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The writing has hit a new low. Hire some decent writers, and make Shadowlands an old god induced coma.


In all honesty, the last time I enjoyed WoW’s story was in Legion. Each class/spec had their own individual lore, own class hall, we all fight against the burning legion (one of the oldest enemies of warcraft).

It just isn’t the same anymore, the new enemies are like clowns… especially mister big robot man who ran out of batteries.


Yeah, that ending was…something, oof lol.

Anyway, here’s FF14’s lead writer for Shadowbringers and Endwalker getting a standing ovation at PAX a couple years ago:

Maybe one day, Steve, maybe one day.


Now that’s an interesting thought. Some people have indicated that the jailer and SL is a retcon, contrary to the ‘lore’, etc. That might all make sense if he doesn’t really exist and the whole of SL is a N’Zoth induced hallucination, as was his demise back in BFA, as he prepares to unleash his plans for Azeroth in 10.x.


I like this idea, the whole thing was just a dream and our characters have been in a coma for 3 years.


We can’t. That would mean all the war crimes Sylvanas did in BfA would still be loose ends, and we’d have to spend yet another expansion dealing with her.

Please god no.

This is the problem with daisy-chaining all these goddarned expansions together.

I guess when you hit rock bottom, there’s no where to go but up.

That said, Good game. Bad Story.

Also not a problem. The ‘war crimes’ never really happened. They were just another hallucination created by N’Zoth to put his enemies at each other’s throats while faking his own death.

There is no reality in which the WoW writers will ever try to convince the playerbase that the last four years of their life in-game meant absolutely nothing.

Hmmmm. Maybe this would work.

It would be the worst decision that any game developers could ever make because it would create the expectation that players can directly influence story development.

I don’t think any game company would want that set as a common practice.

They did anyway. It was called BFA and Shadowlands.


The “it was all a dream” trope has been liberally used in media before.

At this point, it’s probably a warning more than anything else. I can’t think of a single time it was ever used to great effect where the audience walked away pleased. It just punishes you for ever being invested to begin with.

You’re going to have to elaborate on this. Just name dropping those two expansions doesn’t produce the “oomph” that I think you think it does.

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The ‘worst’ decision? That might have some competition. Also it wouldn’t create the expectation you suggested if this development in the story was their intention all along. (Coff. Coff. : )

I mean…does it in actuality?

Oh you liked the story in BFA? The whole azerite slingshots can reach across a wide body of water that gives anyone fatigue to burn a tree lore? The Sylvanas 4-D chess that didn’t culminate into much? N’Zoth being killed off so easily after being built up so long? Only for us to find out there is a bigger threat we don’t know of yet, then we get into this expac and the next big baddie tells us that there’s a bigger threat than this? Despite none of this being that big of a threat because none of it really gets the culmination it deserved?

What is bad story to you?

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The way it’s written, it almost does come off as a bad dream

I made a post about how trying to convince players that 4 years of game lore equates to “it was all just a dream” would go over very poorly.

You read that as “BFA and Shadowlands are good writing, actually.”

It is possible that you are so blinded by your hatred for the writing that you are inventing opponents where they do not exist.

No I said it doesn’t matter because they already wasted our time with the lore of BFA and Shadowlands and you come back with that doesn’t have the oomph I think it does.

Well what did they do that didn’t waste our time?

We are still exactly where we’ve been the other times some big bad that isn’t really that bad told us there is something worse on the horizon.

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Why give them a free pass when they are givin’ us another WoD with Shadowlands being abandoned. That is inexcusable. This fever dream suggestions are fun memes, but it’s not ok.