GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

The Moon Presence AKA the Blood Moon AKA Formless Oedon AKA Formless Mother AKA Flora is based on Nyarlathotep.

He/She(Gods are confirmed in Elden Ring to have multiple genders as seen with Queen Marika and her “consort” Radagon who is just her in a different form) is behind the Healing Blood which his followers use. Those who imbibe the Healing Blood become Ghouls(Lovecraft’s version of Werewolves) due to the curse by the Worshippers of Kos for the first imbibers of Healing Blood killing Kos.

Kos has ties to the Cosmos incidentally according to Micolash(someone trying to get Eyes on his Brain from Kos). The Cosmos seems to be the Full Moon’s Domain and Ranni summons Ghostly Wolves in battle so Kos’s followers cursing those who use the Healing Blood is clearly the Full Moon’s attack on the Blood Moon.

One of the Blood Moon’s identities is Flora which explains why one of the Blood Magic Attacks has Plant-like Thorns involved. Starting to look like the Scarlet Rot is also of the Blood Moon…

Blood/Plants, Cosmos, the Void, Frenzied Flame(who apparently infected Laurence judging from his appearance) and Golden Stars… 5 Outer Gods…

Nyarlathotep is obvious(Blood/Plants) but which of the remaining 4 powers represents Yog-Sothoth, Shub-Niggurath and Azathoth?

Ah! but you seek Blood Gods not just the Blood God of Bloodborne yes? G’huun and Hakkar are Blood Gods!

G’huun like the Moon Presence combines Blood and Rot together while Hakkar just uses Blood…

The only Blood Gods besides these is Khorne as you have stated… Khorne demands Worthy Skulls! The Skulls of the Dishonorable! If you fight well and with Honor your Skull will be Unworthy and be left untaken. Offering an Honorable Skull(a big no no) will get you stuffed into his Forge because your Skull was Worthy of Burning!

You can guess that Worthy Skull means Worthy of Death rather than Worthy Opponent! The Skull Throne is for the Skulls of those Worthy of Death to be placed as a warning.

Khorne’s followers take each other’s Skulls so you can tell how much Khorne despises his followers! His Champion the Skulltaker uses Magic which Khorne hates by the way so he clearly wants his Skull offered to Khorne on a regular basis! He allows Skulltaker to reform immediately so that someone can kill him again and again as catharsis!

Skulltaker was resurrected multiple times as a reoccurring Boss of Warhammer 40K Inquisitor: Martyr and even resurrected thrice in one Mission! That’s how angry Skulltaker angered Khorne with his flagrant use of Magic!

Nurgle’s Greater Daemons according to Total War 3 are considered Honorable in comparison to everyone else in Khorne’s mind and thus are unlikely to have their Skulls taken(Skarbrand even states this as a reason to not take Kugath’s Skull if you decide to be diplomatic with him). Someone using a Disease(Nurgle’s method of doing things) to kill a bunch of people in Khorne’s name got ascended to a Daemon Prince of Khorne incidentally.

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A beautiful large grouping of lore, you must however note Khorne of 40k and Khorne of the fantasy are slightly different. A popular saying among Khorne followers is that Khorne cares not for where the blood flows only that is does. This implies he rather enjoys acts of brutality and infighting amongst his own followers and demons. A culling of the weak amongst the chosen if you will.

I personally was under the impression Khorne cared not for the honorable or dishonorable skulls as his tribute. Obviously weaker fools like peons and footman skulls do not equal to that of risen champions. A gods skull is a mighty prize.

You speak of Skarbrand a new character to me I began to enjoy taunted by Tzeentch to strike at Khorne and show his strength the Chaos god of war slapped Skarbrand across the warp his image like a falling star, his wings permanently damaged as he was exiled for his hubris. But like most chaos gods, Khorne seems to both still hold a grudge and yet cherish his exiled champion, as in his exile Skarbrand has collected more skulls than most, a notable offering asking for a forgiveness that may never come lest Khorne lose such a great source of skulls for his throne.

