Gearing a ret paladin in Classic (PVP)

Hi, everyone!

How to gear up a ret paladin for pvp? Taking into account that reaching r14 is impossible and that almost no one will accept a paladin (dps) in a raid?

Thanks in advance!


Also false.



Classic allowed for utility classes and more flexible raid composition due to larger sizes since the classes weren’t balanced around arenas/“esports”. That’s not to say that a very skilled, geared dps Paladin can’t compete but the deck is stacked against them for hitting those high dps numbers. That being said, if a raid has satisfied their healing requirements yet still need X Paladins for optimal buff utility then you have a home in that raid.

Delete the toon and roll almost anything else.

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Have someone craft you a Nightfall, especially if no one else in the raid is the nightfall guy.

Also, don’t play like a warrior with mana, play a Paladin, and use all of your tools, not just a dps monkey.


DPS/HPS meters will kill many hybrid hopefuls. It happened as they gained popularity in Vanilla, and will happen for non PS players in Classic that want to do PVE.

There’s no quantifiable way to measure how your nightfall proc helped the raid, or your blessings. There’s just meters. And being at the bottom is going to demoralize many players into rerolling.

I know it will happen, because it’s already happened.


Huh? You know logs exist that track uptime and when and where the debuff procced. You can easily math out how much the Nightfall proc contributed during the windows the debuff existed.

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Item Level 58
Binds when equipped
Two-Hand Axe
26 - 56 Damage Speed 3.60
(11.4 damage per second)
Durability 120 / 120
Chance on hit: Spell damage taken by target increased by 15% for 5 sec.
Requires Level 60

Sure there is, just takes some math efforts and a proc meter. Figure out how many times nightfall procs, then determine how long the fight took. Take 15% of all spell damage the target took during the times it was up, and attribute that damage done to its weilder.

Something like this an Addon would excel at.

Stack as much +spell dmg and strength as possible. Make sure you get seal of command so you can one shot anything in the game.

Then wake up, log on, and make sure you’re specced holy with as much +healing and intel as possible.


Do you know where those logs are or have examples?

Would be great to see ret damage with and without nightfall.

This always made me wonder what enh pve damage was if you could account for the nightfall debuff plus improved windfury totem.

Macro 1:
/in 1+ /script for i=1,16 do local texture = UnitDebuff(“target”,i); if texture and texture == “Interface\Icons\Spell_Holy_ElunesGrace” then NfCount = NfCount + 1; DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(NfCount) end end

Macro 2:
/script SM_INFRAME:Hide(); NfCount = 0

Macro 1 looks at the target and assesses whether the Nightfall debuff is up or not every second - if it is, then it adds +1 seconds to the running tally that shows up in your chat window. Once the boss dies, you simply calculate the total number of seconds of uptime compared to the fight duration which gives you total uptime:

Macro 2 resets your chat scroll and then you reset your UI to track it again

You can then go back and calculate the total magic dps against the boss from casters, Rogue poisons, sapper/crystal charges, holy waters, etc… and then multiply that by the total uptime percentage to show your total raid contribution while swinging Nightfall:

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It’s like he could sense it.

i felt a disturbance in the force…


No guild that is going anywhere will allow a ret paladin in the raid, period. I wouldn’t even allow one in a level 60 5 man.

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This is not even remotely true. I mean guilds not allowing ret paladins if they plan on actually clearing content, not your 5 man rule.

But, enjoy the game how you wish to play it!

you seem angry friend

Hardcore too much?

nope…just raided Naxx 40 with a paladin. We had a very geared paladin who was an exceptional player back in vanilla guess what he was doing in our 40 mans? cleansebot/heals.

I do think we allowed him to dps in MC after we were starting alt runs in MC/BWL. If you are able to heal or cleanse that is ALL you will be doing if youre in a guild thats progressing.

sorry friend, but you’re way of thinking is outdated

I keep seeing posts saying you don’t even need 40 people to raid, and that the game is too easy.

If the game is so easy, then why is it a big deal for a guild mate to play a spec of his choosing.