GDKP in a nutshell

It’s a logical extension of you needing “10000%” certainty that there is no RMT gold involved in your dealings.

No ethical consumption under capitalism comrade

Communist opinions are disregarded. Economic analysis is clearly not in your wheelhouse.

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Well I hope you never use the AH or accept gold from someone that you haven’t personally witnessed farm that gold from a mob, you know to make sure you don’t compromise your ethics.


See ya lol

“You advantage from RMT to a much lesser extent than me, but not zero. Checkmate :nerd_face:

No no I’m just worried about compromising your immortal soul, to be safe you better just never trade anything with another player.

It’s the only way to be sure.


Still gonna report GDKP outside of /trade. GG

So anytime you use the AH or trade at all, we can report you for breaking TOS too right? You’re supporting RMT you know!

Go for it!

And you called someone a tool in this thread. Cutting your nose to spite your face I see.

I do as well. Keep up the good fight!

Good for you! Do not let these p2w kiddos discourage you, continue to report and encourage others to do the same. Best part about this thread is watching the proverbial thieves attempt to justify stealing lol. Cheers!

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Report all RMT. Report all gold buyers.

Those vermin who buy gold should suffer the consequences.

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I thoroughly enjoyed that conversation with the Customer Rep and the MVP to the dude who can’t seem to fathom why he was banned/suspended.

Holy moly.


It always has been a suspendable offense to use profanity, masked profanity, slurs, hateful speech, sexual content or inuendo, doxing, etc. Since 2004. I have the original rules linked if you really want me to post them.

It does depend on people reporting you for GM review - Blizzard does not have an AI scanning for infractions and automatically doing something. Yet.

You are right, they don’t care WHY you said something, just that you did. Never let yourself get baited into breaking the rules. That lets a troll win. Just right click and report them - like you are supposed to. It will also mute them for that play session until you log out.

From Blizzard’s point of view, the Master Looter has total control and you agreed to that. Never join a Master Loot group if you don’t trust the person. Now, they do investigate scams and intentional deceit, but master looter was designed for that person really to be the Master over the loot. Blizzard rarely gets involved in loot disputes and does not re-distribute loot that is being contested. Now, a bad Master looter will get a terrible reputation on their server which will impact them Socially as you said, but it is not against the rules for a master looter to do what they want with loot, generally speaking.

Classic WoW

In WoW Classic, there are multiple loot methods that allow you to manage loot directly. For this reason, Customer Support will not redistribute loot in the event of a dispute between players. Scamming other players is a violation of our World of Warcraft game policies. We will investigate any reports of scamming that we receive and take the appropriate action, removing gains and penalizing those who violate this policy as needed. Items and gold will not be redistributed in these cases.

If you’re playing with a new group, it’s advised to always be clear on the loot rules before proceeding. Discuss the plans for distributing loot with the raid leader before you become locked into a raid. This will provide you with an opportunity to make an informed decision on whether you want to decline the invitation or leave the group.

We encourage you to group with others you trust, especially when using Master Loot. Ninja looting does have consequences in the community, and those who do it will have trouble getting invited to groups. Remember to play nice and play fair, especially when using Master Loot.

Please be careful running with ML. Blizzard does not intervene to help you get anything if a bad ML situation goes down.

Ono GDKP as a whole, it is an exchange of GOLD. It is also a loot system, but a loot system that depends on gold being exchanged. Gold that can be acquired a variety of ways. Some legit and some not legit.

Very recent Blue post on GDKP being allowed, and reminding folks that even getting illicit gold unintentionally can result in penalties. A lot of people have been suspended or perma banned lately for getting illicit gold in Classic runs - because that gold is not from a legit source. Also used for money laundering.

If your guild, or friends you know, are using GDKP that may be great. If strangers are using it and you don’t know where the gold came from, be very very careful.

Also, good morning from my area of the world! Hot beverages for everyone :slight_smile:

:coffee: :teapot: :waffle: :bacon: :cookie:


In regards to Master Looting, would setting ground rules/expectations on managing the loot be considered deception/scamming should they take loot that was not agreed upon with those rules/expectations?

I always figured there was a degree of argument to be made even if someone is ML, but I suppose if that is how Blizz views it, then you certainly want to have a trusted ML. But for those who have to pug content, would establishing rules/expectations possibly allow for intervention on the basis of deception/scamming?

Blizzard used to get involved with ML disputes but that requires active GMing so they don’t anymore.

Yes, that can help protect you. BUT it has a lot of limits.

  • Has to be in the game chat channels. Get them to state it on Blizzard’s platform. Note the time, chat channel, name-server of the person saying it. This protects you to a degree.
  • MS/OS has never been something Blizzard enforces. That is too variable and subjective as people sometimes raid in an off spec to help the raid. It works for groups who know each other personally like a guild, but not PUGs.
  • Even if a scam has been determined to take place, you don’t get your gold back, item you were supposed to get, etc. The scammer may get those things removed from their account and a penalty, but Blizz won’t redistribute the loot, or return your gold.

All services for gold in game are unsupported, although technically allowed. Unsupported means if it goes wrong, you don’t get gold back. It is gone for good.

Only AH trades or using the trade window for both parts of a trade have any protections - which are largely based on using the system tools. Like buying a crafted item for X gold. You and the seller both see the item and gold in the window before authorizing trade. The issue with providing gold and partial mats to a crafter can now be accomplished with the private work order system so that helps with the “take the mats and run” scams.

No, they did not. You may not remember this, but it was a very hot topic back in Vanilla even. If the ML made an honest mistake even, they did not help. Many tickets were made, many tears were shed when GMs would not get involved.

That is why the system with the 2 hour trade window for people who were in the raid group was implemented. That allows a mistake to be corrected by the players even if the ML mixes up who was supposed to get it.

I have been doing this CS/TS helping thing a LONG time. I also very vividly remember our raid drama when the ML messed up. It also hurt progression as the item went to someone who could not use it instead of a role we really needed geared.


The rule of thumb is: make the RL say what the loot system is in chat beforehand. If the RL goes off whatever is discussed, they can be actioned against.

LFG works just fine.

That don’t apply with a lack of Trade Services channel. Notably the rules about posting group oriented, but for-gold services, were nebulous until they made the split Trade channels. Prior to that, LFG was entirely appropriate for group content seeking more members, regardless of their purpose, provided they didn’t break the other chat rules (3rd party links, posting on ineligible characters, etc)

Items aren’t sold. A guild advertising a paid-for slot to kill Heroic Lich King on 25m for an Invincible is not the same thing, not even the same ballpark, as GDKP loot distribution.

Also it helps when you quote to not bugger up the quote box, otherwise it just looks like this:

No, MVP clearly recommended to the best of their knowledge that Trade is the likely preferred location since SoD doesn’t have a Trade Services channel, and thus doesn’t have the more stringent channel rules.

Ironically this is the way. Rabid reporters are planning on reporting GDKPs even in Trade and General channels, and if a server made a global channel just for GDKP, you’d know they’d join just to report everyone that even speaks in the channel as well.

Like so.