GDKP in a nutshell

The word “can” there is pulling a lot of weight. They will investigate actual scams, but not standard loot disputes. Determining intent in an argument between people is often difficult. Also why even when a scam has been determined, Blizzard does not give the person who was supposed to get the loot - the loot. They don’t get gold back either. The scammer can get punished though.

This says the same thing as I already linked, but they have it under a diff Support category just in case someone is looking for info on Ninja Looting or " The Master Looter gave the loot to someone who didn’t need it"

All this pro-GDKP stuff comes from a place of selfishness and greed. :expressionless:

This statement is just as true as yours, however true that might be…


This is probably the best solution right now. Players can create a global channel that they auto join on login. If you are looking for, or wanting to promote, GDKP runs that would be perfect, assuming the other rules are still followed.

I think the command is /join ‘channelname’. You can even put it in its own window in your chat interface so it does not clutter things up.

Only people looking for, or promoting, GDKP would be in it. Nobody in other Blizzard public channels would be bothered.

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Ordinarily I’d agree, but the creation of Trade Services also came packaged with new rules about group content. Prior to TS chat, several group activities with clear gold-buy-ins to participate were argued where they should be, and some (like boosting) were more clearly trade oriented while others (like hard-reserving items to get a Tank) were not.

Since SoD lacks the bifurcated trade channels, SoD also lacks the newly created rules, and provided a group isn’t asking for gold related anything when looking for a few more bodies, I see no reason why “LF2M DPS, BFD, Full Clear” cannot exist in LFG chat.

However, to be safest against the idiots who plan on spamming reports out, I’d wager the best thing to do is just fill from chat without ever mentioning GDKP, use automated whispers to communicate a few basics (loot type, expectations of consumables/buffs, etc) and go from there. This isn’t because posting LF2M is actually against ToS, but because rabid reporters are rabidly reporting.

Yes, the people rabidly anti-GDKP even existing would certainly never join such a channel to have a stream of names to report for alleged RMT. Nope.

No one would ever regret joining that…

EDIT: And don’t feed me a line about how such reports would never amount to anything.

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GM’s didn’t often side with the complainant but they did sometimes and they would at least get involved. Like the other person said, if you could make sure the loot was explicitly laid out in game and there was an egregious violation, you could get a GM to side with you.

Now they won’t even get involved if there’s a bug that prevents looting. We had the second boss in Sunwell die someplace out of reach and the GM’s refused to help.

This is a stark contrast from the quality of CS we used to have.

Enough unique (diff bnet account) reports in a short enough time period can result in an auto squelch. That is true. It was originally put into the game to help curb the gold website spammers and such. It has been around a VERY long time.

It should not result in a GM suspending the account though unless they are actually spamming, advertising on a char that can’t participate in the run, promoting third party websites, etc.

If it did, they it should be overturned on appeal. Those who use reports to abuse the reporting system, or encourage others to abuse the reporting system, get handed suspensions too. It has happened quite a few times. They just don’t advertise it like they do the bot bans.

I would argue there is less risk when using a separate GDKP channel vs posting in public channels. If you are posting anyway, pick the less risky one of the two.

If you do get suspended but were following the rules, appeal and point out in the appeal that you feel it was organized reporting to abuse the report system. Don’t get into any other thoughts about it. Keep it simple.

No, really they did not. Feel free to ask the CS forums Blues. They have been here almost the entirety of the game history. They will investigate scams. They never got involved in loot disputes or re-distrubuted loot. (I think there was a rare exception on the re-distribution part when the item in question was a super rare mount drop). That was part of a scam investigation.

Which is why I said it is best to get it said in chat and the word “can” leaves a lot of room for Blizzard to do the investigation on whether or not it’s something they need to step in to resolve.

I never once said that the outcome would favor the reporter either. Which is exactly why I didn’t say it was a thing. While I appreciate that you are adding context and some clarification, it also feels like you’re putting words in my mouth or assuming what I mean even if we are in agreement.

