GDKP Runs are textbook sharp practice

I’m honestly surprised people are still so upset about GDKPs. Like it or not, Classic has become a game where you either have to have the money for GDKPs, or the time to dedicate to guild runs. If you have neither of those things, you’re probably going to not clear as many raids. Sure, there are SR raids going all the time (at least on mega servers), but those generally tend to be worse than GDKPs.

At this point, after three years, GDKPs should be a dead issue. Either accept them or move on.

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So you encounter a toxic group running last tier’s raid as a GDKP (red flag #1) and you can suddenly that ascribe behavior to every GDKP ever?

Another blanket statement known to be false by many who actually participate in GDKP runs.

GDKP is an exceptional pug loot system when supported by discord communities to ensure some level of accountability. It rewards everyone for coming even if they don’t get loot. It strongly incentivizes staying for the entire run. The system has huge upsides not even considering the amount of gold one can make from big bidders.

Kind of a braindead opinion tbh. GDKPs somehow excuse Blizzard being utterly incompetent? lol

Heroic+ is awful :rofl:

What is the spirit of the game for you because to me it’s community, what people consider to be the spirit of the game is subjective because it’s based on ones feelings. You’re attaching your feelings to a definition no one else knows except for youself and disregarding what other peoples version of the spirit of the game is because the answer isn’t singular.

The regulars of GDKP’s are essentially in a guild, the do everything a guild would do maybe save for guild events and having a guild bank. Like I said above to me an MMO is all about community, GDKP’s accomplish this by being a psudo-guild and sometimes they even make it an actual guild based around the GDKP format.

There’s nothing wrong with GDKP’s, the fact that RMT is associated with GDKP’s doesn’t make GDKP’s bad. You should be going after the bots that make RMT possible instead of GDKP’s, the GDKP format would still exist even without bots pumping gold to players.

Inflation can’t happen when the gold in question is staying within the hands of those who do GDKP’s, there’s no way for it to circualte. Also, thing’s don’t cost more because of inflation, in every situation I’ve experienced (yes, this is an opinion) things cost more when there’s a sudden demand the supply can’t match (new phase), layers get removed/reduced or when they’ve banned bots (which ties into supply).

Farming mats, crafting for a profit and flipping, I do two of those things and I’ll tell you now that if you think that bots and harming your ability to flip items or sell items for a profit then you’re either not trying hard enough or you’re too uninformed about what to do.

I emplore you to tell me what loot sytem is better than GDKP.

Just ask anyone who plays chess and they’ll tell you how GDKPs are against the spirit of the game :smiley:


Authenticator does give 4 extra bag slots. You can also turn off the Authenticator to not need to be used every time you log in and still keep your bag slots

It only prompts the first time you log in from a new device typically, unless you specifically request it reset.

There are plenty of non gdkp runs. Why are you trying to join a gdkp with little gold or carry potential?

You won’t get gear. So what’s the point? Just get gold while doing mediocre damage? Why would they not pick someone who will carry or spend?

Very true. It feels “icky”.

When you used to admire a well geared player, now I just assume to spit on them. Just another gold buying gdkp spamming noob. I know this is a prejudice that is not entirely true, but it’s sticking.

and GDKP shouldn’t be banned, it’s Blizz’s fault they let RMT/bots run rampant.

I think GDKP is a legit fun system, the downside is it created a huge demand for gold, and essentially turned WoW into P2W, because Blizz left RMT to go largely unchecked.
Severely tarnishing the game.
I’m conflicted, because I don’t believe in punishing the whole over a few bad apples.
Let’s be honest here tho, when it comes to GDKP and RMT, the bad apples are more than a few.
…but at the same time I really dgaf about gdkp raids either. Maybe they should be eliminated.

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It’s the same with any kind of pugs, most GDKPs are pugs. Join a static group if you want social interaction, GDKPs have nothing to do with that.

There’s your problem.
This is an old game. Nothing you see on a toon is new anymore.

And GDKP has been around since vanilla. It’s just more common now because the game has been around for 20 years.

On that we agree.
Which is why I find it odd that people want to ban GDKP when blizzard doesn’t deal with the current ToS violators.

Banning botting would help solve the issue.

well itll help with bot issues, but it wont get you invited to groups. that’s what i meant. back in the day it was reserve runs and required gearscore. players will always exclude other players. bots or no bots

As would banning gold buyers… but I suspect they will add tokens in order to monetize RMT instead of banning buyers.

I’m honestly surprised they’ve held out on this for so long.

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likewise… but they still haven’t added race change either, which is odd considering how much more $$$ they’d make doing both.
It’s probably because they are working with a skeleton crew.

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Oh man will they ever.

Here is another post from yet another wannabe raider. Logs on, gets carried in raid and logs off.

Who is rolling a fresh 80 at this point? I dont mean a new level 80 alt. I mean, b4and new to the game fresh 80. NOBODY.

If you are some rare being that actually is a fresh 80, with no main to BUY your gear from the Auctuon house, because thats ok… you never see these silly posts saying buying gear on the auction house is against the spirit of the game. Lol.

If u just hit 80 and dont think gdkps shoukd exist, then why did you try to join one? Thats number 2 of why your post is obvious troll nonsense. And if there were no gdkp then what would you do? Join a guild? Run a pug raid? U mean one of those things that u could have done but instead wanted to go against the spirit of the game. And when u were denied, u decided to whine about it on the forums…

Gdkp are for players that spend a lot of time in the game. They have a lot of gold because they spend a lot of time in the game and gold making is easy so they dont need to buy it.

It is for experienced players to be able to have a way if spending thier excess gold on alts. And you dont like it. Guess what. Dont do it. Its that damn simple. But nope, u juat have to cry and claim its against the spirit. What? What is this spirit? It doesnt exisit. Its somethimg imaginary and because of that u can throw it around however YOU Want. Grow the hell up already.

I have noticed the increase of acronyms and systems in raids that I m not familiar with but at the same time I dont feel the need to learn these new things or get used to how a certain pool of players now “plays” the game.

I returned for my own needs, mainly to experience a past nostalgia that retail cannot provide. I ll be happy to play solo and do the occasional group

haha. all integrity n spirit of what classic is about has slowly been taken out of da game.

take a look at dis guild asking for da gold cap to be raised.
Gold cap too low . plus da same guild asking for nerfs Nerf Ulduar.

haha. here is a photo of a guilds guild master telling buyers in da gold selling discord how to get priority spots in da gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. green is gdkp leader.

imgur. com/a/yboW7Pw

a guild officer dat also sells gold on a discord while also running a gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discords.

imgur. com/a/YdnNCOj

screenshot of dat same guilds gdkp discord promoting da same gold selling discord. haha. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. yellow is leader.

imgur. com/a/GyQcgZf

45,000,000 gold sold in tbc classic with da price of 12 usd dollars per 1000 gold.

540,000 usd real money earned through one gdkp selling gold to people. no one can say dis does not ruin da spirit of classic.

da gold sellers only know how much more gold they have sold in wotlk classic over da past 9 months.

think about all da other gdkps n gold farming operations on da classic servers. dis is just one example.
