GDKP in a nutshell

It is because we are in P1. The gold amounts can pass as reasonable. This will fall apart completely next phase and will be off the rails by phase 3

You’ll see items going for tens of thousands of gold before we hit 60.

So you just do it very badly.

how is buying gold a legitimate activity? there is no gdkp that isn’t involved with botted gold since the biggest faces in the game can blatantly do it. so there is no “false reports” you’re talking about since the act of RMT is illegal. and don’t ever bring up tos again unless you can cite whatever page you’re talking about


I’ve never seen even a pot over 10k in classic at 60, but I stopped playing bwl. You not liking gdkp’s isn’t a justification for abusing the report system and thinking you’re some justice-bringing vigilante.

Swiper no swiping!

That’s not an argument against gdkps. That’s an argument against RMT.

You can apply this argument to any AH or trade chat activity and it would be equally as stupid.

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I’ll bookmark this to bump when it happens.

Epics in Gnomer will be going for thousands. People are buying gold in preparation for the coming phases. Once these pots explode a bit, you can’t put it back together.

Items currently go for million + in era, btw

it’s the same thing, gdkp’s is rmt since the gdkps are full of rmters. you can apply your “gdkps are fine” argument to any form of botting and it will be equally as fraudulent

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People can reach gold cap legitimately. Goblins who make their nut playing the AH jumping into a gdkp and dropping a bunch of g on whatever they want has nothing to do with you. You’re just salty and conflating these people with violators.

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That kind of jump hasn’t happened in any iteration of classic yet so sure if the normal pot jumps into the many thousands let us know.

And no I don’t want one click bait example.

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No I can’t, because botting isn’t fine. Gdkp does not necessitate botting. You’re making very basic logical errors. How can you not see that?

Nah, I make a lot of gold legitimately. I don’t have a problem with people having gold.

I know I’m top tier at it.

You don’t have to trust my words here. The botting problem tells you the story. The botting population is a direct reflection of the health of the gold buying community.

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that’s not how it works, those goblins are the ones selling the gold to the irl whales and you’re confusing the two to be one person

So you just want blizzard to ban people with more gold than you?

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Yet gdkps thrive even when there is little to no botting activity.

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I want the IRS to start jailing goldsellers aka “ah goblins” and gdkp bots for tax evasion

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How hard do you swipe every 1st of the month?

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I’ve known many people that play the ah, and spend a lot of time on the game. Never known one to do real money trading, because they don’t want to risk their account. You’re just saying things at this point.

Gdkps in the absence of gold buying are perfectly fine, imo.

That isn’t the world in which we live though.

Not interested in fantasy

I pay my sub with wow tokens from wotlk by doing a single icc25 heroic run a month. Pumper privledge.