GDKP has ruined classic's community

Lastly, you don’t need bots to farm gold. Chinese gold farming is still a thing, and a lot easier with a bunch of mages in Classic. A whole bunch of people can take advantage of the same repetitive things, sometimes under terrible conditions. Its serious. This type of farming was why Blizzard made certain actions punitive from the get-go. They used to enforce the “terms.” Like Mizter said–in essence–Blizzard hands suspensions out like slaps on the wrist. The most serious offenses, like gold buying (potentially from Chinese sweat shops) are not punished in the fashion they once were. News flash: they also sell raid runs. Gamers almost have to be addicted to this game to continue in this F2P / P2P fashion.

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Wonder if backpedaling has been made an olympic sport yet, if so, you should sign up.

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I wonder if cherrypicking statements is an olympic sport. You’d get silver without GDKP.

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I am finding this to be less and less true right now its true but as time gose on this statment will be false you are right that their guilds still out there but far more few even on high pop servers and the ones you do see just sign up gdkp and say they raid leaveing people in the guild to furgie out how to gear for themselfs therefore lessing the need for guild more and more as time gose on since everyone is now just slowly starting to gkdp for gear rather than joining guild …honsestly i kinda wonder if blizz knew this kind of thing would happen and when it gets bad they will say "You think you do but you dont " aka i told you so and will lead blizz to justfiy shuting down classic and tbc servers as more people get fursriaghting and leave

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Speaking for myself, I was never aware of it for all the years I spent playing the game. Never saw it in Vanilla, TBC, Wrath, or Cata. I stopped playing around Cata.

I played some of WoD and Legion, however, and–again–never saw it there. Then again, around that time Group Finder had evolved to the extent that finding a group was as easy and clicking a button and I didn’t have to sort through rows and rows of text on a single channel in order to find the group that I wanted.

The thing I really hate about the way Classic works is that I am not able to ignore more than 50 people at a time which means the vast amount of people who are advertising boosts, GDKP, summons, DMT, etc. cannot be blocked. It’s in my face all the time while I try to look for a group that is otherwise just trying to find people to run a dungeon or a raid.

Ultimately, GDKP was never as rampant as it is now. However, from what I’m learning, even Retail is experiencing botting issues.

So, what changed?

Keldryd, you mentioned how retail has the WoW Token, right? Even though that exists, people still buy gold from third parties on Retail.

I mean, how many people are repeatedly risking their account security in an effort to buy gold? This is insane to me.

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Sorry, but I earned my gold legitimately and I do not care for kissing some raid leader’s butt, playing nice, or w/e else you need to do to get a drop with these loot councils run by teenagers. See…I can generalize too.

Well, the ability to generalize is necessary for these forums anyway. You can’t be too specific about these things because you run the risk of calling certain individuals out for their behavior. So a lot of what’s talked about is fairly limited here.

Thankfully, Keldryd has provided links to MMO-Champion where people speak quite freely about their illegal behavior because they know they won’t suffer any repercussions for it here.

Human Male laugh intensifies

GDKPs are just a way for people to launder their bought gold

No, you didn’t farm the 45,000g you just dropped on Iblis


Since classic has launched I have just over 86500 lasher kills in Dire Maul east.

Lasher Root - 2 average drop - 17s each - 5% drop rate - 1470g
Thorny Vine - 30s - 3% - 778g
Serrated Petal - 60s - 1.8% - 934g

3182g I generated out of thin air just by farming lashers and vendoring the greys.

Now this doesn’t take into account all the other herbs/greens/greys/blues/epics farmed in Dire Maul east or the raw silver drop from Satyrs (1-3g each run) or runecloth or Run Tunn Tubers or anything, it’s just raw gold from one source.

On average I generate ~100g from 5x Dire Maul East runs before auction house. That is just vendoring greys/greens and bandages.

Gold comes from playing the game. Bots have to play the game to generate gold, you have to play the game to generate gold

People the play the game more have more gold unless they are wasting it on stupid purchases.

And hey guess what the vast majority of GDKP’s don’t see items going for that much gold.

noooo, no wat at all.

this is true, rarely make more than 100g a run these days

I know it’s so sad. And all the people doing the runs are buying gold and blizzard does nothing about it. the tbc is looking it’s going to be the same thing


I mean can you blame people for joining gdkp the only other real option in guilds you see are all loot council and then maybe a EP/GP that hasn’t cleared sapphiron. Good luck getting anything this late in classic with loot council.

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Games been out for going on 2 years and people think its impossible for characters to have 10,000g, only because they probably got 42g across all their characters cause they jump around stormwind all day while hating on rich characters on the forums.

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So, 3200g in 2 years.

And how does it make you feel to know that people are dropping up to 60x that much on items in GDKPs?

Again, where is that gold coming from?

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In other words: “Socializing with other people is too difficult!”

I thought this might be relevant:

Some interesting takes:

“I have only bought wow tokens with my accounts and bot using my own profiles. I have yet to get banned. I doubt theres any tricks to it.”

“When i bought the tokens with all my accounts a few days ago and redeemed them, all of them got banned”

“Buying gametime tokens with botted or bought gold is high risk. and they will not consider any unban requests.”

“I think their bot detection is really !@#$ right now. I just got back into it and to test the waters, I botted 24 hours for 6 days straight before the account was banned. Also in their email it was stated that I was reported by another player. I doubt WoW tokens are what they’re using to catch anyone.”

Your logs sure speaks volumes about your socialization.