Gdkp problem here

Parses are a stupid metric for performance. For example, on fights where decursing is necessary, would you cut the mage who spent all that fight being the sole decurser because his parse was bad?


Read the rules before entering a GDKP, some leaders are jerks, some are greedy and some are chills, there’s GDKPs for everyone. It’s just same old same old with people, just roll the dice until you find a group you like and stick to it.

Apparently everyone else departed classic era also


GdKpS R tHe SuPErIOr sYsTem!

No corruption in GDKPs? Everyone stays because of payout? When RMT is involved everyone magically acts like adults and not selfish?

Let the World of Whalecraft defenders justify these posts through mental gymnastics.


This is why I’m very select with those I join for GDKPs. So far, it’s been great.

…It’s kind of like job seeking: you get a feel for the company before applying.

Wait wait… Gdkps are the best loot system for pugs… this story must be a lie!!! GDKP was created by the gods themselves, we are lucky for such a flawless system to exist.

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Yes because noone has ever been scammed in any other loot system.

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Which lfd will ruin… /s

That mage would be typically against other mages who also decurse.

That’s why parsing isn’t a bad measurement.

If a class has to do something special in that fight that means all players of that class are doing the same thing.

well this story can be true or a lie but if a guy joins as a carry parse blues and expect a cut just because he was there. well I dont think the ML was wrong here

But wait best thing about a gdkp is you are compensated for your time. You dont leave with nothing. This is blaspheomy

if you assign your role properly yes you wont leave with nothing

If a raid is being weighed down by terrible quality buyers, and the raid lead doesn’t get groups set properly, it’s certainly not impossible for a high purple parser to drop to upper blue level, just from the raid as a whole sucking and the kill taking too long.

He was also claiming to be in the top 4-6 for dps consistently… but it would depend on his class/spec and the raid comp to tell if that is good or terrible.

@ OP… I’d feel more sympathy for you, but tis what happens when you hang out with degenerates. You can’t really be shocked when they do degenerate things like (apparently) screwing you out of your cut. Welcome to the GDKP community in a nutshell.

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Sounds like the leader of that gdkp uses parsing to justify payouts, which shouldn’t be a thing unless you want to speed run. Top 4-6 is still a top carry, if they parse worse but are up there, it shouldn’t be that much of an issue.

I have yet to see something like this happen.

Only people who don’t get a cut on the Benediction GDKP discord is buyers who are afk.

Even pure buyers who try get a cut.

the fact that you allowed GDKPs to split the playerbase into buyers and sellers is the worst thing this community has done to date.


Bene gdkps seem to be the exception rather than the rule… Whitemane ones are 10k min on the character to even sign up, and a parse requirement for a cut.

Yea like they fill people to buy gear but it isn’t anywhere like what people say on here on how gdkps are portrayed.

It’s weird that you think classic era is some magical land of community or something. I joined the discord for it just out of curiosity and the level of toxic feces flinging in there is on par with your average garbage private server. It’s a meme, and no one takes any of you seriously.

Searching for community on discord was your first mistake