GDKP has ruined classic's community

Not engaging. “Legitimate” and “GDKP” in the same sentence… Not going to feed you. Yes, many people agree that it ruins the game, because you are buying gameplay (raid time) instead of…playing the game. Yet, you say “legit” and “gdkp” in the same sentence. Don’t feed the troll.

Would you say people farming herbs, ore, selling vendor greys or selling things on the AH isnt legitimate gameplay?

God you guys are ridiculous at times lol

Majority of GDKPs are done with legitimate players who did not bot or buy gold. Its obvious youre ignorant.

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It blows my mind. I don’t understand. Could it be more obvious that these types of transactions are toxic and ruin the economy? Only trolls on these forums deny that trading in game items/currencies for services is a serious issue. You actually put that very well. A lot of people came to Classic to avoid such transactions, even WoW tokens. Well, they’re coming back to “Classic.” Believe it. A single 58 boost is just the start. What a sham. But hey, look at Call of Duty. That’s Activision for you: providing an endless coil of expendatures that gaming addicts will pay for. Consider GDKP moguls with 100K gold will carry that over to a new server. I DO remember the times when rules were actually enforced on a per-person basis, not these massive ban waves where Blizzard / Activision promises to take action. There are still multi-boxers all over the place, for instance. There are still going to GDKPs, and no one is going to quit the game because of it. So we deal with whatever horrible moves Blizzard makes. Sadly, people will invest in this game no matter what because they are gaming addicts. If TBC goes the way I’m pretty sure it will, I’m going to invest a whole lot of time in it for nothing. Because people do buy gold, and will get items better than me in the end because they have bought gold to spend in GDKPs. That’s my current predicament: I earned my T3 and Naxx gear where there ARE people on my server wearing partial greens and blues or are totally geared with no enchants and are alts who just exchanged their–as one troll has put it–“legitimately earned” gold for that gear. And yet forum trolls deny the connection between GOLD and DKP. What a sham. RMT transfers exist! As I have said it before, the bounty of a GDKP comes from the real life purchase of gold, somewhere in the pipeline, straight up. The MrMegaBankRoll can have his gold purchases laundered right back to him, in fact, so he can continue being the meat for the ravenous GDKP moguls’ organized raids. They eat the foolish spenders right on up.

Remember guys, tipping the mage for porting you is toxic and why many left retail to come back to classic

If people earned gold “legit,” with no botters or gold buying, who would want to GDKP? With the gold drop, can’t you see that the demand would disappear? GDKP is WoW’s new cheat code, however, a real problem in and of itself. You should NOT be able to exchange gold for raid services at all any more than bots should not be able to generate lots of gold to be purchased for the currently, hugely obvious issue of immense amounts of gold being spent in Classic’s GDKP scene. Boosts used to be illegal and gold exchanges for them were an offense. Now, Blizzard turns a blind eye. The game has changed. Exchanging gold for the instant gratification of BOOSTING (by definition) should never happen. All of these things, involving gold and the economy at large, are serious issues. But the most glaring of all NOW is GDKP. Bots aren’t the only ones who generate lots of gold. Ever heard of the Chinese gold farming community? Yeah. They still exist, and they are still promoting Boosts and GDKPs for cash all over the web, functioning without bots. Terrible circumstances these farmers live in. I don’t honestly know how else to feed the trolls who challenge the obvious on these forums. Cast no pearls before swine is a good thing to remember.

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  1. GDKP has been a loot system as far as I can recall which was Wrath the first time I seen a group of that system.

  2. Players would actually prefer GDKPs where gold buying and botting didnt exist because desired items would go for less gold. Yes the pot would be smaller but gold would be more scarce so a 500g split to all raiders would essentially be the same value as 1500g to all raiders.

Educate yourself broseph.

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Botters aren’t the issue here. There are gold farmers in China who don’t bot and sell all over the web. Buying gold isn’t the issue here, but it becomes very problematic. No, GDKP is the problem, exchanging gold for BOOSTS. Game Genie for WoW. Buying a portal from a mage is much different than running toons through dungeons and raids, creating a black market for gold exchanges. Pretty obvious GDKP is toxic.

