Gdkp problem here


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or let me join a guild and not get loot for a month because im ‘trial’

_ :cactus: _

We get it. You like to buy gold. You don’t even have the integrity to post from a main, why would you have the integrity to farm gold or play without a credit card doing all the heavy lifting?

I get it, youre too bad at the game that you can’t figure out how the AH works to make gold.

so you can see what? that I dont have full 99s as a healer in a guild who doesn’t incentivize healer parse ? healer parsing is cringe and all comes down to cheesing the fights and telling other healers to stop casting so you can have a shot at r1 spot. theres not much integrity behind that to begin with

You got that right.

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nah look at loot reaver hunters, the 90+ parses all are paying a healer to heal through orb damage, a hunter that does his job will not get 90+ on that fight, you can tell who has a healer in the back pocket on that fight as an example. You will often find the best parses ignored mechanics, or for a mage not decursing they just relied on the other mages to cover their slack.

As for payout based on parses, I dont join them, because often SV gets stuck in the healer group and often doesn’t get lust, I GDKP with a group of guys that are decent, not the fastest clear times, not the highest payouts but good honest people. You just gotta find the right group of people.

As for parsing, yea its toxic, always was, if you look at top parses for every class you’ll find cheese, top hunter parses are double lusted while using a program to move them in and out of melee at synced intervals to maximize DPS, I won’t get that parse and honestly I don’t care, I honestly don’t even buy into the whole melee weave non sense.

“Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.”

This calf-cow makes me cringe every single post.

I think modern psychology calls this Projection

All of my parses are on a weekly schedule with the same guild. My gear advancement is on par with what other arms warriors experience in steady guild runs. You can easily verify this in warcraft logs, but the purpose of your response is to poorly troll. I don’t participate in GDKPs although I have been tempted to in order to spend less time farming for my weekly raiding expenses. Fortunately I raid with good players, so wipes/deaths are low and my weekly expenses are down. Now scurry along and bottom feed elsewhere on your low level alt.

sorry everybody, didnt mean to start an argument here

yea the story is true
my friend , who is not a pve pro, even though he is a really good player, thought that good parsing was related to the raid itself, not comparing your performance to other performers from your class

And you can still buy gold.

And you can still buy gold.

And you can still buy gold.

And you can still buy gold.

And you can still buy gold.

Perhaps if you tell me where you like to tag along, I could be with the bottom feeder for once.

One of the biggest crowd for RMT is raid loggers.

They can also buy a lot of gold, and you being oblivious to the fact is almost cute.

It is like laying down with the dogs and still claiming you’re a cat.

projection of what? you being a lying cringe cow? what a shame you are to the tauren race

If you think tat always happens you are probably intoxicated. 1 mage lets the others decurse and maxes his dps to the detriment of others. nope, never seen that happen. usually he is a buddy of the RL and nothing is said to him.

Typically you rotate.

It’s irrelevant anyway decursing isn’t why people parse green rofl.

There is 1 decurse fight in sunwell and it isn’t even counted on logs lmfao.

people know how to not follow the mechanics and max parse while not actually helping their raid. Ive seen one not focus with the raids so that his target wouldnt die in mid cast, just to gain that little bit of DPS more. He didnt care about the raid, he was their for top numbers. sad thing was he never got them because he wasnt that good.

What mechanics are people not following in sunwell?

Everybody has so many people on their class that even if a very small 1% cheese the fight it’s not going to really affect the other 99%.

You can still orange parse while doing mechanics.

I do it all the time

Seethe harder :slight_smile: