Gdkp problem here

my friend went to a bt gdkp last night as a carrier
he is no pve pro, but he is geared enough to get things going
raid was successful and by the time he was going to get paid, raid leader said he didnt meet parses, so he wouldnt get his share of the pot(even tho he showed us his dps on fights, which was always between top 4-6 on the raid)

after a little argument, seems he came to reason with raid leader and he had some % of the amount aimed to carriers

how the f is this even fair
is not enough to be successful, you have to be top performer to get paid by a work you have done

creators of gdkp’s are putting their own rules, some have bad rules, some take alot of shares for no reason & some are total scammers that vanish once the raid is done.

but for that case of yours, let me think! for example if that leader wanted boosters to get +90% parsing to get paid? if your friend got only 89% he gets nothing? for that leader to act like that? that gdkp leader must be gold seller and doesn’t want to lose some of the $$$ if he can sell as much gold as he could.

well i need to ask him about that, will answer you this one later

Report them for scamming if those rules weren’t spelled out in game.


this basically

thats just disgusting

its that wonderful community they all love.


GDKP is cancerous gameplay. I am glad that Trojan Horse departed Classic Era through The Dark Portal. It will only grow worse in your progression servers’ next installment.


That’s why you don’t go to a raid requiring a parse to pay out.

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GDKP’s creating toxic experiences… Who could have seen this coming… /s


Raid leader sets the standards, and it’s at his discretion. If the GDKP is managed well what was expected of him was laid out prior to the run so a simple cross check of what he did versus what was expected is all that would be needed. I’ve never done a GDKP, but I’ve looked into them and the ones I have require stuff like consumable usage. Placing well on the meters doesn’t mean he did that, and considering you are bringing in buyers who will underperform being top 4-6 isn’t anywhere near as fancy as it sounds. The parse side of the equation is a good question as well.


Makesure that you vet all GDKP leaders before you join,

The guy sounds like a gold scammer, its a new market strategy they use now to make gold and sell it later. If your story is true then you should warn your server that the guy is a gold scammer and to avoid his groups.

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What were the rules of the GDKP that he agreed to when he joined that one? What were his actual parses?

Some GDKP groups are very chill, and everyone gets a cut. Some have parse requirements to get a cut. It’s possible that the leader of that one was shady, but it’s also possible that your friend didn’t meet the requirements that said friend failed to even read.

We don’t know the whole story here.

This is what we call the classic community.

Noonono. This progression server playerbase isn’t a community and it certainly isn’t Classic.

They certainly arent playing on a retail server. That is your classic community in action. You cant choose your relatives and you cant choose your community.

Oh, but they are. They willingly walked through that portal and surrendered their Classic identity for boosts, GDKPS, Flying Mounts, and all the soulessness of retail.

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Most GDKPs will not pay Carries that actually are not carrying.
It is not just about the gear, they have to actually carry. That is why they don’t need to spend a single coin in the raid, they’re there to be paid in full at the end.

Most successful GDKPs will even pay additional cuts / bonus for TOP DPS to incentivize people to push for their best in the raid.

Exactly, it is about reading the rules and performing accordingly.

well pretty much …

Perhaps your “friend” should consider gittin’ gudder.