General Forums Already Pushing for Breaking Changes

LOL no they won’t. Here are some reasons why:

I see countless people in favor of Classic+ touting OSRS as the greatest thing since sliced bread and that it should TOTALLY happen in WoW too…There are plenty of reasons why this shouldn’t happen, but let’s look at a couple of the obvious ones shall we?? The voting system on changes to OSRS is a HORRIBLE idea since even retail players could vote, which would screw it up for everyone all over again. Furthermore, many of the changes proposed to the OSRS community that were REJECTED, the devs chose to disregard the voting results and put the changes in anyway. How do you propose to keep the same thing from happening to WoW?? How do you keep Flying/LFG/LFD/transmog etc. OUT of the game if they get voted in?? You are already opening the door for Classic+ to be turned into retail by doing so. And no putting some arbitrary requirement to vote won’t help at all…Retail players will do whatever it takes to get the ability to vote and then turn the game into retail mark my words…all it will take is time

You are hinting at the OSRS style voting system like so many other Classic+ advocates and it’s hilarious. MANY of the changes to retail regarding QoL things were added because people on the forums QQ’d/whined/raged to Blizzard wanting them, and then finally got what they wanted, but the rest weren’t happy about it. It’s literally a REAL case of “You think you do, but you don’t”. The fact that the SAME players who asked for those changes/features to be made/added to the game now think “We know better what the game needs” is laughable…Your hubris will be the game’s undoing

This guy gets it

All of those things are in retail. Please just let us have our game

Horizontal progression will never happen because it does not actually work and it is not compelling to players.

Class balance is THE MOST NEEDED change by far.

An increase in level cap is a required incentive for players to engage in content.

None of the things you listed here were actually negatives to the game in any way, shape or form.

this reminds me of vanilla threads right before tbc.

“QoL improvements”

they did listen to those people. over 10 years of hot garbage.
retail ----------------> over there

And transmogs, please Blizzard, transmogs!

I actually didn’t do that at all, but okay, I guess.

No, neither of you get it and it’s painfully apparent.

All I’m doing is letting you all know that changes are inevitable. I don’t know how any of you can come to any other conclusion… You’re already seeing dozens of posts asking for changes literally every day.

You don’t need to argue that changes are bad because you’re not going to convince anyone of that if they don’t already agree with you. You don’t need to argue about why Classic is better than retail. You don’t need to argue ANYTHING. What you need to do… and hopefully this is the last time i have to say it… is make sure that Blizzard knows there are enough people that want “#NoChanges” servers to make sure that some exist.

Because changes are wholly and fully inevitable. The signs are plain to see if you care to actually look. But its no skin off my teeth if you don’t listen, because I want changes so all I have to do is cruise along and wait for them.

Let me put you an example and im sure the majority of the people playing Wow-Classic will accept this content

Lets say blizzard release TBC expansion into "Classic-WoW under this “RULES”

  • TBC areas will have quests lv 1 to lv 60 to have another “path” to LV-UP

  • TBC end game dungeons & raids will have. “SIDE-UPGRADES” comparable with Moten-Core or Nax but Classic-wow end game “GEAR” will continue being relevant on a horizontal-gear progression model

  • Races TBC will be added.

  • Heroic/Mythic difficulty for all classic dungeons-raids and TBC-Classic+

Increasing the level cap, adding flying mounts and the vertical progression model is actualy what made Modern-WoW on the garbage game that is. FF14 is a lot better game than modern-wow to be honest

LOL and guess what?? You chose a horrible example to use as a “better game” because FF14 HAS FLYING ALSO. The horizontal progression system in that game is a MAJOR rat’s nest to figure out which dungeons to do next and in what order…it tends to confuse people after a certain point

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Adding flying mounts is 100% separate to everything else you’ve mentioned. Why mention it so casually?

Vertical progression is the ONLY progression. You cannot progress sideways. That is not progression.

I wholly dislike everything you’ve suggested here and would prefer there never be Classic+ or TBC at all before ANY of what you’re suggesting.

The very idea of a “horizontal-gear progression model” is completely counter to the very core of an MMORPG.

It won’t work. It won’t be used. It would never even be considered.

Love how you cherry picked my entire post down to one singular statement and then hand waved/disregarded the rest. You failed to address ANY of my points about the OSRS style voting system and how it would turn Classic+ into retail which will inevitably wreck the game for those who want it…why is that?? Because you can’t refute them, so you simply chose to ignore it instead

If you increase level 60 to lv 70 on classic-wow. You break the game.

  • You make obsolete the classic raids & dungeons
  • You make obsolete all the PvP-PvE gear of Classic
  • You make a different game because the classes will be more powerfull now with these 10 levels.

So no vertical-gear progression is actualy what destroyed the MMRPG genre. FFXI & Classic-WoW were doing amazing 2004 to 2008 until they started with the aggresive VERTICAL-PROGRESSION and that killed their games

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this did tick me off
it was a complete reset every expansion. It incentivized me to play other games.

“welp another reset fellas, time to play eve online”

I didn’t address any of it because I was never advocating for any of that. I’m not going to engage with you and give a counter argument to a point I never made…

I very clearly stated that I never suggested an OSRS style system at all, nor do I think one would work. The WoW community couldn’t come to a consensus on something to save its collective life.

Why on earth would I spend time addressing points you tried to make against me when not a single one of them actually applies to anything I’ve said…?

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When everyone else is moving forward, staying the same is moving backwards

Fair enough…but that tends to be a much discussed topic when people who oppose Classic+ give reasons why it wouldn’t be feasible since the original devs who made Vanilla don’t work for Blizzard anymore and that Blizzard couldn’t do it justice…so everyone brings up OSRS as their “ace in the hole” so to speak

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You’re playing the wrong genre of game if you think old content becoming obsolete is bad.

I’ve seen this too and I think it’s ridiculous.

Every problem needs its own solution and while looking at what others have done to solve similar problems can be helpful, it only takes a cursory glance at the WoW community to know that the OSRS system could not ever work for us.

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Classic is an emulation of the original product released (to the best of their ability).

The only ‘changes’ I would want is correcting bugged content so that it will perform the way it did during its time (i.e. Freezing Trap + FD bug, which has been addressed by a blue post now)

Anything else should be re-directed to a thread that pertains to the idea of Classic+ or re-directed to Retail. Classic isn’t meant to undergo balance, QoL, or any other form of ‘change’. It’s meant to preserve the game -AS WAS- back during its time.

Anyone else who thinks otherwise, is just wrong entirely in their opinion as the purpose of this idea was not to make a new game but give those who wanted to return back to a previous version they enjoyed thoroughly more than the current retail version. Inbalances, low drop rates, etc. All of it included.

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OMG really??? :flushed:

Where?? Link please :smiley:

People thought they did, and they didn’t.