It is not much different from GDKP. You said buying in game services with gold is toxic. Therefore, paying a rogue to unlock your lockbox is toxic. Literally every thing you buy that involved another player was a form of service they or you did that they are seeking. GDKP is no different.

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Ok…last message for you troll. Exchanging any amount of gold, 1 gold, for raid progress or raid items should not be allowed. I actually played TBC and Wrath. Never heard of a GDKP back then. There were illegal gold transactions, exploits and, yes, inviting people to raid to sell items…but all of those things were punitive. The most prolific of the three was and still is illegal gold transactions. I NEVER saw people openly, in trade OR vent, so much as promote a single raid run focused around gold. Not ONE. Maybe one day Blizzard will allow you to purchase from RMTs. I’d say the same thing. Blizzard did not allow purchases from RMTs. People wouldn’t be actively selling the gold in trade on their main toons. They’d be suspended, or banned if flagged. That was the way it was back then. I had heard of boosts for online cash or high amounts of gold in retail more recently (Legion especially and on), but not GDKP. Not even the term “GDKP,” and I have played this game a LOT from TBC on. Pay to play is pay to play, whether it be a single gold or ten thousand. Rules are rules and they should be enforced, because that Gressil everyone talks about happened. And I’ve seen AQ40 items go for 10K personally. Toxic and terrible for the economy. There’s not much more to be said. Raid items, dungeon item trades even…aren’t mage portals or tips for opening a lockbox. Get out of here. You are simply wrong there Owns. Accept that GDKP is a problem and sit down.

First of all, disagreeing with you using logic is not trolling. These were YOUR words -

You can backpedal on that one all you want.

Secondly -

Gressil was an isolated incident and FAR FAR from the norm of GDKPs. How was 198k possible? BECAUSE of buying gold. If buying gold was not existant that Gressil would not have gone for even 80% of that price. GDKP was alive in Wrath -

https :// (space between https and : )

I dunno who you talked to that convinced you to hate on GDKP the way you are but your ignorance is glaring.

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Services meaning raid services. I was referencing GDKP troll.

Even the person you were responding to didn’t specify raiding services. Backpedal some more.

Very convenient you didn’t get into the rest of my response also.

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Just put him on ignore and move on.
You can’t change the mind of someone that thinks their way is the only way and that how they view something is the only correct view.

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Yeah true, its just frustrating sometimes.

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Troll: “But if they at least banned people from trading in game currencies/items for in game services, it’d be a lot healthier for sure.” I suppose he’s referring to mage portals too? Also, the mmo-champion is a link from early 2010 going into Cataclysm. I, personally, had never heard of GDKPs. Notice the second poster, a 10 year member of MMO-Champion for goodness’ sake, states: “Wow, thats a first. Seems much of a hassle than roll and keep going.”
https ://
You know what to do with the “s.” Here’s an article for you. “What is risky about buying gold? I never got that.” A quote just for you. Who cares, it is MMO-Champion. It discusses all sorts of things, and doesn’t change the fact GDKP wasn’t prolific. The OP was asking everyone if any other servers ran GDKP. So it wasn’t “alive” in Wrath. There were apparently some guilds who did it, and some servers had it apparently, but also apparently not many had even heard of it, let alone supported it. It also doesn’t make it less punitive. People are curious, and want answers, and choose MMO-Champion. Their choice. But since we’re talking subjects on MMO-Champion:

https ://

Read the comments. They all discuss Honorbuddy, a botting program that eluded Blizzard around Mists of Pandaria time. Just because MMO-Champion talks about something doesn’t mean it isn’t punitive, or prolific. I had never heard of GDKP, but if it was happening in instances in Wrath, so was gold buying and it had supporters on MMOC. You can virtually google any subject on MMO and find discussion on it. Again, it doesn’t make the subject less punishable because it is being discussed, or prolific. On my server…nothing on GDKP. In Classic, it is all over the place. You can twist things all you want. Consider this last post on MMOC, discussing Honorbuddy, the GDKP of Mists of Pandaria: “Funny I used Honorbuddy daily before yesterday and none of my 17 accounts got banned. I didnt check all of them yet but so far it looks like i hadnt been affected.” :open_mouth: Just because someone discusses something on MMOC doesn’t make it right or less punitive. It doesn’t mean that it was prolific either. The MMOC OP discussing GDKPs was reaching out to see if other servers did this, in his own words, “special event” on their servers. I provided you the first answer. You can twist things all you want. Just like you twisted Mizterdots obvious reference to trading game currencies (gold) for in game services (boosting / GDKP raids). He wasn’t exactly referring to mage fees or rogue tips, twisty troll…but this I am not going in depth for. I just supposed that since you had quoted MMO-Champion…

11 months prior to Catas release isnt exactly “going into cata” it wasnt even a year and a half into WOTLKS life span. You also neglected to point out the poster that said there were GDKPs on their server in TBC… Convenient.

