GDKP Runs are textbook sharp practice

You had me until “heroic+ is the only saving grace of this game…”

Boogie over here slamming down the evidence.

I know this is a rare case, but it is the prime example of GDKPs fueled by RMT and how it is a business for some.

Like he said, they are even pushing for higher gold cap so they can sell more and have higher bids, as well as pushing for easier raids so they can carry more buyers through for even greater profits.

Of course none of this affects me as its a different server and I farmed enough consumes to last through ICC, but groups like this push to try and change the feel and culture of the game for profit.

Seeing that happen not only in WoW but any game that has any player to player interaction just leaves me saddened by the gaming community.

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The amount of “dirty” gold flooding the economy, it’s already to late.

I can say I never have nor can I say any of my colleagues in IT have either. Making mistakes are human sure and data breaches happen all the time. However most human beings can’t even stick to a New Year’s resolution. I may just have more irreplaceable data or digital goods than others and having the knowledge of things like data breaches and some of the things you/I mentioned previously allows me to protect myself better than the average internet denizen.

I use temp mail mostly to avoid getting junk mail. They were talking about how many emails they had and I only have three, one for work, one personal one, and use temp emails to avoid getting more junkmail in those two. Not really like advice to keep things secure I just don’t like being bothered by emails I don’t want.

I do however suggest changing your passwords every so often as data breaches happen. I am not a huge fan on those programs or extensions that create or hold your passwords, but some are okay. I just don’t use them myself.

It’s not like I was giving them the advice of always using a VM for nearly everything you do, but it has useful applications especially when you have doubts.

In most cases people are “hacked” by phishing attempts and that to me seems really stupid as I haven’t fallen for it. I think it is okay to think people do stupid stuff and I clarified it to be contained in the subject of tech, so it wasn’t like I was saying people were complete morons as you may be a genius when it comes to something else. I feel that’s fair and if it hurts people’s feelings it’s not really my problem as it doesn’t matter to me if someone gets hacked, but if I provided even a sliver of any helpful advice that’s good enough.

I don’t think it is all that deep to get upset about and you are free to ignore me and do as you please.

I don’t want to. I don’t believe you to be genuine. Though that is something you do that I find funny when I see you do it to others.

I think you’re funny some times and some of your takes I agree with. I believe you are more than capable of protecting yourself compared to some people I have met.

I would much rather coexist with you without debating or arguing. Unless I see you post something outlandish and then I may say something, but as far as wow goes you seem to usually know your stuff.

Im literally a stupid truck driver.

I appreciate truck drivers. I have a friend that works IT in a distribution company. I can respect the profession as it literally integral to many people’s lives. Basically the lifeblood of most nations.

Edit: More clarification. I think in most cases looking down upon people for the profession they have is stupid. I will never understand why some people look down upon say a garbage man. Like what the hell are YOU gonna drive your garbage to the dump? No? Then shut up man have some respect.

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Bragging about a day’s wage worth of gold

I question the purpose of having “fresh 80s welcome” only to block the fresh 80s that respond to the random text THEY sent out. Glad trash like that isn’t on my realm. We don’t even have GDKP here, not that I’m against it.

Were all playing wotlk classic, maybe post on your wotlk toon and not your sock puppet like you tell everyone else.

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tell me you have no idea how wow economics work without telling me

He later back tracks and says that isnt the issue.

Even tho he says it clearly here its the issue.

Swipe harder.

Of course you dont have GDKP on your server considering Classic TBC doesnt even have servers.

What I find the most interesting about this thread is that certain people continue to use sophistry and argue semantics instead of understanding that this is the new/returning player experience. I never claimed that I was against GDKP. I even said that I don’t mind carries for gold, which GDKP are at their core, and took part in carries a long time ago in WoD in a previous reply. You would know that if you weren’t so narcissistic and capable of reading anything that that wasn’t written by you or directed at you.

What I’m frustrated with is how toxic the culture has gotten even around something that should be as cut and dry as a paid carry, player behavior that is detrimental to the game, people who try and justify that behavior, the refusal to do anything about it, and the desperate need to try and silence anyone who points it out.

RMT is a player made problem that players refuse to solve and will drive the developers to make drastic and dumb decisions in the future. The end result of RMT is the average GDKP run organized by and infested by the lowest common denominator looking for quick and low effort rewards. The GDKPs ran now are equivalent to the PUGs of the past that would ask for gear score equivalent to the current tier raid for last tiers content and achievements. Except now the meta requires you to look for swipers so you can collect a large pot. In my experience I was approached while searching through the group finder. I did not seek out that person and whisper them. This is common practice for PUGs now.

