PSA: It's legal to steal the GDKP pot

Yes, it is. No, it not “something encouraged”, but it has no regulation and no penalty for stealing.

https:// i (dot) ibb (dot) co/C7jGYGH/legal-gdkp (dot) jpg

While I don’t have an opinion on if this should be legal or not, I’m very happy that blizzard has a clear position on this.

Text copied for the lazy:

Моргаиверр Greetings name!

Firstly, thanks for holding tight whilst your ticket made its way over to me - our ticket queues are pretty busy right now. Happy to be here now!
I am Game Master Morgavierr from Blizzard Customer Support and I will gladly take a look at your request.

How I could understand from your question, you have been robbed during GDKP, and you want to know if it is eligible and if you could do the same.

First things first, name, robbing and stealing is not a behaviour that should any self-respecting person follow. We are totally condemning people like that, but as you know, the GDKP is a community feature - only the players who use these parties are responsible.

We do not even have any regulations for GDKP actions, so we can not apply any penalties for people who act unfair there.
Thank you for understanding.

Have a best day, name!
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` Game Master Morgavierr
Blizzard Entertainment Support Team.

Use this information wisely and to improve your gaming experience.


Not sure why this would even be in question, it’s the same thing as ninja-looting.

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I asked about ninja looting as well. They told me that unlike this, ninja looting IS against the rules and will, at the very least, get the item removed from the looter if reported.

Textual response from GM Sindekiveth

Ninja looting has been and allways will be a sanctionable behavior in World of Warcraft.

Whenever such an incident is reported a very detailed investigation would take place based on irrefutable objective data and if the “Ninja loot” behaviour is detected sanctions are allways applied.

As the previous Game Master has stated, our policy is to remove the items from the “ninja looter” and apply the sanction which may depend on several factors, but we do not redistribute loot nor we inform the “victim” of the decision and sanctions, for legal privacy reasons.

To answer your question as clearly as we may, rest assured sanctions are applied every and each single time the ninja loot is detected and those sanctions may escalate up to a very unpleasant point.

I’d wager this is a one off, Blizzard does enforce GDKP, there are plenty of reports going back the last decade of them enforcing rules agreed on for loot by the community

While im not proud of my actions but back in original WotLK when GDKPs first starting popping more mainstream, me and some buds use to run a weekly GDKP on alts.

Basically you state the rules on one character, and you pass lead to someone else. Since it was a new leader, the rules for loot were void. If you don’t state any rules at all, blizzard has always let you do whatever as there was no agreement or scam.

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I presume you are now an attorney

Huh? No. Just stating what Blizzard does in their game. ToS is very different than legal precedent and law lol. Majority of the time its more experience on how GMs tend to act rather than their own ToS.

During the said GDKPs we use to scam, I was banned twice, and appealed with all of those reasons and they unbanned me and apologized. They seem to care even LESS nowadays.

Yes…it’s the same as ninja looting in that everyone in the group is still screwed regardless.

Whether they action people or not is based solely on what information they have available. If it’s he said she said then you’re not getting anything back.

If you agree to the terms over game chat and then go back on your word the chances of being held accountable go up. Never 100%, but they do go up.

This 100%. I would suggest that if you are not familiar with the group, ask to have the rules posted in in-game chat from the leader of the group. Also make sure that is the leader of the group during the run.

Lol as if GDKPs weren’t toxic enough.


from what i see, the GM’s consider Gdkp community feature therefore they doesn’t interfere in it since the gdkp raid have their own rules for it, but in raids in general if the loot dropped and 1person “aka master looter” stole it? that’s a difference issue and blizzard can interfere in it.

Bumping this for the PSA Value

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