Which Channel is Appropriate for GDKPs?

Because LFG is a channel to recruit people for runs that are looking to fill a group. Absolutely nothing BUT normal groups gathering should be posted in LFG. People still feel the need to chit-chat and spam the channel and then get surprised when they’re suspended for it.

GDKPs are a service you are selling.

Here is a previous post with this referenced and notated with several other posts in regards to the topic.

If they’re ONLY posting in Trade, then they’re being dinged for spamming the channel too often. It doesn’t matter how fast the channel motors by, it can still be considered spamming if they’re advertising too often. It can also be the message itself, if it’s one of those that are overly * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * or the like. Or all caps. Spam can touch many aspects of what message is being posted.

sorry for the edits. formatting.

That’s what I’m having a hard time with. GDKPs don’t strike me as selling a service, but rather a raid group coming together to form their own loot system. If the master looter was pocketing the gold, that’d make more sense.

Still, if that’s the general consensus of the Customer Support forum, I guess I’ll have to take it as such unless a blue chimes in or someone unearths an old blue post on the subject.

In the post I linked there was a post where another CS regular provided the information about only being able to post services in Trade (for non-retail iterations) that had a Blue come in and thank them, stating that what had been provided was correct.


GDKPs and boosting/carrying services of any kind are services. Those all fall under the same blanket.


Gotcha! Well, then, I was wrong. At least now I know for sure, and can direct others to the relevant posts in the future.

Thank you for the effort and the spoonfeeding.


Always glad to help folks - especially if it can help prevent any silences/suspensions for something that people are unaware of.


Actually, reading through the thread, I somehow missed that it was about selling boosts. That’s not what GDKPs are.

This is precisely why Blizzard intentionally leaves things vague. Digging for loopholes.

This is covered in the Advertising policy Cyntaria provided 12 hours ago:

Individuals and guilds selling boost or assistance in raiding, dungeon, or PvP activities for gold is allowed but can only be advertised in-game through the Trade Services chat channel.


I know what GDKPs are. YOU may not feel like they’re not boosts/carries, choosing instead to classify them as guild events with special looting rules, but there is only a slender thread that separates one from the other. They’re covered by the same rules and limitations.


They aren’t boosts/carries. Flat out. That simply isn’t what they are.
If Blizzard wants to treat them as a service belonging in trade, fine - but GDKPs are not a boost/carry service.

That isn’t searching or reaching for a loophole, that’s simply not what they are conceptually.

People are joining in on a run where drops can/will be sold to the highest bidder. The only difference I’m seeing as that boosts/carries is that folks can either freely roll on loot or they’ve got people who will funnel drops to them. There are transactions involved across the board. It is still classified as a service.


Namely that GDKPs pool gold across a group of raiders each expected to perform if they didn’t get the drop, rather than direct take-home profits from players carrying.
I can appreciate that due to an exchange of gold happening at all that it’d fall under trade-chat, I don’t mean to seem argumentative for its own sake, and thank you for your continued replies on the matter.
Regardless of my own take, consensus is consensus - I just wish Blizzarrd would make it clear because of the sheer volume of people openly admitting to false reporting and harassing players that Blizzard has said aren’t breaking rules.

People say a lot of things. It doesn’t make them true. A lot of it tends to be hot air.

People advertising GDKPs is fine - so long as it’s being done in the proper place as well as following standard CoC/ToS rules for spamming.

You could get reported by your entire server for your mog. So long as you’re not breaking any rules - the only thing that may happen is a temporary squelch in cases of social reporting. Past that minor thing, NOTHING happens if you’re not breaking any rules. It’s still against the rules to spam any channel. Just because chat is rolling fast and there have been 50 other posts in 30 seconds between your advertisements, does not make one immune to being dinged for spamming. There is no hard and fast rule for how many minutes must pass between posts, that kind of thing is weighed by what the realm is reporting.

[Edit] Our sleepy panda has locked the thread, but going to tack this in.

Thank you for being open to the discourse and discussion of things. Too often these threads derail into nastiness, so it is very much appreciated.

There are some practices in game that get a lot of peoples’ dander up and a lot of the time most of the information being slung about is nothing but rumors or outright untruths and misinformation. Multiboxing and GDKPs/Boosting/Carrying are the biggest of them. The information that comes from this forum at least, is information that has been vetted by history and what our SFAs have been allowed to relay along.

I’ve seen several of the posts over in SoD when it’s been late at night and I’ve been unable to sleep. It’s pretty much the same conversations that have taken place in the Classic GD/Progressive Classic GD/SoM and even in the Retail GD. There will always be people who are vehemently against this or that.

Play the game as you enjoy it, so long as it is within the perimeters set by Blizzard.

If there is any question about those perimeters, you’ll find people here on CS who are happy to help and without the biases coloring opinions.


But they are a service. Raid members are paying gold for loot drops, and that gold is distributed to the other members of the raid.


People say a lot of things. It doesn’t make them true. A lot of it tends to be hot air.

Fair enough. At present there’s an ongoing moral crusade on SoD over the whole thing, with players encouraging other players to report all GDKP posts in-game as RMT, in trade chat, LFG chat, and in the forums.

But they are a service. Raid members are paying gold for loot drops, and that gold is distributed to the other members of the raid.

Fair enough! When it comes up, I’ll acquiesce to previous arguments and encourage players to start posting them in trade instead of LFG.

Thank you all for the helpful and constructive replies.


These discussions are fine to have - but there are two main camps and very little chance the opposing sides are going to come to a common ground.

AT THIS TIME - and I say that - because things can and do change over time, GDKP runs for GOLD ONLY - are allowed.

That is an entirely different discussion from advertising.

How to get your account reported, and if going against any of the rules, actioned…

  1. Annoy your realm mates with frequency.
    1a. This can be spam - no matter where it’s put.

  2. Advertise in the wrong places.
    2a. Various channels have a purpose - this matters no matter what the advertisement happens to be.

  3. Advertise outside sources of communication.
    3a. Discord, websites, etc. - this is against policy.

  4. Advertise on a low level character or cross-realm.
    4a. Policy says the character has to be participating in the run or at the very least ABLE to participate in the run (server/level)

Any of those things can get you reported - and actioned if you run afoul of policy.


Where do we advertise GDKPs at? I have looked on countless of forums about this topic and have not seen or been given an accurate answer? If you know, could you share plz

In Classic WoW, in the Trade channel. In Retail, in the Trade Services channel on the realm it is being run on, and by someone who is using the posting character in the run…and only for gold.


Thanks, this should be very useful