GDKP has ruined classic's community

This is an alt. I use him for making salt every 3 days.

Keldryd, here something that might interest you:

Here’s something that caught my eye:

"In February, NetEase decided to release WoW Token on all Chinese classic realms. This action caused Chinese gold price to plummeting to an abysmal level. With gold price plummeting, many gold farmers decide to migrate to U.S. and E.U. servers. They targeted all high population realms like Herod, Faerlina and Whitemane. I once had a conversation with a gold seller. He told me that Chinese gold price is around 0.05 RMB (roughly 0.007 USD) while U.S. gold price is around 0.40 RMB (roughly 0.056 USD). So, he is making 7 times more than he makes on Chinese realms.

Most these gold sellers have two accounts. One mage for selling boosts during peak hours. One hunter to solo DMN during off-peak hours. They can roughly make 5000g to 8000g a week depends on their luck. Then they sell these gold for a few hundred bucks each week. During march, the demand for gold was so high that you have to preorder to buy gold from these gold farmers."

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100% agree. Like you said…we are observing (a concept Owns doesn’t seem to understand) organized guilds and pugs going full on easy-mode, buddy-buddy GDKP rather than raid “legitimately.” It is like witnessing a crime. I may not be able to prove all the details…but for goodness sake, it is rampant to the point that it is obvious and you honestly NEED them to keep up. Much like bought gold. But yes you are on point Elffy. SMH. GDKP is a form of raid, and when gold as a currency for gear so much as competes with guild run raids…it could not be more obvious that its a problem.

Right on again, Mobikon. Gold sellers undercut Blizzard in the RMT market. You can compare and contrast online. Even with a “new” TBC token, GDKP is so rampant that people who attend are going to mostly-Asian farmers for the lowest possible prices. Yep, in retail people still buy gold under retail prices. Gold buying is hard to eradicate, but GDKP is easy to nip in the bud. GDKP would not be rampant in the TBC / Wrath days. I have heard of a lot of raid modes, but personally, had never heard of GDKP back then. The reason that is is because it wasn’t rampant then. It is now. Hugely. Eclipsing the reason to run as a guild or pug (pugs are virtually dead outside of GDKP). It wasn’t a subject then. Now we are talking about people transferring all the gold they need for an entire TBC experience at one time. Insane. Right on again, Mobikon.

Quite right, but people are still calling this gold laundering better than gold buying? You can’t advertise gold sales in trade, but you can advertise GDKPs. And there are $ bought GDKPs just as there are purchases of gold. Gold farmers (bots or Chinese mass farmers (bots aren’t the only ones, and farming in a Chinese sweatshop was one of the reasons Blizzard banned so often back in the day)) --> Gold Buyers --> GDKP --> More gold demand and the farming intensifies as gold inflates. Right on Halite. You would think it’d be so obvious to everyone.