General Forums Already Pushing for Breaking Changes

YAY!!! TYVM :sunglasses:

Break this argument then

FFXI add 3 expansions Rise of Zilart, Chains of promatia, Treasures arth urgan and Wings of the godesss. During this years FFXI had 750k to 1M of “ACTIVE-SUBS” being the second more sucessfull pay to play model game after WoW.

On the moment they increase the Level-Cap the game went to red numbers and never could recover their playerbase.

As you see is perfectly “VIABLE” a model like this and on CLASSIC-WOW this will be a total “Hit” cuz that will only add more content + stuff to do the playerbase

a lot of what happened to retail is because of player feedback…


I really dislike having to level up again every gd expansion. Especially since you don’t even get spells for it anymore. Feels like a demotivating artificial time gate.

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i don’t know if you can honestly make this claim

and yet you want the community to provide feedback to blizzard on how to change classic…

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LOL first you bring up FF14 now you are talking about FF11…which game is it that is SO MUCH better than WoW?? Be consistent here.

FF11 was a really bad game because a lot of it involved grinding mobs to level up…not quite as bad as EQ, but bad enough IMO

FF14 has flying mounts in the game also, and has had them since the Heavensward expansion, which came out at the SAME TIME that Ion and company tried removing flight from WoW during the WoD expac…Blizzard lost over a million subs during that debacle and now we have Pathfinder in the game as a result. A huge number of players quit WoW for FF14 because they LIKED flying…so not a good argument there at all.

As to the horizontal progression system it has…like I said after a certain point it gets confusing as to which dungeons to do next…and many of them involve gearing up with weapons/armor to counter certain bosses in later dungeons due to either special abilities they provide or having elemental strengths/weaknesses…which IMO is no different than having to gear up with fire resist for MC/Ony/BWL, or needing nature resist for AQ/ZG, or needing frost resist for Naxx. It’s still the same concept only done differently, but with MANY more dungeons and people tend to get lost on the progression path because of it…it’s too convoluted

Because it’s true. Players aren’t asking to relive the entire WoW experience. If Blizzard ever launches legacy servers for the other expacs they too will be self-contained.

lol the problem is there are a mixed group of “communities” here. The #nochanges community, the Classic+ community, and the retail community…how are you going to know which of those communities is giving proper feedback and which are just there to wreck the game (in this case Classic+) for everyone else???

Yeah, but those are literally the changes everyone agrees we need. Oh, and faster mail, too.

Those are changes a few of you agree we need. A lot of us think those are terrible ideas.


You don’t get it…

ANY changes at all…just opens the door for someone to pipe up and come to Blizzard with changes THEY want also…they will say “But you added/changed things for them…so why not me??” One thing will lead to another, and then it snowballs and we end up with some frankenstein of a game…A hybrid between Classic and retail. NO TY

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People don’t really understand this. The other big reason for ‘No Changes’ is that if Blizzard start changing/balancing things it creates more work for them and I’m guessing Blizzard wants Classic to be as low overhead as possible.

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Considering how lazy the devs have become with not wanting to design zones with flying in mind post WoD when they TRIED to remove it entirely, and as a means to artificially extend content so they don’t have to churn it out more frequently I agree completely. Most profit for the least effort…it’s all about that bottom line. The desire to make the game “fun” for players to WANT to play was exchanged instead for giving the players busy work via emissaries/WQs making them feel like they HAVE to play to keep up with progression.

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The point of Classic is that it doesn’t change. It follows Vanilla.

Retail is the version of WoW with changes, and it can be good (Legion was good).

this group can’t even agree with each other. you have some saying that only changes in the spirit of vanilla, you have others who seem to want to turn classic into retail at level 60.

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That’s absolutely true…I’ve seen the whole gamut of them over the last few months and have been in most of those threads right along with you :rofl:

Oh, I get it. You’re the one who missed the obvious joke I made when I quoted someone’s list of changes as “literally” the only changes we all agree we need and then added one more.

What’s so hard about just making a thread about potential Classic+ stuff? Classic WoW is not the game to change. It exists BECAUSE of changes.

Sarcasm is hard to infer from text unless you make it SUPER obvious…so yes I mistook your post as being serious. My mistake