I see in the older works Khorne favored the honorable, his warriors might of even soaring those who could not fight at all, but as the story went down a path of darkness it seems the negative emotions that effect the warp and their gods made Khorne more a god of bloodlust than honorable war. This doesn’t even begin to describe the connections and intricacies of the other chaos gods, the most lovecraftian in nature being Tzeentch.

imagine a bunch of roll players that was rude as hack to you and treated you like total crap because you wasn’t the rp super elite you was in fact a dirty filthy normie yock! that is what wet was

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pokes his head out of Surfy’s pocket

Happy Humpday, everyone! Guess what? I wrote my own Humpday Dance song!

My name is Elmer
It rhymes with…ummm…Elmer!
I’m not very good at songs but I live in my Nelfy’s pocket
I like to eat tasty :bear::sandwich:
And watch adorable otter and baby bunny videos
I like giving Hordes lots and lots of hugs…WITH BULLETS AND KITTIES and I like it when they give me big squooshy Horde hugs back!
Now it’s time to do the Humpday dance!

poofs into ottersoul form and wriggles around on the floor before stopping to climb into Surfy’s lap with his favorite blankie and watch adorable otter videos


I can’t believe it crashed and burned so hard with such drama and elitism after I took my break from wow. I knew it had crazy days of drama but sounds like it imploded.

Ahh your wearing green. :grinning: :green_heart:

You just need to wear until the 18th.

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“At the price of transmogging high level gear, I may stay this way for a long while.”

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True, mogging is expensive they have shirts that are green too I got mine from free T-Shirt day, I don’t know anywhere else to get shirts besides AH and tailoring.

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“Tailors make a green shirt that is low level and cheap. This one cost me 750 gold on the AH.”

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You can mog shirts too, I have the bandage both bloody and normal. I just wish they had head bandage, hand, legs and feet bandages to go with it.

A body cast mog too lol.

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“I have been wanting this top for a while. Finally talked myself into buying it. It’s a rare drop, so hard to get. It’s the EXACT same cut as my purple one. They have a blue one too, that I want.”

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sounds like as a roleplayer you liked that place maybe you can just start a new one?
i think a new fresh start will be ok

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Perhaps but it’s wiser to stay where the people are and after much research into the past I think I found out who was responsible for its crash and burn. I was worried somehow it might’ve been me, my rp styles were mostly villains and with my memory about as good as trash I was worried I had been the one who destroyed the WET. Thankfully by what little stuff I can find it seems to have been a different guy.

At the moment I am more content to watch and gauge how best to continue my time in these lounges rather than force start a new one.


“You are more than welcome, to hang out in here, with us.”


I wish I was able to link my closet to show you my leather closet, but I do have a few mogs like yours, but I’m more of a bikini top gal.

The bikini top mogs make it feel my characters have more room to move and breathe. Plus it fits the barbarian fantasy, I get to show my tatoos. Blizzard doesn’t like orc belly buttons they don’t want us to be sexy like everyone else. :confused:

My belly button is being coverd by pants and belts on my orc characters. I hope Microsoft throws out the prudish, since when were belly buttons censored and considered wrong lol.

I can only mog one legs where I can show my belly button, all the other races get choices.

No one complains about how people dress on beach, but they complain about a video pixel game.

I can tell you this right now if I had a child, I would never let my little girl wear a bikini suit on the beach.

I mog by season it sounds silly, but that is how I play.

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“I love this style top, because it has GREAT cleavage, and it shows off my hour glass figure.”


there was a troll back in those days that took me for quite the ride it’s why i’m very cautious and careful to this day


I look at some mogs that are intensely covering everything, the characters look stiff and no room for movement. I’m hoping for more mogs are going to be shorts there are so few to work with.

Shorts for druids, monks and hunters would be nice for movement. I would give BFA the winner of the worse mogs ever.

Come to find out I think I have to pvp to get the faction mogs. :slightly_frowning_face:

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“I imagine this top having great movement. In my head it’s leather, and moves with me.”

“With that, it’s time for me to wander off, in search of sleep.”


so what do you all think about that jailer cinematic!

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