I phrased it a very specific way :upside_down_face:

the best solution is to keep using LFG until blizzard officially says not to. simple as that :expressionless:

Overturning appeals takes time, and that can mean missing the raid night (or the AQ40 turn in). GMs can’t give that back.

I’d rather just not put a target on my head at all, advertise in LFG without ever using the term “GDKP”, and call it a day. Better yet, find a GDKP group that runs regularly and then never communicate anything about it at all in chat of any kind.

The abuse of reporting tools, even if overturned, even if the perpetrators get actioned, is simply too easy for people to do. Blizzard had to literally undo /spit because the same kind of mentality spread like wildfire over the TBCC mounts. GDKP reporting is swiftly becoming exactly that.


Right and having a clear loot method laid out with the ML not following it was considered a scam. It just had to be very explicitly stated.

Which is sure a grey area that requires GM’s to make decisions and investigate etc… vs taking the stance of if you are in a ML raid good luck and have fun.

No, that is a really bad idea. The Support article on it is pretty explicit that LFG is NOT the channel. Telling people do do that, when Blizz has even said LFG is not the right channel (Blue post linked in this thread), is only setting people up to get penalized if reported.

I don’t want people to get suspended! Please don’t encourage them to post in a channel that is absolutely going to get them in hot water if reported.

That would work too. Avoiding any reference to gold in the LFG channel is wise. Having your own group is even better and what Blizz recommends. It means you know who is involved and trust them not to be laundering or using stolen/bought gold.

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Stumping your feet, crossing your arms and holding your breath until you get what you want won’t help anyone in the matter. Not sure what to tell you when Blizzard themselves tell you not to do such.

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If you buy gold, just say it man

You throwing out insults at me won’t change Blizzard’s mind that GDKP is an exchange of gold between players for raid participation. Period. Either people getting paid to participate or people paying to bid on loot. Gold is involved.

I get you are frustrated and want it to be just a regular loot system like DKP, but it is not. As soon as gold is involved it becomes seen as a services item. Worse, you can get banned for participating in one if the gold comes from an illicit source. Including being the recipient of it.

If you want to risk your own account that is up to you. Please don’t encourage others to risk their accounts just because your opinion differs from Blizzard’s.


If Blizzard officially said “you may not advertise GDKP groups in LFG” I would accept that. they have not :expressionless: that is the fact of the matter.


The policy explicitly states you can only use Trade (Services) for raids and groups involving gold changing hands.

Individuals and guilds selling boost or assistance in raiding, dungeon, or PvP activities for gold is allowed but can only be advertised in-game through the Trade Services chat channel.

If you went by the explicit rules you could not advertise GDKP, or any other runs that exchange gold in SoD, at all. Seeing as there is no Trade (services) channel.

Making up the concept that you can use LFG instead is not going to make it true just because you want it to be. I know what GDKP is, and it is not a standard DKP, Council, or Master Looter raid. Gold changes hands.

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GDKP does not fit that criteria :expressionless:


What you’ve linked doesn’t show this explicitly, nor implicitly, especially without a Trade Services (and the associated updated rules with that channel’s creation) in SoD. You’re overstating your case.

GDKPs are neither a sold boost nor a sold assistance. A Tank proclaiming you must pay him gold for him to do Live Strat is a service as defined here. That’s not how GDKPs work.

This is so brazenly speculative that it is little more than supremely unhelpful fear-mongering. You might as well caution people from using the AH because the overpriced item that immediately sold could have been bought with fraudulent gold and you could get banned for participating in RMT!!

That people can deliberately use trade windows, mail, and AH transactions to funnel and launder RMT gold does not mean you’re actively in danger of being banned if you ordinarily use these means.

Your bias is nauseating.


it’s so clear this MVP has an anti-GDKP bias :expressionless: now’s a good time to remind the forums that green text does not speak for blizzard in any way.