GDKP in a nutshell

While you might dislike GDKP raids, there is currently nothing in the TOS that restricts them and in reality they are just as viable as any of a raid format, so based on this, yes reporting people for them would count as harassment on your part, which would be a violation of the TOS, which could result in you getting banned, and yes its false reporting.

I went through the raid with my guild without getting an item 3 lockouts in a row when I didn’t even have half of my bis, obviously most people are doing the raid because it’s a fun activity to do with others, and the reward is an afterthought. it doesn’t matter how cheap the items are, most goldbuyers haven’t even filled a quest log up at max level much less gotten enough gold to buy their 3rd alt that theyre taking to a gdkp 5 items for 20g each. what’s obvious is that most gdkps are full of goldbuyers who claim that low prices mean that everyone must have completed every quest

it is and that’s why it’s being actioned

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while you may dislike people reporting gdkp raids, they are infact illegal and should be banned more instead of being able to be present out in the open. “acceptable behavior is determined by player reports and blizzard decision” that is the in-game code of conduct, not some imaginary ToS you may cite, and the reports have spoken to blizzard that gdkps are not welcome and reporting them isn’t “false reporting” its a duty


Ms>Os isn’t inherently and obviously correlated with RMT. Gdkp is


I think you are very much mistaken. Most people pug and never speak to anyone in their raid. I understand gdkps are linked with gold buying generally. My point is, in SOD specifically, most GDKPs are just legitimate players with nothing else to spend gold on

im definitely not the mistaken one here, most people do not pug most people are in guilds if they are raiding, you can see that in the literal thousands of logs. why do you think guilds exist? and why do many on crusader strike have hundreds of members? but your point is incorrect because most gdkps are illegitimate

Except that there’s no correlation between GDKP’s and RMT beyond what’s in the head of a few haters who just watched a couple click bait videos.

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So you think most SOD level 25 raiders are doing guild runs?

there is nothing but correlation between gdkp and rmt, what else could there be?

Other than it simply being a good system for pugging raids that a lot of people like?

Sorry, but the TOS is not an imaginary thing which you get to ignore if it doesn’t say what you want it to say, it is a real agreement that you agreed to by having an account.

So if you think they are illegal, please show where in the TOS it identifies that specific loot type as illegal, or identify the blue post that says this, as while Blizzard hasn’t posted any recent information, if you do a search on Google, you can actually find a link to a blue post specifically staying that GDKP is a legitimate loot format, though its from post from 2010, I wasn’t able to find any posts after that stating otherwise.

Either way, at this point, you are simply abusing the reporting system Blizzard has setup as a way to harass other players, and yes that’s a banable offense.


because of the bot gold?

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code of conduct is support article 42673, please cite the ToS
gdkp is a bannable offense so that is why I’m reporting it, it’s not “abusing” the system

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No, it is obvious. I’m not interested in ignoring reality.

So how is using a legitimate loot system according to Blizzard a banable offense?

Also if you look at the code of conduct, nothing in it reflects anything that would prohibit GDKP raids, however it would restrict behavior such as those by someone who submits fall requests to try and get people banned for legitimate activity.

So yes, you are abusing the system, both by the TOS, and also by the Code of Conduct you are referencing, neither of which though restrict or in anyway identify GDKP raids as being anything but a legitimate raid format.

Or join a guild and justvdo fuild rins.

So you think a couple youtube clickbaits are reality?

Every gdkp I’ve been in had a pot under 200g in SoD.

I had more than that second week on my Druid just from doing quests and selling elixirs. You can have 20-40, fully trained profs/skills just from doing a few dungeons and being frugal. Most min bids are like 5g. Gold comes by easy. There’s zero reason to presume gdkp are funded by bots. The vast majority are just people playing the game. You guys are abusing the report system and bad at managing your gold.

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Don’t need to consume a YouTube video to connect to the dots here. Super basic stuff.