GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Yuk!!! :face_vomiting:

They get ideas from other games to torment us.

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I think most people are feeling burned after BFA and SL. And unfortunately, it leads to assumptions and anger. It’s all justifiable to ne sure, but I wouldn’t let the reactionary stuff get to you.

And be the change you want to see. Bring your already wonderful light into a dismal area and shine that sucker as bright as you can, Alice! :grin::heart::bear::sandwich: :otter:


When beta comes out, we’ll see what other people say, but Blizzard has always been anti flying that’s why they put locks on it all the time.

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I have spend the last day freaking out because of how Blizzard has handled the LFG debate and then saying on twitter that the comminity wanted LFG gone. That hurt me and I was on the TBC fourms having a bad time.

I came here to be with people who are my freinds and move past the pain of the last 24 hours.

I also am not someone who likes it when I am feeling very, very bad that I have their pain directed onto me. I came here to be with my freinds and I am sorry that me feeling bad is upseting you. I will try and od better next time.

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I am going to go. Coming here made me feel worse.

Yup. It’s like a novel or fantasy series. The books define the overall milieu but we decide who we are within it. The park can decide what equipment is on the playground but I decide the games I want to play. This is why I don’t lose much sleep in terms of where Blizz is going.

They listen to Twitter instead of people here in the forums that actually play the game. Anyone can say anything about a game and not play it at all that’s the problem, Blizzard listens to people who are not playing. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the boosters who manipulated those polls for dismantling the LFG, I refuse to be held hostage by tanks and healers.

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From what de whispers on de wind tell me, de rumor is it gonna be like Wod pvp. From a purely pvper prospective dat was a great time of pvp. Closer to de templates so it skill based mon, I’m eager to be getting in dere killing da Kultirans.

I be hearing dat de dragon race can be flying dey own wings. De demon hunters gonna be jealous.

If dey smart dey gonna allow flying but make dragon riding objectively better. You can fly on your old mounts or you can fly faster and more accurate with dragon riding. If anyone be playing ark before it be like the difference of flying a pterodactyl vs a snow owl I be hoping.

I prefer more flying but more annoying ZM birds or dark angels that shoot you down. I be thinking regular flying be good if you get to a maximum altitude mon. Like airplanes.

They might need to figure out how to make the regular mounts fly better?

Right here mon, I give de positive hype. Anyone else here we get to see primordial trolls?!?

If de listened to some of us many tings be fixed. I got tons of theories for lore, small things that patch de lore. Like why orcs be so aggressive in the forests? Have you seen Botani? I not be surprised if orcs got dna level tree mistrust. Orc sees a night elf ancient and Vietnam flashbacks go off in his head of Botani. Easy way to describe why Orc tendencies to violent behavior.

This why I tank or pvp. I got the mob of friends and we got together.


I just bring pain to others. Please stop replying to me so I don’t hurt anyone here.

Oh, yeah I’m like what I’m hearing, but still apply to gear, system, power level? Someone going to over power me, because they are higher 3 stated?

I recently got my BFA flying about maybe 3 or 4 weeks ago, because I missed BFA. I’m still feel exhausted from getting it. I just don’t see the reason to be attached to a dragon if I already have them available in my mount book.

Most of my characters don’t ride dragons, because it doesn’t fit their fantasy. This character does, because warrior and dragons feel they go together. A druid rather be in their flight form than to be on a dragon.

Don’t get me started on how they won’t leave my hunter pets alone.

I hope so, alts for starters it would be painful to do the flying system on alts all over again. Allow, achev to activate account wide. They also could just let us choose to do a dragon or one of our mounts. I love my lightning dragon mount from Legion on this character.


/big warm panda squishy hug



Zandalari skin be thick mon, you can’t be hurting me. We Zandalari never die… or was that Amani?

Three sets so you can be overpowered. But the upgrades only upgrade the pve side so a long time skilled pvper can upgrade his pvp gear to be his all around gear.

I feel you mon I ride de Pterrordax my other troll rides de bat. Dese dragons gonna bow before de trolls mon.

Do you prefer the bfa void worms?

Yeah mon things became less alt made, I used to have 28 max. Now I got 3…

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Holds his daggers menacingly at his own throat his hands twitching as he considers plunging them into his neck.

Bwonsamdi give me strength! Ahhhhhhhh!!!

Zeraves plunges the daggers into his eyes instead.

Atleast I can’t see them now…



chrisp/gotnov here.

po-ta-toes. taters. derp. i’m bored and can’t sleep. ate too much and did too little I guess.

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Imagine the Precursors(Elves for example) acting all snobby to the Humans they uplifted even when they ask for their blessing to go sail among the stars and only leaving their Precursor Cities to explore the outside world after noticing Space Ships fly over their cities and going to Hyperspace!

The Precursors confused by the strange Metal Objects wander outside to find out what beings the Humans struck a bargain with and stumble upon advanced Human Society and are put in wonder and confusion over the Humans surpassing them so much!

Quickly the Humans become the Precursors to their own Precursors! Worse the Humans become Neglectful Precursors who fail to leave behind failsafes to keep the Former Precursors from causing chaos with their Technology which they don’t understand!

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btw in one of the screencaps shared by Blizzard, Tuskarr NPCs are using a new Otter mount never seen before in game, but seen before by the community


Good morning GDer’s!!!

Because of the Tuskarr & their cute little babies!


Tuskar are good but I already read we gonna meet primordial trolls, the trolls before Zandalari! My mind is ablaze, are they more elemental? More dino like? Perhaps more elf like?