GDKP in a nutshell

so you profit by getting free subs from goldbuyers in your runs, of course you don’t want your golden ticket to get banned


Those runs absolutely exist.

Again, all trade mats/boes markets on the AH are impacted by gold selling in the same way gdkps are. Your argument makes no sense.

just cause you’ve never known them to do rmt doesn’t mean much of anything

Those individual runs exist, sure, but they run alongside and overlap with RMT. This is unavoidable.

It means exactly as much as your baseless opinion and persecution of any participants in gdkps.

Gold buyers? You do realize these gold buyers buy wow tokens to get gold, right?

I don’t know anyone who buys gold, and that includes people I know who do run GDKPs. The fact is it’s silly easy to make gold in WOW, and there is zero reason to buy it, and while I know there are some that will. The thing is for most GDKP runs you could probably make more gold farming then you can the GDKP run.

So again yes, by reporting people, you are harassing people, and no GDKP runs are not in anyway proof or evidence of anytime of RMT.


That practice should also be bannable.

Trading from WoTLK to era should be bannable

there is no “baseless accusation” when the biggest faces on the platform are doing the exact thing im talking about and you in your imaginary world, desperately trying to deflect from a real problem because the status quo benefits you, thinking that the influencers dont have any influence is laughable

You aren’t even honestly reading what I said.

I buy a wow token for game time on wotlk. The game time applies to classic/sod. There is no transfer.

The vast majority of GDKP’s have no RMT in them, at least no more than any other aspect of the economy in WoW.

Unless you are claiming that 10-20g for an item in SoD is only possible by RMT.


Ban people RMT and botting. I’m not denying anything, im showing you that you’re focusing on the wrong issue. You want to ban a loot system which doesn’t necessitate violations, while conveniently ignoring other parts of the game also impacted by the violators, because your issue isn’t with the violators, you just hate the loot system and are using the violators as an excuse .

your anecdotes dont mean anything especially since you’ve given yourself up as an untrustworthy gdkper, and reporting people who are breaking the rules by RMTing and entering gdkps is not harassment, they are intertwined.

You’re hopeless.

I don’t break the game rules. I only trade gold I made legitimately. Botting and RMT are against the rules. People who do it should be banned. People who do these things impact every part of the in-game economy, not limited to GDKPs.

Yet you think because I do gdkps I’m equivalent to them.

You’re hopeless.

you’re defending a loot system that’s whole identity is rooted in RMT, so by reporting gdkps I am banning RMT in a sense. if you remove gdkp’s there will be less bots because there will be less of a demand for buying gold, but I’m sure you knew that and just wanted an invincible scapegoat since you also know blizz has been fighting bots for 20+ years. I would be 100% in favor of giving blizzard kernel access with a vanguard type system like league of legends does in the name of stopping bots, would you?


They are defending it because they RMT themselves. I have no doubt about it. Why else would they defend it. Its tough arguing with these people. Lemmings that want to destroy the game.

LFM BFD gdkp, 5g min bid and 1g increments.

Oh sorry wrong spot.

Oh, I don’t believe that at all. I think the vast majority have at least a couple people who bought gold. SoD has shown us just how linked GDKPs and RMT are. The amount of bots is off the charts, and at this level pretty much the only thing to spend that kind of gold on is GDKPs.

But you and others don’t need to be so defensive. Blizzard will NEVER ban them.

Then shut up about them and remove all these threads.

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Yeah 10g for an item that totally screams RMT, how else could anyone possibly acquire such a vast sum?

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