Yes there are player solutions to player made problems. So many servers have died to the faction imbalance boss. But one stands out, that being Grobbulus, because the people playing there have the will to enforce that balance and let other people know to enforce that balance. I just wish people would do the same for RMT before drastic measures are necessary.

GDKP are organized days to weeks in advance with the use of Discord and other tools. Since many defenders of the current state of GDKP like to go on about the superiority in skill and organization about the system, would it really be so hard to vet the attendees? I know there are probably GDKP organizers who try and run a tight ship, but they are few in number if the average GDKP are like the ones who first contacted me to join. Even if some people reading would like to deny it or haven’t experienced it.
(Obvious reply: “Yes it’s against the self interest of the player to turn away easy money even if it means the playability of the game suffers”.). You can ask for screenshots of time played, logs on alts and mains, main character guilds, and if they’re friends of established players who are paying to catch them up.

But when I say that the player base deserves every tone-deaf and dumb decision made by Blizzard I mean it. If Blizzard decides to add WoW token to any or all iterations of Classic/SoM, or if Blizzard severely restricts or turns off trading in some capacity except for on Retail the player base deserves it. The average player has shown what they are willing to accept and Classic is just Retail with the same absurd metas for easier content.

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But now you are falling into the trap of assuming all GDKP’s are the same. Some are organized well in advance just like guild runs. Some are pugged. Some are a mix of the two.

So, I’ve run in GDKP’s since TBC started for the classic era servers. That said, I can say you just found a host of one that has no idea what they’re actually doing.

There are some great communities out there that just enjoy having fun while everyone throws gold at the pot and after clearing all the Ulduar HM’s and Alg, we all part ways hoping to see each other next week with either items we wanted, or tons of gold to buy the items we want.

There’s nothing wrong with GDKP’s as a concept. Guilds have been selling raid slots for more gold for their progression forever. Hell, in the last few expansions for retail they even spend tons of money advertising that.

Now that I’m off my soap box, just find another group that isn’t run by a moron, and have fun enjoying the game how you want to :slight_smile:

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Phishing is, by far, the most successful attack vector. It’s popular because it works, especially spear phishing.

Some may think they have never been phished but it’s likely you have at some point and just don’t know, and no action was taken on the attacker side. Some are really good.

Taking action (2FA) to neuter the most common and most successful attack method is and always will be a good thing.

Also, we can do both. A unique email for each service AND 2FA, because that unique email can also be phished / breached.

Regarding password rotation, it’s generally now advised against to ‘force’ password rotation on people as it promotes bad passwords and bad password hygiene (writing it down etc). This is the advice from NIST/Microsoft and other authorities.
If you still feel like doing it, go ahead, I would first check your accounts with a service such as have i been pwned though to see if it’s even necessary. It’s extremely unlikely that someone will go after your gaming accounts with a private database that isn’t featured on HIBP.

Yes, we know.

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Phishing at it’s core is fooling others. People who are fooled are either stupid or ignorant (I don’t see much of a difference) of the subject they have been fooled in.

Sure. Absolutely. I may have even changed my password just before a bad guy took action and avoided it completely (I doubt it though the attacker would have to know me personally for their attack to work). However it is more reasonable to apply Occam’s razor here instead of using speculation. Have you ever gotten one? They are fun to look at.

Yeah because the experts know how stupid the average person with a computer is. They expect them to get lazy and mess up. You think they are going to say that or be professional and just steer most people away from it casting a wide net? I really wish I could tell you this funny story about Microsoft, but all I can say is Microsoft Word 2011(ver. 14) released on time without delays. Maybe in another decade or so it is a really good one too I am so bummed I can’t tell the story. I wonder if the forums will be around another 10 years. Though this post might be long gone.

I believe I already said I was wary of password app services, but some are fine. Though I can’t imagine why I, someone who has stated they have never (not hyperbolic) been compromised, would take advice from someone that has been “pwned”. I say that with all due respect, because it just doesn’t make sense to me.

If you are offended in anyway that’s a shame. I think I will continue as is and updating my own method as things advance as it has served me well for decades now. I can’t argue with the results.

Obviously I never wish people to be compromised, but I still tend to believe gaming companies in particular added 2FA to their respective platforms, because it was overall cheaper/less work to do than deal with the tech illiterate morons reporting their account has been stolen and they have lost all their stuff. I believe this to be a fair and accurate statement. I am sorry you seemed to have been fooled before and took it ?personally? Like I said those people might be genius level at other things, but my statement still stands perfectly fine.

If you have a system for you that now works, as you’ve said you have been “pwned” before, then great! Conversation is over at that point really as why would you make adjustments to a system that works.

Also for what it is worth. I don’t believe you are a moron. I don’t believe I have singled you out and berated you personally as it wasn’t my intention, so I am clarifying now. Also willing to agree to disagree as it seems we both have systems we like that work. NBD.