GDKP in a nutshell

yeah but he is kinda likeable so

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Filthy authoritarian logic remains filthy

Link me some

Lol. You sure about that?

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Any insult, slander, comparison. I believe you called someone a dork? Uh oh. Hate speech.

Hell, if so inclined a gm could just say youā€™re trolling. Gg suspended. No recourse.

lol report me, letā€™s see what happens

Why? I donā€™t care about language. I donā€™t use report systems for personal vendettas

How noble of you. Iā€™m gonna report GDKP whenever itā€™s breaking ToS :innocent:

Donā€™t lie. Youā€™re going to /continue/ reporting it even when itā€™s not breaking tos.

Itā€™s dishonest to assume everyone does Step 1. Legit GDKPs do exist and you can be sure they would still exist even if Blizzard was very strict and severe with banning gold buyers because itā€™s a good system.

Yes itā€™s annoying when a swiper join the raid and bids like a douche, ofc! thatā€™s why Iā€™m all for banning gold buyers for 6+ months, if not forever but Blizzard donā€™t do it! they only do 2 weeks ban which is a joke.

People that blindly hate GDKPs should point fingers at Blizzard for not being pro active against bots and gold buyers.


thats why you cant understand easily deductible TOS rules that clearly state that GDKP belongs in 2 since its a transaction of gold, aka a service.

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I donā€™t mind what you do behind closed doors, but could you please refrain from bringing your persecution fetish in here?

Lol, thatā€™s assuming all GDKPs are guilty of RMT, which none of us can prove and is undoubtably false.

Iā€™m not sure my callousness towards insults makes me incapable of interpreting policy. I think your distaste for gdkp incentivized you into misrepresenting policy in a way that unreasonably restricts gdkps.

Hell, if there were no RMT Iā€™d consider joining an ethically advertised GDKP. We 10000% donā€™t live in that world though.

Sure man, not like you canā€™t find swaths of players sharing your views who openly admit to that, ones which you align yourself with.

So I assume you donā€™t use the AH then, eh?

I could not care less. Itā€™s not an unreasonable limitation to keep GDKP ads in /trade. Just stop breaking the rules and there is no issue.

Hahahah classic small brain GDKP scapegoat.