Gear shouldnt matter in pvp

Anytime i use it on Alliance theres always groups and always people looking for groups.

Prime times not bad. Seriously though, outside of that it’s God aweful man. I’ve never seen it this bad and I played horde side in wod when everyone was alliance and the seasons went on for years.

Wow, what a thoroughly ghastly compromise. Going somewhere unpleasant to get something one “needs” is why most of us have jobs, it should not be in our recreational gameplay. I don’t disagree with you, but you spelling that out, it becomes obvious that this indeed is the case.

For more years than I can admit (to having played this game), I have wondered how some players feel that the rationale of “me hab gooder gear, me stomp u, me better den u” is accurate. “Better” to me is when two players enter combat equally geared, and the person with the most skill prevails. Luck has some role to play, but luck goes both ways. Evolve it into team play and the variables multiply. Nonetheless, the team with better skill will prevail on most occasions.

We all want better gear; we all want to win. Everybody likes having an advantage that facilitates these things. However, having an advantage does not make a player better, and the players who have advantages should understand that. You are truly better if you pick a fight with a peer, an equal, and you win the fight.

Variable gear ranking just widens an already wide gap, and creates the situation of players quitting rather than face the ultimate humiliation of LOSING IN A VIDEO GAME.

Please, indulge my irony…


Wrong dude to preach on since, generally speaking I agree. Just saying that if you want to play arenas gear isn’t really as much of an issue than if you don’t but still enjoy the casual aspects…

Sorry, I was not clear, I am agreeing with your comments even though I find it very unfortunate that a game has to be a “not enjoyable experience”. Honestly it really boils down to the simple fact that some players can’t have fun unless they win. Even more to the point, they that don’t like losing sometimes blame everything and everyone for their failure. If you compete, there is always the risk that you might lose.

It is just unfortunate that we are trying to find some pleasure in our free time and it has become yet another grind.


No matter what any “git gud” type states or says, it’s laughable if they feel that being 240+ and beating up on a 220 is a “solid”. Sure you can say MMO, progression, whatever, but bottom line it’s a gear win. And most who defend it either simply don’t care how they win or simply need to gear gap for a comfort thing…

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The entire problem is blizzard created a monster disparity in Gear and then allows them to come into BGS and play only to destroy lesser geared players. This is after those players ground for weeks to get full 216 gear and still they are one two or 3 shotted…

They should not be allowed in bgs they are destroying them for everyone else. Either dont allow them in bgs or govern them down to be equal with full 216

    We have Raiders with no pvp gear that come in dont try to win and DESTROY everyone..

      So msny people have complained about this and it just keeps falling on deaf ears...they ve lost players over it and they are guaranteed to lose more...

       To be honest I truly believe they dont care...they used to care at one time and they used to LISTEN to the players,  those days are gone...seems they are more worried about keep gladiators and mythic raiders happy and everyone else can eat cake and making sure none of the very most sensitive amongst us feel this game is going implode one day

Yeah, I remember doing this with my raider buddies back in wrath.

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Yep. I was Horde back at that time and we used to do AV as a guild raid group after our progression raids. We were all in PvE gear, but the advantage was HUGE (especially on voice). We did two AV’s one night a week for nothing other than to wind down. It was really interesting when our alliance nemesis Q’d…

Today it is difficult to get people to go the same direction, let alone dismount and shoot at something. The losing team spends most of it’s time at the graveyard…learning new and creative ways to piss each other off in chat.

Good ol Vivendi era, changed it in ICC.
ICC really ushered in Gear Score (GS) ilvl fomo systems, with it beastly PVE raid gear in PVP. Shadowmourne! etc.
This carried through to CATA with strong/mandatory PVE raid pieces, namely Trinkets in rated settings.
Then we had MOP in which PVP gear returned to it’s BIS position.
Sound correct?

Unless your PvP gear has versatility you are better off with honor gear. Most mythic gear doesn’t have versatility. On my Alliance Ret I had 15 Mythic gear and most didn’t have versatility, and yes I hit hard but was very squishy against players with honor gear.

I dunno… Does it depend on armour class? Cause I have almost all haste verse from M15. Rng can suck but if you do a season of m+ and chose haste verse from the vault you’re gonna do fine. It’ll take you longer but it’s much easier and less painful.

Don’t even try to compare PvE gear to the current pvp horrid gear fiesta we have right now . Just don’t .

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Make all instanced PVP the same ilvl, anyone and everyone can join and not have an advantage over others.
The grind is for gear to use in questing, levlling and warmode.

The grind right now is to grind out honor, grind out covenant levels, grind out enchants, gems, sockets. JUST TO BE COMPETITIVE!

I find pre level 60 pvp more fun, there’s no complicated, gated bullsh!t, no covenants or sockets, just you and 9 to 39 other players with your talents, pvp talents and slight differences in gear. And before hitting level 60, EVERYONE can have very similar gear as the gear doesn’t have that ridiculous grind.

The idea: Everyone get’s scaled to a specific ilvl. Honor is the only currency and allows the purchase of a base set to use outside of instanced PVP, upgradeable via more honor or other means (similar to crafter’s marks) so that the upgrade grind can also be done outside of instanced PVP. Blacksmiths can buy the honor recipe and can sell upgrades.
The honor gear comes with sockets where players can gem socket secondary stats and the secondary stats carry over into instanced pvp, enchants for more tweaking, inscription allows reforging of secondary stats on the gear, all purchaseable via honor or gold, whatever suits your playstyle.
A mage entering instanced PVP, loaded with haste and crit at the same ivl as everyone else. A pure glass canon as they didn’t consider any versatility at all.

Remove grinds like covenant grinds. We just want to PVP, not save the world.

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If you couldn’t gear in this 9 month season it was never going to happen for you.

Totally agree, but the problem isn’t that these people hate gearing. They hate losing to other players and blame gear as the culprit when skill is an obvious major component of their failures.

A common refrain from bad and/or lazy players.

Skillful players don’t need a gear advantage to win in PvP.

PvP is supposed to be competitive, so I think it’s more fun when the playing field is level. Large power gaps ruin that sense of competition.

SL PvP’s poor gearing design has created a higher barrier of entry that prevents players from jumping into random bgs and having fun. The progression is nonsensical/backwards. Players are now advised to gear up first in more difficult content before they do random bgs. Imagine if PvE were like this. If you want to be ok in LFRs, you first need to gear up in mythic dungeons/raids.


No, they fight other skilled people to acquire this gear.

It is.

Season is like 9 months old. Altoholics are the ones that are punished, and that is fine.

They gain a gear advantage over others in random bgs, resulting in larger power gaps. This tilts the playing field further and games become less competitive.

I’m not sure why it’s fine to punish alts. More concerningly, SL’s system makes it harder for new players to participate in PvP. People are leaving the game because of it.

See Venruki’s video: