GDKP in a nutshell

I’ve never run a GDKP in my life and I think all of you are weaponising a report system.

GDKP isn’t the problem.

The problem is the lack of banning people that buy gold, banning of people that sell gold, effective methods of banning bots and the fact WoW tokens grant game time across all WoW versions.

They should snap WoW tokens off to give game time to only game modes with WoW tokens to start the ball rolling on the garbage if you want to see actual change

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Enjoy getting banned for false reporting.
RMT is not a requirement for GDKPs and never has been.

The kinds of people who think GDKPs = RMT are the kind of people that genuinely believe critical thinking is “for nerds” and should be shamed.

Don’t equal each other but certainly heavily correlated

you didn’t call out anything, your desperate attempts to try to defend your illegal practice isn’t just a “disagreement”

Less so than the AH, which sees orders of magnitude higher throughput of player-traded gold than GDKPs could ever hope to achieve by volume.
Yet again, the issue is RMT, not GDKPs. RMT could magically stop existing tomorrow, and GDKPs will keep on going.

GDKPs aren’t illegal.

and those people are proliferating in gdkp systems

those are the ones that I see most often advertisted, the ones with cuts, that are reported. no gdkp should be allowed to advertise at all, it should all be in secret

yes they are

You have a blue post telling you that they are not. You can say you think they ought to be, but stating that they are is an outright lie.

there are other blue posts stating false information

Okay, go through the ToS and tell me exactly where GDKPs aren’t allowed, because this isn’t the first time Blizzard’s official word has been that GDKPs aren’t bannable.

show me the ToS

Actually you can get to it by clicking legal at te bottom of the page… actually you know what… here you go

the EULA


Gdkps have nothing to do with p2w you are just uneducated in how the wow system works. As well false reporting is very much bannable so enjoy your ban, for abusing the automated system.

The problem is blizzard bans gold buyers for 3-7 days which is not a penalty of any sort and it doesnt deter pay to win dads from buying gold, further more they introduce token to wow classic which normalizes gold buying.

There would need to be perma bans or at least a 1+year ban for gold buying to make any form of impact on the wow rmt. But the ugly truth is like majority of mmos WoW is too interested in p2w dad whales paycows, because those are the same people that will pay for multiple account, buy epic editions, store mounts, skins etc.

The fact is that WoW classic has 0integrity and it is just as much of a pay to win game as majority of mmos, even though its acting all high and mighty. The token and paid boost in classic wow is just a matter of time till it makes it into SoD/Classic+.

Blizzard no longer cares about player they care about payers.

Gdkps have almost nothing to do with this, gold buying was prevelent long before gdkps were a thing. Dkps and gdkps are simply the most balanced loot system we have at this point thats why it is most popular.

You could say it incentives gold buying, but so does 100% mounts of crafted items or boost are you gonna remove those too? Classic gold use to be valuable, but nowadays its just a swiper paradise with 0integrity, try to focus on other aspects of the game and ignore the fact that gold has no value and the game has no intergrity against cheaters.

You guys dont have wallets?

seems like ToS has nothing to do with protecting gdkp

You mean you couldn’t find anything explicitly banning them. ToS is not now nor has ever been an inclusive set of rules, but rather an exclusive set of rules.
Blues have told you, explicitly, that GDKPs are not actionable. If you intend to report them, or encourage other players to report them, YOU are breaking the ToS.

thats not true, gdkps are full of rmt which is p2w, that is some mental gymnastics to spew all of those words and then have the audacity to say gdkps are the most balanced loot system, that is extreme levels of cope and stockholm syndrome

how am i breaking the tos for reporting rule breakers for RMT?