With WotLK reducing the cost of mounts from vendors for the most part (at least the ones from main cities), I’m going to be detailing how much it’ll cost to get every single mount from vendors in TBC.
There is a TL;DR near the bottom if you’re not interested in the specifics of the gold costs.
Alliance mounts (Horde cost is expected to be the same)
60% mounts cost 80s with full discount.
100% mounts cost 8g with full discount.
Normal flying mounts cost 50g
Epic flying mounts cost 100g
Faction specific detailed here
There are 4 60% and 3 100% Mechanostriders. Full cost is 27.2g - Gnomeregan.
There are 3 60% and 100% Rams. Full cost is 26.4g - Ironforge.
There are 4 60% and 3 100% Horses. Full cost is 27.2g - Stormwind.
There are 4 60% and 3 100% Cats. Full cost is 27.2g - Darnassus
There are 3 60% and 100% Elekks. Full cost is 26.4g - Exodar
There are 3 normal flying mounts and 4 epic flying mounts. Full cost is 550g
The Winterspring Frostsaber will cost 100g in WotLK.
Kurenai Mounts
Unarmored cost 56g
Armored cost 80g
There are 4 unarmored Talbuks and 4 Armored Talbuks. Total cost 544g
Netherwing Drakes
All drakes cost 200g, there are 6 Drakes, total cost is 1.2k gold. But since you’d already have one it’s pretty much only 1,000g. Just remember which one you chose at first.
Sha’tari Skyguard
All Nether Rays cost 160g, there are 5 Nether Rays, total cost is 800g
Cenarion Expedition
The Cenarion War Hippogryph costs 1.6k gold.
Alterac Valley
The Alterac Valley mount currently costs 50 AV marks, in WotLK however it’s cost will change to 50k honor.
So that’s the Stormpike Battle Charger for the Alliance, and the Horn of the Frostwolf Howler for the Horde.
PvP mounts (Rank 11 mounts)
The Black War mounts obtained from PvP are currently obtainable by handing in 30 AV, WSG and AB marks. In WotLK this changes so that all 5 of them cost 50k honor.
The unarmored mount costs
- 70 Halaa Battle Tokens and 15 Halaa Research Tokens
The armored mount costs
- 100 Halaa Battle Tokens and 20 Halaa Research Tokens
And that’s all of them, the total cost is 4,628g. This amount will let you buy 61 mounts earning you another mount. Once you’ve learnt 50 mounts you’ll obtain the achievement, Leading the Cavalry awarding you the Reins of the Albino Drake so I guess in a way it’s 62 mounts.
The only mounts that go down in cost are the faction mounts.
Am I missing any? And if you want me to also add the WotLK mounts I’m more than willing to do so, though I might completly restructure this post if I do.