Blue post addressing WoW tokens

Could we get a blue post on WoW tokens? Are they being considered? Has Blizz put any thought into them, or are they aware that people are starting to ask for them because the RMT situation is getting out of hand? If there is no intention of adding them even that would be nice to know so people can accept it and move on. Thanks!

Is this an accurate statement?


Yes. If you look at recent posts there have been a few discussing the merits of WoW tokens. Both on Classic and TBC forums.

Well, I have looked. I haven’t noticed a particular uptick recently in posts discussing RMT. I certainly haven’t seen anything indicating that RMT is getting out of hand.

There seems to be an situation where gold is much, much more of a factor in the game, where “boost runs” and GDKP has risen to a level not seen in this game before (had existed, but not too this level).

Fresh players may find this encountering, where buying gold from a third party website could be a solution.

Would this be solved if Blizzard offered tokens?

I think a larger proportion of players that’d purchase gold as an option, would rather it from Blizzard, though we still have the same throughout of gold in the game that dictates the transaction of “boost runs” and GDKP.

Just putting it out there, that while tokens may solve some issues, it’s effect will still be felt as a replacement through existing habits.

Below are some of the threads discussing tokens and RMT for your viewing pleasure. There are plenty of people complaining about it. This is not an exhaustive list.

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stop dude

stop trying to make wow tokens happen.


Oh look, a compeletly unhelpful and irrelavent reply. No, I don’t think that’s a burn because I’m sure your parents have been telling you you’re unhelpful and irrelavent since you were old enough to understand those words.

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youre level 54 lol


People have been asking for tokens since day 1 of Classic release and if Blizzard hasn’t acknowledged them by now then the chances they do now are slim.

Please blizzard give us the wow token

lets be real blizz. look at my gear, then look at the gear of the people asking for wow token


Cmon dude, we know you bought that gear


I see. So, a couple of posts by you, and then some posts unrelated to RMT?

The GDKP posts, some of which I’ve participated in, do not seem to have many posters with any experience with GDKP, but just some dislike of the concept, apparently.

Of course, we seem to have different perspectives (and opinions) on GDKP. However, the question as to whether RMT has gotten out of hand, remains.

Has it?


To be honest the smart decision from Blizz would have been to have had Tokens from Classic launch. The greatest defense against lost profits to 3rd party options is the tokens.

This isn’t a “people putting in the time” vs “people with a wallet”. This is cold hard business. Where there is a gold deficit you will find individuals or groups selling gold.

Ultimately what harm does tokens do to the game? Those who want the pleasure of earning their stuff will earn it with or without tokens. Those who don’t want to earn it will pay other people for their gold.

Also, pardon my ignorance but what is the RMT?

Or you know… Blizzard could just uphold their own terms of service and just ban gold buyers and sellers.

Tokens don’t actually fix any problem and if you want something to refer to you can look at retail or the China classic servers where gold farmers, bots, and gold buyers are still rampant.


I’m sure Blizz is upholding the ToS. A friend of mine back in college ended up buying something like three copies of WoW because they started banning his keys.

He never learned to stop buying gold or power levels. :laughing:

But that just goes to show that for Blizz there is an additional source of revenue. Add to it that their enforcers can’t be everywhere at once. It is more economical and has a net value generation increase to go with tokens.

That’s a long post that proved nothing. I’ve created one post about tokens. This one. I have commented in a few but they’re not mine lol. The point wasn’t that RMT has factually gotten out of hand or hasn’t, it’s that people are complaining about it. I think i’ve provided enough proof that it’s true.

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This is the point I was asking about.

There are a couple of things here I don’t think you’ve shown with your quotes:

1.) That people are asking for tokens due to the RMT situation getting out of hand.
2.) That people are asking for tokens.
3.) That the RMT situation is getting out of hand.

That’s sort of where I was coming from with asking my initial question.


Yes, People are asking for tokens because they believe RMT is getting out of hand. I provided more than enough posts to prove that.