GDKP in a nutshell

But, but,but the youtube video showed someone bought something for 100g!!!

These dudes a bunch of low skill :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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quit botting

I wasn’t accusing you of this really. But it is common practice and despicable

Yeah cuz bots post on the forums on vanilla accounts.

Shouldnt you be back peddling in game some where?

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I hate drunk drivers, so if I see anyone driving or advertising a car, I call the cops on them just to be safe.


Yup, guilty until proven innocent!

that would be funny except there aren’t any gdkps that arent involved with rmt, but there are drivers that arent drinking

Fact check: false

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That is a lie and you know it.


where is the lie?

Step 1: Lie about your funds.
Step 2: Minimum bid on an item that everyone wants.
Step 3: finish raid an collect purse at the end to make gold.

Step 4: Follow above steps.


I report all GDKP and blast in LFG and Trade chat for others to do the same. Theres alot of hate for GDKP and people join the report wave. Its great fun.

This is the community being on the right side of the issue. I dig it.

You’re a terrorist.

Lynch mobs gonna lynch. That is all you are doing stirring up a lynch mob.

Yup, until blizz does something about it we will use the auto ban function they have in place to get rid of them for atleast a few days.


Blizz isn’t going to do anything about it. Whales and bots are the playerbase they want. ‘Normal’ players are vastly outnumbered by them.

LOL so I an untrustworthy GDKPer because I disagree with your opinion and called out your behavior as being against the code of conduct and TOS, and this is your response? Sorry no, I don’t run GDKPs but good try, I only raid with my guilds for the most part which is the single easiest way to get gear, and yes falsely accusing people, still violates the code of conduct, but nice try.

You do realize all the discord organized raids still happen, right? You’re just getting random people suspended for running a public raid with other randoms, not the secret underground gold selling whales you hate so much. You’re foolish.

In fact, you’re letting these bigger name GDKPs keep their stranglehold on the market with 10%+ org fees and high min bids.