GDKP are they bannable?

That is correct. But Blizzard is not penalizing players for doing so. My argument is that they need to. Because it’s against ToS. >.<

They are if they’re posting in any LFG channel. They are if they’re spamming no matter what channels they’re posting on. Just because they’re advertising something allowable doesn’t mean there still won’t be consequences if they’re doing it incorrectly.

As for being retaliatory against posters? People can report anyone for anything, whether they are good faith reports or not. What you and other people don’t seem to grasp is that if people aren’t doing anything wrong? NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. At worst, the only thing automated is the temporary squelch that is put on a player that will only last up to 24 hours at most to give a GM time to look over the data and decide whether the reports were correct or not. If people are being suspended then they’ve broken the rules and a GM has agreed with whatever reports have come in.

Also, for the umpteenth time. Mass reporting is nowhere near as prevalent as people would like to believe it is. I’ve seen people who have claimed to be suspended for trying to incite folks into mass reporting folks, so it can happen that there is blow back for stuff like that. But most of the time that people come screeching into CS about being mass reported - I’ve yet to see a case confirmed by our SFAs that there was a legit mass reporting happening.


Great we have a framework to work with (Them being allowed, but Caveat Emptor)

Now the big issue people seem to have is if GDKPs can look for members in the LFG channel or not arguing that it is a trade service not a group forming thing. f we could get some insight that so we know where to actually put messages about them or how to advertise them so the mere act of advertising doesn’t get people banned that would be great.




And to expand on what Leilleath posted above, the Blue post was from February 2022, while the new policy with the Trade (Services) channel was introduced in August 2022.

As you can see, the Trade (Services) channel is for “searching and advertising services like raiding, dungeons or PvP activities”

GDKP advertisements go into the Trade (Services) channel and no other public chat channel. LFG is not for those activities.


The current dilemma is these discussions stem from SoD which does not have a trade services channel.

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this means using /2 trade for that etc is wrong as well. LFG channel is factually the correct place to advertise for GDKPs bc its looking for group. You can disagree all you want but you are wrong. Use it in court as an analogy, it would not be upheld, and facts matter. Also players are not responsible for false reporters etc, this is why I did not ask you, and I asked a CS rep. Nowhere am I looking for your opinion or others, CS rep only bc you cannot give valid information, a CS rep can.

Because we have dueling threads going on:


As soon as the gold exchange is involved, it makes it a service. That belongs in Trade (or Trade Services in Retail). Nowhere else. LFG has NEVER been allowed for advertising anything beyond normal runs where there is no gold exhanged.

Blue posts are never guaranteed. What is guaranteed is that misinformation is nipped really quickly around here. If I was posting falsehoods, they would be removed. Facts are posted here. Opinions rarely are - and if they are? They are labeled as such.


Then you would default back to the policy before Trade (Services) was introduced. They should be in Trade, not LFG.

You can’t just say something is “factual”, because you believe it to be (or want it to be, so you can be “right”).

Because in this case, it is not factual. There are extensive Blue posts (Leilleath has provided them) that have stated that these belong in Trade.

This is not a contact point for Blizzard employees. Yes, you may get an answer, especially since this thread is likely going to be locked soon. But it has never been a one-to-one conversation with anyone at Blizzard. Anyone in good standing is allowed to post whenever, wherever they wish.


If that is the policy, thank you.


Cleaning up old posts! :slight_smile:


When I address LFG, I mean the chat channel that is misused quite regularly with the Classic iterations of the game. That people are not supposed to advertise in the LFG TOOL is mostly common knowledge by this point. Not so much the LFG channel.

Oh sweet heavens. You are making an awful lot of assumptions. I’m hardly against GDKPs or any services that are done legitimately with in-game gold. In fact, I’ve admitted to purchasing them many times over in many threads. So onto the next…

None of it matters. Not here in CS. If you want to offer your feedback and your suggestions, you are absolutely allowed to in the appropriate places. This is not one of them. Just like how GDKPs must be advertised in the appropriate places, so too must suggestions and feedback be placed in theirs. General Discussion forums would be that place, so that CMs can gather that information and relay it along.

All of your tin-foil hat theories and Reddit rhetoric of debunked claims, you’re welcome to read in the many threads where people who have posted here trying to claim similarily have been locked. Sadly just as many of them have been 404’d due to all of the misinformation people were trying to spread.

Hopefully, there were no terrible curveballs for you to maneuver around this go.


Services are services, sirrah.

I mean, apparently, you do because you did? Otherwise, what was all of that typing for?

I would suggest you try to expand your thoughts past the narrow vision you’re clinging so tightly to. How you’re interpreting the ToS to fit your specific ideology isn’t how Blizzard has operated for nearly two decades now. You seem to think your way is the only way.

What I and other people here have tried to explain to you is how things work. We’re not biased, though it’s painfully obvious that you are, despite your claims otherwise. If anyone has opinions, they generally keep them to themselves because they’re not part of how Customer Support operates. If someone does offer their opinion, it’s clearly labeled as such. We deal with facts here, and trying to help folks.

You’re just getting to that point of trolling, which is where I will be leaving you and this thread. You’ve been given correct information across the board - even with quotes from our Blues that you claim you wanted for clarification purposes.

Good luck to you.


When you get a suspension for mismanaging your advertising, try that line of reasoning. I’m sure it’ll turn everything around.


ToS > opinions

I am just asking for clarification if it’s a rightful mute/ban/suspension to report players for advertising Gdkps and i’ve yet to see 1 single blue post or even a player address it

And that clarification has been provided ad nauseum in this and a connected thread that was opened earlier today, let alone the many, many other threads about it that have been opened in the eighteen months since the new advertising policy went into effect.

All you need to do is look.


It’s been given over more than one thread.

Thing is though, you want to continue arguing semantics.

Bottom line is, regardless if it’s a GDKP or boost run Blizzard has specific rules for advertising them and will punish those who break the rules how they deem fit. That is all that matters.


Botom line not banable but run at your own risk you have no idea 100% where the gold is coming from and a few players have found out the hard way. Sure player a could say the gold is legit but could be lying thru there teeth.

Honestly this thread shouldve been locked hours ago its just going in circles.

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