GDKP has ruined classic's community

Everyone is looking for a crazy payday. There is zero recruitment opportunity to backfill positions. A new gdkp pops up every day and instantly has 80-100 people signing up for it but even the ones not getting into them will just sign up for the next one rather than not getting that payout at the end. THey are a cancer that needs to be cut out from the body of classic!


In before someone gets on here and argues that cancer is perfectly fine.


I’ve posted this elsewhere, but I’ll do so here for the sake of people who don’t quite understand how the GDKP market works and keeps bots well-fed.

They just recycle it and they use Players as a proxy. GDKP are essentially mules. This is why it’s difficult to find out who is at “fault” for the current market. Here’s my working theory on how the current system works:

The way players will try to earn gold and remain competitive is to rely on GDKP runs. They will do this regardless of the fact that GDKP indirectly keeps bot system up and running.

Bots have major influence over the market. If you’re buying Black Lotus, Plaguebloom, or whatever else you need for raids, there’s always a chance you’re buying your stuff from a bot and not a real player.

The gold you used to buy your mats is then recycled. It is traded to other players in exchange for real-world money. The gold through RMT can then used in the GDKP market to buy items. Remember the guy who spent 198k for Gressil?

So where does the gold go after the GDKP is over? Naturally, that gold can be used to buy more things on the AH which have been farmed by bots. And the cycle continues…

Here’s what this looks like more simplified:

Bots farm mats (Black Lotus, Plaguebloom, etc)
GDKP Raiders spend gold to buy mats from Bots
Bots sell gold to Player A
Player A uses gold they just bought to bid on items in GDKP Raid
GDKP Raiders walk away with lots of gold
GDKP Raiders spend gold on mats
and those mats were farmed by Bots…

The problem with the community isn’t bots. It’s players who are taking other players’ gold without question because it benefits them to do so. It’s like saying, “I’m not cheating. I’m just paid by those who do cheat.”

And people will excuse themselves from any fault by saying things like, “Hey, how am I supposed to know where the gold is coming from?!”

As if they weren’t going to accept a payout either way. Moreover, the Gehennas Server example with the 198,000g payout for Gressil shows that the people running GDKPs do NOT care about their community. They really only care about stocking their wallets. Every “normie” who is trying to play the game according to Blizzard’s rules is getting screwed by players who have switched to GDKP and Boosting as their primary sources of income.


Every day it’s somethimg else with people like this guy. _________ has ruined the wow community.

Newsflash: the wow community is fine and just because your guild can’t find raiders doesn’t mean you need to find a scapegoat to blame. Look in the mirror.


Ironic. A clear-cut example as to how the community is not fine because people like this just jump to conclusions and shame their community members for whatever.


How dare someone play a game the way they enjoy. Everyone must play the way you want!

If you want to attract raiders, offer them something enjoyable that they can’t get from a GDKP run. Cookies maybe? Or memes? I hear the kids love those.


found the guy buying gold!


What conclusion am I jumping to? The guy literally said in his post he can’t backfill raid spots

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Where!?! You should report them.

I’ve never purchased gold for any game I’ve played. Even when I was playing retail, I never once used the token service.

Just because I don’t see an issue with GDKP runs, doesn’t mean I support violating the EULA.

Blizzard should ban Gold Buyers. And Sellers. Hard stop. That is the real issue. Not GDKP runs.


No, he literally said this:


Its not the GDKP but the farming no lifers. Banning all bots and any gold selling is the bandaid on the wound. Many changes need to happen for the wound to fully heal.

Except GDKP runs take gold from gold buyers that you want to ban.

Am I missing something here?


Yeah which proves that I’m not jumping to any conclusion, get your head checked

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LOL hyperbole and flattery won’t get you anywhere

Yeah, Tibble, case in point as to how the community is ruined. All you have to do is disagree and people will throw personal insults at you rather than actually address you kindly and respectfully.


The obvious. But I’ll point it out for you.

Remove the gold buyers and sellers, and what you will have left are GDKP runs with a much lower cap. No big deal.

Players can earn gold via farming. Some classes better than others. But nothing wrong with that.


I’m sorry that no one wants to join your lame soft-res run where you hard res the only decent items and make people waste their time, and gold on consumables.

I’m sorry that no one wants to join your lame mediocre loot council guild where you default all the good and bis loot to your little corrupt loot council of 65 parsing scrublords who swear they need all bis loot that drops for the good of the guild and progress.

If people didn’t try so hard to scam and waste other people’s time with regard to loot in both pugs and in so many of the mediocre loot council guilds, then maybe GDKP would go down in popularity. Funny how competition works huh?


I doubt that. The cost of raiding versus such small gains from lower caps? It won’t be sustained.

Sure, you’ll have the odd GDKP doing it, but it won’t be as rampant as it is now.

Theres nothing inherently wrong with GDKP however much I dislike them.

There is something wrong with how they’re being funded currently and that is what needs to be fixed.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the problem with the community is people who think anyone who does GDKP buys gold and is cancer.

It’s not surprising someone with that attitude can’t find people to raid with.