Gear shouldnt matter in pvp

Pvp is like an sport, and so, only skill should matter, imagine a race between a ferrari and a corolla, you cant call that a competition.
In all pvp games (mobas, fps, etc…) only skill matter.
Even other famous MMOS like FF14.

If you have a 200itl (wich is alot) and find someone who is 210 in world pvp you simply cannot kill him unles hes a completly unskilled player.
If i face someone with less itl than me and win i think i won because of my gear not my hability and thats bad too.
The best fights are when you face ppl with similar itl, those fights you really cheer when you win and think where you did wrong when lose, and where you could improve.

I think this would end many pvp problems we have now.

Other issue are alts, who plays pvp like to play with many classes, but leveling an alt in insane, i think this only makes the game less fun, access to more class variety would make people play better pvp, specially new players, maybe would even boost a competitive scenario in wow like we have in other pvp games like mobas.

My idea would be maybe a selection of gear, trinkets, etc… with diferent status for you to choose for each toon.
Like a template but you make the template based on your playstime/meta, etc… And can change that at any time on a pvp npc.

This would also make easier for people who never played as a healer to play a healer on a BG for example.

Also there are people who work and study and dont have the time to farm gear just to do what they like (in my case BGs).


Gear should matter at least to a certain extent ; people want to get/feel more powerful.

It just shouldn’t determine outcomes on its own.


I mean it really doesn’t matter that much compared to other expansions…if my mates and I are winning RBG’s on our alts when the highest rated player on our team is 202 ilvl vs a team of 210+ ilvls then idk what to tell Ya.


Gear matters a lot more this expansion than since pre- mop. And probably longer than that.


Yeah I also won an RBG with 50 iLevel against 2.4k rated 220 iLevel players, definitely not lying or anything.


Except I’m not lying lmao. It’s not the gear that is killing you its the overtuned spells and the fact that the average random bger doesn’t know how to counter them.


This is pretty much on par with exactly how MOP PVP was when it was launched.

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Not even close.

If this was MoP then anyone with Epic PvP gear has equivalent item level, and the environment would be completely balanced item level wise.

There was absolutely no need to reinvent the wheel and reward higher ranked players with higher item level gear. It defies all competitive logic and not even the AWC (Arena World Championship) follows these rules, everyone uses the same ilvl gear. I wonder why? Perhaps it has something to do with fair competition and skill + cooperation determing outcome than ilvl having anything to do with it?

Item level advantages did not exist in MoP unless you had honor gear, which in that case you were only behind on time before you eventually earned the same conquest gear the highest ranked player on the ladder has. Because PvP is about skill progression once you begin to compete not gear progression and it has never been that way, ESPECIALLY not in MoP.


Honor gear blue set -> Conquest gear epic set.

That’s as far as it should go, because that worked for over a decade and the only complaints were class balance not item level rewards or player power. There was never any complaints that player power increasing with rating would make the game better.

Instead now we have players identifying with their common sense that the rich getting richer is a bad system. Because that is a bad system.


Item level advantages barely exist in SL. Like I said before its the overturned bursty spells by classes that is the problem.

Was your mom’s milk tainted or something?


Probably was tainted with the ability to not suck at a 16 year old game and blame it on gear every expac idk.

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Lol what, yes it matters. I can go up against a team with little to no verse and destroy them. They are glass cannons and if you play right you will win.

Do I think gear should matter? Well its a MMORPG so yeah gear should matter to some degree. Should it make you OP no it shouldn’t.


One of the issues is are folks like you who might be great players, “cherry pick” themselves to form a hypothesis on how things “generally” are.

You are dreaming though if you think that gear doesn’t matter in this expansion. That’s insanity or simply trolling as this expansion is way more than others.


Person A: 25K HP, dmg lower due to primary stat being lower
Person B: 35K HP, dmg higher due to primary stat being higher

No scaling, same classes using same abilities at the same skill level.

Pingazlol: Gear advantage barely exists in SL


Does it matter?

If you are lower skilled but higher geared, you will eventually settle into the proper MMR for your skill + gear level, which get you to a CR that will not reward you with gear upgrades.

If you are higher skilled but lower geared, you will eventually settle into the proper MMR and begin to progress your gear and raise your MMR and CR, which combined with your higher skill will carry you up the ladder.

Yes, gear can give you an advantage, but because the reward system was built properly, and fairly generously I might add, it will provide players with the appropriate gear and ladder progression to match their skill level.

Gear and ladder progression is what makes WoW fun.

I think the system is working the way it is supposed to.

Now, if the only way to progress up the PvP ladder was to get high level PvE gear, which was true in previous seasons, I would agree with the original poster, but the way it is working in SL, if anything the reverse is true, where people are using the rather generous PvP gear to supplement their progression in the rather stingy PvE reward system.

People in my predominantly PvE progression guild are actually doing organized RBGs in order to acquire a few pieces to supplement their PvE progression, and oddly, having a ton of fun in the process. Squeaking out a close WSG match against a high MMR team, and getting some big rank-ups out of it, brought as many cheers on Discord as downing a difficult Mythic raid boss, and maybe more.

I actually think the system is working impressively well.


Hard disagree. WoW’s PvP makes for a terrible e-sport and the balance and systems have suffered from Blizzard’s attempts to push it.

This game has always been an MMORPG and, like with any RPG, character progression is extremely important. That’s the bottom line. People seem to “forget” this when they’re tired of progressing their characters.


This is false. Many people get gear from carries and “skill” isn’t the primary factor in RBG success (aside from a few roles). Social networking and what class/spec you are playing is a large part of that.

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What’s your point? People can get gear from carries in PvE as well. You’re never going to get rid of carrying on a basic level, and any team with more than 1 player is going to have some differential in skill between two or more players, so someone is always getting a little bit carried.

With the ELO formula this season, if you’re really carrying grossly underskilled people you’re not going to break into the highest ladder ranks, whether we’re talking 2v2, 3v3 or RBGs. That RBGs rewards a different subset of PvP skills than those typically found in 2v2 and 3v3, IE setting up low TTK CC-chain combo kills, and rather tending more towards strategy, logistics, coordination and communication, is still a positive for the game as a whole, providing a parallel PvP progression track for a parallel skillset.

I think Blizzard has done an excellent job with the progression systems in SL in general (though I still think they need to bring back reroll coins for raids), it’s very clear that they want parallel progression tracks for different types of players, and also the greatest potential progression for people who choose to explore a combination of raiding, mythic dungeons and PvP. There exists challenging tiers of content, or challenging ladder matchmaking, for players of all skill levels in each type of content, and that’s a good thing.

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Except the system places people of different gear tier levels against each other either naturally (randoms) or via manipulation (rated). The system of not having to do much PvE in order to PvP is excellent, however.