GDKP in a nutshell

I will forever report any GDKP as well


yes you can :expressionless: GDKP =/= RMT

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Rmt has nothing to do with a monetary system being used in lfg

You’re supposed to advertise GDKP in /2 per Blizzard because it’s treated like a service, not looking for group. I think it’s a dumb distinction but :man_shrugging:

and where did blizzard say this :expressionless:

On the CS forum.

That’s for selling boosts or straight loot runs, which are services, not GDKP.

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only thing I found there is this, where it is explicitly stated that GDKP is ALLOWED:



So, enter at your own risk, and don’t be surprised if you get hit with an RMT ban.

Is exactly what that post says

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reporting a gdkp isnt false reporting, it’s illegal to do gdkp so im letting blizzard know by reporting them

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no, it is not :expressionless:


nobody cares if you made gold by proxy of a goldbuyer
 just run hard res or soft res runs if you’re too worried about not getting a specific item. if you feel forced to do a raid and need to be paid to be able to enjoy it with other players, logout and uninstall

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yes it is.

its not at all, i got several gdkpers banned/muted on grobbulus so they would have to go hide in their rmt discords

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You are missing the point. Items are going for 10g-20g. These are not gold buyers getting the items. Obviously most people are doing the raid to get some reward. You have 0 idea what you are talking about


Should get banned for fasle reporting


Excellent post, yes we should ban GDKPs it’s full of RMT.

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Yes you can, its simply a loot option. Do you report ms/os lol

Its not lol. Classic andys foaming at the mouth to force people to play how they want to