GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

pokes his head out from under his favorite blankie on Surfy’s lap

You should eat more tasty :bear::sandwich:! They help me remember a lot of stuff…sometimes.

hands Turasko a bag of tasty :bear::sandwich: and climbs back onto Surfy’s lap with his favorite blankie to watch more adorable otter and baby bunny videos


For what it was, it was par for the course. As I said in another thread, it’s a core issue with always having to escalate conflict within an infinite setting. There always has to be a bad guy and when, as an example, you beat the Jailer it’s going to be exceedingly difficult to up the ante.

Other games have avoided this trap by having finite endings to current arcs. Guild Wars, as an example, resolved those conflicts before launching GW2 and, I suspect, they’re currently working on GW3. FF14 resolved a four expansion (if you count ARR) conflict with their new expansion.

Bu comparison, Blizzard has not done so. One bad guy leads to the next leads to the next leads to the next and so on.

The biggest issue is this really allows no room for downtime. Example, how exciting would it truly be to just go back to collecting Zhevra hooves or bear butts for some random NPC when we have literally defeated WoW Satan himself?

Blizzard should have written the story line through Wrath, released WoW2 with a time skip and kept our adventures more terrestial without going all cosmic on us.


Plot twist we become the the biggest threat.

No wonder we’re written as wondering hobos and can’t establish a house anywhere.

What if we want to RP as retired heroes or heroes on vacation on an island resort.

There needs to be a time where peace is established and built than disturb and wreck it. We heroes need a break.

Island resort in Azeroth please. :tropical_drink:

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in the next expansion king Maximillian of Northshire the hero of new azeroth


for wow they can allwas take the rpg route of Amnesia


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Feels like my #1 complaint with star trek right now. Small adventures on planets were nice in classic trek, didnt need every story to be some galaxy threatening thing

oo yes yes with carrot juice and carrot cake :smiley:

the type of hero we could use right now :smiley:


I like this idea, the whole thing was just a dream and our characters have been in a coma for 3 years.

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I have an island but it isn’t a resort. I just teloport people there every so often for a week. scraches at her head. I think I remember to leave food and water there I can’t remember. I swear I am a good host.

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Oh ya I went out and got the lounge a bunny mascot to make up for all of the evil things I did over the last few weeks.

pulls in a giant bunny on a leash. Don’t ask how it became so huge, or why it has a nelf chew toy in its mouth. It was the only bunny on the market. But he is just so cute.


I don’t talk about Blizzard writting much here but I haven’t liked Blizzard witting much after Wrath outside of MoP. I just feel like they are not doing a good job at ending arcs, not just villan but good guys. There are mutiple warcraft 3 era cherachters that have had a dragged out charchter arc and it prevents new charcthers from appearing.

This dons’t help the longevity of the story. I really want to see many of the older charcthers eventuly get a satasifing end to their arcs so things can progress as this is an actual world, new charcthers will take up the fight in WoW like in the transation from Warcraft 1 -2 or warcraft 2 -3.

I have alwasy wondered will we just see some of these charcters die from old age as they don’t want to go away?

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Sweet baby jesus no! If Blizzard were to pull a St. Elsewhere on us, the game wouldn’t survive.

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picks up the gnomes hands Say it with me. It was all a dream. The bad meorys will float away. Inore the shimmering lights.

Honestly, it sounds like someone decided on the least controversial possible ending. Throughout the expansion Zovaal has emphasized that he wants Zereth Mortis remade in his image wherein all bow down to him. That’s the reason he hasn’t killed us because he wants an audience to his might. To suddenly make it about an even greater evil and pull from the Sargaras playbook is just a complete failure of imagination or proof that even Blizz is done with this expansion.

His initial moment of disbelief was great but then he goes into the simpering sibling grief and then paints himself in the end as really the hero, not the villain. Did he start out that way and his ego started believing his own press releases or a final moment of self piteous aggrandizement?

I would have loved his last words something like “If you could see yourselves and your destinies through the First One’s eyes you would have embraced me. You he chuckles go and enjoy your victory, pathetic puppets.” Then the irony of seeing him as a really an artifact (puppet) after he dies.


I remember in an interview a few years ago they plan about three expantions out these days.


1thig i like , in WOW classic u can get more levels then regaler


So slight problem. We might need carrorts to keep the super rabbit happy. backs away from the giant rabbit.

I will let the rest of you handle it.


(Lady Cyndi Lou feeds the Rabbit a Drink Me Potion, and it shrinks back to normal size. She scoops it up, and carries it back to the Rabbit Pen.)

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Drat foiled again.

her face turns red.

I mean good job Cyndi. You saved us.


“I saved that Rabbit’s life. Last time we had a Giant Rabbit in here, some stupid Gnome tried to kill it. I had to send it away to be safe. Broke my heart. My poor Vorpal Bunny.”