Gear shouldnt matter in pvp

These things aren’t mutually exclusive. Your healer having to use their trinket after your trinket + defensive not being enough is basically game over.

This is usually just lack of damage foresight, occasionally mechanical error.

1- They did it, it sucked, and everyone eventually does have the exact same gear after the gearing process. Nothing gained from your system.
2- Gear is not why you are getting losses after losses in pvp content. You need to simply get better at pvp. also, the gear you do have is not optimised, or enchanted.

this is LITERALLY a Lie.

It should’ve read: if you actually play the game and win some.

"Gear is not why you are getting losses after losses in pvp content. "

this is literally the GO TO GAS LIGHTING Technique that the Elitist and geared community has been using for years. YEARS.

How you can sit there and with a straight face tell someone who has 30k HP, and you’ve got 60k HP, that he DIED because “hes bad” is this games most commonly used gas lighting BS


wait so for years, you’ve been undergeared and complaining about it, then? It takes ONE WEEK to get geared. what are you doing with your time?


No it literally does not.

I came back from 6 months off. on the 6th day (also working fulltime) i was fully geared and upgraded to 1800. What do you mean it does not? Week 3 at the moment and have 20k+ conquest on the side to gear alts as well.


Well you’re lying, i don’t know what else to say about it. unless you purchased boosts , which is highly likely considering how toxic your side of the community is over this topic.


Toxic? whisper me in-game I will literally help you gear up within a week with very little effort. Quit whining, join some RATED pvp content for actual rewards, everything I said here you could verify and confirm, it’s not hard.


While I agree the gist of what you are saying, what he is saying is 100% achievable depending on a few variables. They include RNG, potential boosts, and “friends” with gear/skill/ranking. You also need the “desire” to pvp in a box and expect to lose for sure in certain scenarios/matchups/bad RNG.

I don’t have any particular issues with how things go if you play rated arena, just what transpires outside of it in other content against players who “choose” for whatever reason to not participate since they are at a laughable disadvantage in most cases to these “better” players.

You are right that the “git gud” mindset/symptom comes out sometimes here but it’s usually associated with some tryhard rated folks that are simply having too much fun winning easily outside of arenas and they don’t want to lose that so, here we are :slight_smile:

If you care about rated, you should be able to accomplish your goals if you put in the effort it just might not be an enjoyable experience.

I was like 170 item level when comp stomp started, lol

Have you ever tried it from the alliance side? Guess not.

You have fewer options but it’s definitely possible.

I’d just log in, check for a healer around my CR then log out if I didn’t see one.

Watching people jump through mental hoops to justify having to spend a week before they get to have some measure of fun is amusing to me when I can just jump into a 51-59 game and play and have fun.

This is true, I saw you a few times in there while I was trying (and failing, he’d rather just farm gold) to get my fiance to get geared for PvP.

It’s dull, but an excellent opportunity to get a character caught up. I know a few people who might end up coming back to play Alli, or swapping over to Alli, so I wanted to make sure I had two chars setup.

That initial 170-220ish window is rough, especially for newcomers without comp stomp, which is why I had hoped they’d either make a crafted set or decrease the cost of honor upgrades (or have honor pieces just come fully upgraded).

It literally does.

It’s really not as bad as people think.

If you’re not queing prime time it really is. I have screen shots, because I couldn’t believe it, from the first half of the season where there were 4 people looking for 2s in lfg ally side (arenas) lol… 4… I’d que up as healer looking for low cr 3s and got zero applicants for like half an hour.

I can’t imagine it got magically better. Deadest seasons on record I’m sure.

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