Gdkp problem here

Raids have different requirements.

If you friend signed up to be a carrier, and the Raid Leader had a threshold for that. With the punishment for not meeting that carrier threshold being the sacrifice of your cut because you weren’t doing your job. It is entirely fair.

The whole point of their being carriers is so that you can bring lesser geared payers to be carried. Being alright or doing good enough doesn’t cut it for some groups. Your friend could have been replaced with an equally geared payer that was still looking for that one or two pieces.

This isn’t a thing exclusive to GDKP. This goes back to pugs from the original wrath and tbc when MS/OS Pugs were still the primary way pugs did things. If you didn’t pull your weight you wouldn’t get to roll on loot.

/2 LFM VoA need to do at least 3k DPS or no loot!

/raid He isn’t doing 3k should I replace him?
/raid Yes!

it all depends…were those the terms put forth before they started? if not, it was a scam. if you are firm in your belief that this is fair you will have no problem spelling it out before the raid.

From the eyes of people in the forums, you’re the one seething every day.

It is a cliché that the most zealot ones are those that actually are closeted ones.
In your case, you look like a closeted gold buyer, but you’re so ashamed of it that you accuse everyone of doing so and fights them with all your strength.

I pity you.

He deserves it for joining a GDKP. Why is he surprised that a goldfarmer does whatever he wants to get a bigger cut of the gold to sell back to buyers?

You seem very experienced/knowledge with how things work, is that perhaps what you do?

The only reason GDKP’s don’t exist in classic is because there’s barely enough people to even run a raid lol

You type a lot for someone who isn’t seething :slight_smile:

Quality > quantity though if a malignant tumor were asked to make such an evaluation and it could respond I’m certain it would say otherwise.

A single player MMO isn’t much of an MMO. I get what you are saying, but the whole point of an MMO is to have numerous players in the world you play in.

In the world. not in your team.

Does someone learning medical knowledge suddenly become a doctor? brainlet

You have exactly 250 posts in the past month complaining / talking about GDKP.

250 precisely.

Who is seething about what? Obviously you. living rent-free.

Lets see the logs. It’s possible the gdkp leader was just being a scammer, but its more likely your friend just parsed grays through the entire raid and so was denied his cut. I’ve done hundreds of gdkp’s and never once seen a scammer. It does occasionally happen, but those people get blacklisted and you’re talking one out of tens of thousands of GDKP’s.

What happens much more often is people don’t beet the thresh-hold which is almost always very generous. 99% of the time it’s just “dont parse grays on the majority of the fights” and/or “don’t parse less than 50% of someone in your same class/role.” If either is the case… you’re clearly not a “carry.”

They are almost ALWAYS spelled out. It might not be explicitly stated at the start of the raid so you may have to look in the rules in the discord… but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it just not stated at all. More than likely OP’s “friend” just didn’t take the time to look.

why everybody calling out parses/rating and assuming the worse are always low level/retail avatar toons that cant be checked?

Rather have low levels calling out someones parses than the same poster accusing everybody of goldbuying but themself for the past 8 weeks. Cant have it all.

are you saying i buy gold? i have literally nothing LOL
i fly 60%

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No, but there is like 3 people on the forums accusing everybody but themself of goldbuying simply cause they are poor.

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and so what?

Man Benediction GDKPS are way different.

Even pure buyers get a cut unless they are an afk buyer.

There is no performance based cuts.