GDKP in a nutshell

You assume GDKPs are full of RMT gold because you are dogmatically, zealously against the existence of GDKPs, and are looking for a reason to crusade.
It’s already been pointed out to you that GDKPs do not rely on RMT to exist and would continue to be a thing even if all RMT was magically and forever gone.

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GDKPs don’t break the rules. As such, you’re taking part in or encouraging false reports, which does break the rules.

there is no assumption or else people wouldn’t be getting actioned for RMT

RMT was just as big before gdkps were a thing, remember buygold corpses around main cities dating all the way to 2005.

I have been part of many gdkps without any gold buyers, the system is great that it promotes quality players to replay the content even if they dont need loot or just 1-2items. As well in regular runs people come and go all the time for various reasons often because their loot didnt drop and you have to fill people while in gdkps everyone stays till the end to receive their cut.

Shorty said GDKP and DKP systems are the best and they destroy friend council any day of the week, no suprise they are the most popular and you get the highest quality players in them.

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There is assumption. Getitng blue mail back just means that enough people reported a player that a warning was issued, which is entirely automated. Actual actions against an account are, as a mercy, looked over by human operators first, the sole exception being a squelch.
GDKPs are not against the rules. Blizzard has told you that GDKPs are not against the rules. Encouraging players to, or reporting, actions that are not against the rules is a punishable offense.

how do you know all of those gdkps youve been in havent had gold buyers?

I’ll repeat myself, gdkps are rmt and that is why I report

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They are not RMT, and you will be banned for false reporting.

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False reporting is bannable and I hope you sir get punished and removed. There is plenty of gdkps that have completely legit people.

The problem isnt gdkps the problem is Blizzard tolerating and encouraging gold buying since classic was re-released.

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no there aren’t, they are RMT

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No, they aren’t, and they won’t be RMT no matter how badly you want them to be. GDKPs would be just as popular as they are now if RMT stopped exisitng tomorrow. They might actually increase in popularity without the associated stigma.
BLizzard has told you GDKPs aren’t RMT. There is no version of this in which you’re correct.

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keep coming up with lies, they told YOU that gdkps can come back to bite you, so take that as you will and keep making excuses for your illegal behavior

they swipe credit card on wotlk realms
trade wotlk gold to sod gold, people will trade sod gold in order to buy token at wotlk
sod/wotlk gold trading is important step

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That’s not a lie. GDKPs are not inherently nor require RMT to participate.
They said that if you regularly receive RMT gold, you may be actioned.
GDKPs aren’t illegal.
I bet it would shock you to learn I have never, not once, participated in a GDKP. My guild is active with multiple groups and alt groups, and stocking the AH once a week in mats and pots is more than enough gold income for me.
You are fundamentally unwilling to accept reality.

they didn’t say “regularly” if you receive it at all you need to be actioned.
and im not surprised people that dont participate in the illegal activity will defend those that do, it’s not an uncommon mindset nowadays

GDKPs aren’t illegal activity. Blizzard has told you that GDKPs aren’t illegal activity. No amount of repeating the lie will make GDKPs an illegal activity.
GDKPs do not necessitate RMT. GDKPs do not require RMT to participate or initiate. GDKPs can and are done routinely without ever touching RMT gold.

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gdkps can but are not done routinely without touching botted gold at all, they are infested with it

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People who run GDKPs aren’t catching bans for RMT anyway so your point is mute. They’re getting abusive chat/spamming suspensions erroneously from abusers like yourself.

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In order to action against someone, you have to prove they’re in the wrong, and all you’ve got is assumptions and anecdote. You issue the absolute statement that GDKPs are inherently, and always, involve RMT, which is an outright lie.

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The entirety* of the wow economy is ‘tainted with botted gold’. You make no sense.