Gearing a ret paladin in Classic (PVP)

Well this is blatantly untrue most Paladins have points in Ret so therefore you are allowing Ret paladins into your raids and likely dungeon groups.

I wonder what their progression level in Naxx 40 was…

Will I be able to use a spelladin build in pvp too?

Don’t be ignorant, you understand perfectly what is being discussed. There will be a BOK pally and the rest will be holy or they wont be raiding.

Implying reaching Naxx 40 was be end all of Classic when it really wasn’t

I did Naxx Progression with 2 Rets we got pretty far all things considering, didn’t full clear but it certainly wasn’t there fault it was an overwhelming raid group problem.

Also yes your way of thinking belongs in the Elitist trash of 2005.


It is quantifiable, just the addons and logs don’t currently do it. If we know how much nightfall adds, and we know how much others are doing we can calculate how much nightfall contributed. A more detailed addon could generate such a report

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The elitist trash of 2005 will be playing the raid that was built in 2005. There isn’t a 2019 solution to the 2005 raid. Why would I bring a mediocre hybrid dps to a raid when I can bring a hard hitting pure dps? Besides buffs and cleanse there is nothing a pally does that isnt done better by another class.

Ah, you’re that kind of raider.

Alright cool I will look forward to you getting kicked out of your guild for bringing that kind of mentality. (Unless you form your own in which case good look getting the necessary amount of Raiders.)

The answer is clear as night btw, because who the f**k cares? There are 40 slots and unless you are a min-maxing trying to go for world first stuff hardcore of hardcore then there is honestly no reason not to either.

The same reason people will take mediocre DPS in Retail over what is statistically better if it’s just a regular old raid and not some hardcore min-maxing BS.

Tell me why I shouldn’t bring it?


It won’t affect me anyways as I’m rolling horde for classic. I’m not sure why my post hurt you so badly when it was fact in 2005 and will be fact again in 2019. I’m just trying to point out the delusion of some posters here. It doesn’t require a hardcore guild or min/maxing to want to be successful. A guild thats going nowhere will fall apart long before a guild that is getting somewhere in the game.

Except plenty of guilds in 2005 raided fine with Rets or the other ‘lolspecs’

I’m not proclaiming they were amazing or at the top of anything but it happened and most of those guilds were fine.

A guild falling apart probably had far more issues then a Ret Pally being in it FYI, this whole ‘Guild fall apart’ argument makes f**k all sense because I doubt 1 DPS role which can easily be replaced will destroy an entire guild.

I’m seeing a lot of troll answers on here.

The most efficient way will be for you to spec Holy at the start, and then gear up with Ret as your offspec. You won’t really have any competition for 2H weapons since most “real” dps classes need 1H’s.

Once MC/BWL is on farm you’ll mainly be competing with Fury warriors and Prot offspec for loot. And I’ve heard most plate items from raids aren’t good for Fury anyways.

If you insist on only playing Ret, you’ll need to farm the crap out of dungeons and craft up decent stuff. Getting Nightfall will make you more attractive for raids, but warrior OTs with it will be more desirable.

This is incorrect considering Spelladin doesn’t stack AP, Spelladins will be to busy wanting stuff Fury’s either can’t even use or have no business touching.

It’s very sad. I think I’ll roll a hunter or rogue to pvp anyway. e.e’

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Not true paladin has higher uptime on nightfall even then hamstring spam and doesn’t cause the warrior to waste his dps.

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^^^ding ding ding^^^

This would also benefit a spelladin. Hmmm something to consider.

Considering the onyxia head has a cooldown and not every guild will be doing world buffs the disparity isn’t as bad as you think. Paladins require a lot but if your allies aren’t tunneled excessive buffs then your contribution even swinging SoC isn’t that far behind.

I’m thinking of going holy for dungeons till I get some gear and then when pvp is released sticking to that since the blue pvp set is nice for ret!

“I won’t do it. Therefor, no one will do it.”


This is the age old question answered in full; “Does a garbage can know it’s a garbage can?”

Clearly, no, it doesn’t. Because it cannot think beyond itself.