting DC’d though.

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Sounds like an egregious violation of the TOS. This is the third such report of this behavior in the forums today. I expect Blizzard will take action against the participants. We may never know the details, but some rank grinders are going to feel quite a set back.

OP - I hope you contact customer service and report the issue.


Sorry OP. Ill retract. AV threads abound, yours seems legit.


Something up with the sudden same context posts popping up.

Where’s the crusade at guys?


Sounds suspicious. Couldn’t be people are trying to bring this stuff up to try and force Blizzard’s hands or something could it?

Naaah. I’m sure it’s all legit.


to be fair it’ll be easy enough for blizzard to see if it really happened or not, us not so much.

if it is happening im sure blizzard will do something, if it’s not then shrugs

please appeal and try to list any names you remember. exact same thing happened to me early this morning.


I’ve been hearing this as well, frommy friends on alliance side. it’s mostly from server specific premades, maybe entire guildes mass reporting you to get more of them inside.


Report them. They are already abusing av que system. We need to get some of these try hards banned for a week and see how they feel about exploiting game mechanics.


Sounds like there is a pre-made going around this morning flagging anyone and everyone they can. You need to appeal the action, it should be corrected and hopefully those abusing the system will be punished.


Third post this morning I’ve seen about this, specifically about being DC’d during it. :thinking: Abusing the report system looks like… they’re shooting themselves in the foot if they keep it up.

If it’s really happening the way these people are describing I can’t wait for those doing it to get the ban hammer… fingers crossed.


it’s like an intro to psychology. “No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible”. Blizzard might have to do some morally gray moves here…

And judging by the responses in other threads, those abusing the system often feel that they’re actually in the right to do so. That victim actually deserved it too.


Or… this is the same person posting…



The typing styles are different. I find it far more likely that there is a single premade going around right now reporting willy-nilly than I am inclined to believe that someone is posting on multiple characters.


Yes, clearly the multiple alts, some of which retail, are all unique characters experiencing the same exact issue verbatim.


Except for that 1 guy who thought his computer got hacked…

I mean really now.



I feel we should play a forum game where we make bets on the decay of a human’s … humanity.