So now you’re moving the goalposts from it didnt exist in WOTLK to it wasnt prolific. Gotcha, again, convenient.

Not gonna get into honorbuddy cause honorbuddy is irrelevant to our debate.

I didn’t twist anyones words, I used your exact wording you used.

Why do people who have little to no experience with the topic they’re talking about fight so hard to defend their uninformed/uneducated opinion of it?

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The troll: “So now you’re moving the goalposts from it didnt exist in WOTLK to it wasnt prolific. Gotcha, again, convenient.”

Yes, I’d equate “alive” to “prolific.” Active. Flourishing. Something someone would be aware of. There were instances of it “out there” apparently, not enough that I had even heard of it. Doesn’t sound very lively to me.

Honorbuddy is just as relevant to our debate as GDKP is, because I argue that GDKP is just as toxic.

Just ignore me. You’ll save time and effort twisting things around. Nothing changes my agreement with Mizterdots: “But if they at least banned people from trading in game currencies/items for in game services, it’d be a lot healthier for sure.” You know full well he didn’t mean mage portals and rogue boxes, troll. He meant what he meant. If they banned the trade he was referring to, the game would be healthier. 100% agree. Blizzard is not doing this.

Not sure what server you were on but it was pretty active on Vek’nilash. Someone on that thread said its spreading like wildfire on their server. Your mileage may vary but GDKP was very much alive in Wrath, as I had noted and you tried to counter otherwise. More proof of your lack of knowledge of the subject.

You’re also saying that GDKP is more toxic than gold buying lol. GDKP, something that only impacts a raid loot system. Gold buying - Something that impacts the entire game, yet GDKP is more toxic than that. Riiiiiiight.

You a mind reader? Cause Im not. From the wording that was used though you can pretty understandably see it to mean that trading in game currencies for game services could mean any services being provided. Remember that the next time you sell a stack of linen cloth on the AH… You should be banned for charging for your services.

Edited to add: Permabanned if you’re one of those baddies who sell stacks of 1 at a time for 5 pages worth.

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Regardless, fact of the matter is everything you’re against is inflated because of gold buying and botting. You get rid of gold buying and botting and the services are still there, they just are at a much reduced cost. You get rid of services and gold buying and botting is still there. You get rid of services, gold buying and botting? You might as well just remove gold from being a currency in the game because theres really no other way to rid the game of all of it.

Get rid of gold buying and botting, as its the only thing wrong out of all of them.

Wow. Never did I say GDKP was more toxic than gold buying. They’re all bad, and part of the pay-to-play system. Yes, a raid can be a part of a money laundering system. Throw gold or cash in and there you go. Hence all of my posts against GDKP in a post that GDKP has ruined Classic’s community. Heartily agree. Mizter clearly references pay-to-play. I’ll let him clarify. I could be wrong, but again I am sure he was NOT talking linen cloth on the AH, or however you twisted that.
“How many people here don’t mind continuing to pay for a sub, which many consider to be a premium to avoid the awful monetization tactics and other negatives that were associated with F2P or B2P games back in the day, without the additional fact this kind of monetization is considered an inferior practice nowadays?..well guess what, all those things you wanted to avoid are in this game, and we’re paying the premium to boot. I could go on a 4 hour rant about how gamrers have no standards anymore and the industry is a soulless corporate machine.” I agree with this, and stated such. He is referring to pay to win. This topic is GDKP. Here you go on a tangent about “mind reading.” I’m done. Just read what he said. I agree with his points on GDKP. As I see it: Gold Farmers --> Gold Buyers --> GDKP --> Demand for more gold --> Gold Farmers.

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