GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Can I hide in here for a bit?


Actually I want to use this toon for reasons. Just feels right.


Me too and fixed like Legion was.


I don’t think the dragons will be able to take off with Pandarens and Kul’Tirans on them.

Dragons riding dragons, that sounds silly when dragons can fly. :rofl:

Still looking into it, I would love to play all 4 specs of my druid without having a META covenant like system.


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I like what I have seen from the new wow expantion. I just hope they don’t have a massive system thing but ya it seems like it will be what I play over WRath.

Also dragons riding dragons sounds kinky.


This is when I walk away and call it a day if they do it again.

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“I hate it. I just bought a bunch of FLYING MOUNTS, and I won’t be able to use ANY OF THEM TO FLY ON!!! I HATE IT!!!”


I didn’t see where the new dragon system was replacing flying all together.

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A system for flying and not optional, I agree. I have dragon mounts sitting in my mount collection. Is this a way of saying they are not making any more flying mounts?

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You should be able to use them everywhere else. I know SL is not where I’m spending most of my gaming hours and, I suspect, DI will be the same late into the expansion.

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I fear the new system will become Blizz’s way of dialing back flying over the next couple of expansions.

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“I play current content. I park my main in current content. I won’t be able to fly on MY OWN MOUNTS in current content. This pisses me off. Not that anyone at Blizz even cares about what I want.”


People are going to stop buying shop mounts if this is the case.

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I wouldn’t stress too much. As I understand it, we’re only using the dragons to start from the beginning. I’m sure they’ll open flight up to ll flying mounts later.

Honestly, it’s the best of both worlds. We get flying to start with but on Blizzard’s terms until people lose interest and want to fly their mounts instead.


I just. . . wish I could come here and have fun but even the lounge is having bad news about this game right now.

I don’t know where I am supposed to go right now.


I also have special mounts for each character, my priest doesn’t want a dragon as a flying companion.

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“I don’t trust them any more. They are trying to kill flying. If they kill flying, I’m done, for good.”


“Sorry. I’ll leave. I just wanted to vent my feelings on this topic, but I guess THAT is no longer allowed either.”

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I’m on bored with you, because my sense of direction is bad and flying helps me get around easier and faster.

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I doubt they’ll kill it. But they will do things on their terms. Honestly, the entire idea is dissapointing as it’s a direct copy/paste rip-off from GW2.

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