Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

This is awesome! I hope it’s somewhere in the main story otherwise I’ll probably miss it 'cause I don’t really do side quests. I also hope they don’t backtrack on this like they did with Thalyssra.

The character name is Myhus’ban. duh.

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Would you say that they…fel for each other?

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Oh so that is what someone was refering to about her being bi. Was that something actually in game lore/official lore?

Also it is part of the night warrior questline so yes it will be next to impossible for most players Alliance side to miss.

“Malfurion, my love!!!”
“Have you ever loved as I have? Malfuriooon!!!”

  1. Are we then to assume none of them do? I would assume that being gay or whatever means you are more than just emotionally connected to someone. There must be some form of sexual attraction. I mean, not trying to sound creepy, but I love my dog…not gonna marry it right? There has to be more than just an emotional connection or there is no point to the relationship, they are just good friends. No reason for marriage.

  2. The first time at what? Gay or Lesbian relationships in entertainment? Cause that would be false. Not policing you, I am seriously trying to understand this obsession with certain life styles “needing” to be in a game for some people to be happy. I really dont get it. Especially a fantasy game.

It’s not supposed to help victims, it’s a video game, it’s fiction, none of it is real.

Of course it’s marketing, Blizzard is a business, what else would they do other than try to make money?

Well, that I can understand I guess but still doesnt explain why some people need their lifestyles represented in a fantasy game.

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Here we go again…

It was apparently on the PTR for Nazjatar. She called Sivara her love, but now that I’m looking for a source it seems it was just a forum rumor. What I did find is another lady calling Sivara her love, but it was removed.

Weeping Sanya: Hurry, Sivara! The city is flooding! (Removed)
Weeping Sanya: Sivara, my love! We… should have fled… (Removed)
First Arcanist Thalyssra: Sivara… my most gifted student. It was on my recommendation that she enrolled in the Royal Academy.

Awesome! I know people like to bring up some random enchanting quest to say there’s already representation in the game, but I never done it as I don’t have an enchanter. Glad I won’t miss this. :smile:


Normalizing is one thing, but to silence people who have their opinions is wrong. It would be a better place if people respected the rights of others to have their own opinion.

I’m for peace, especially on the boards. If there is a differing opinion, it is totally possible to just ignore it and move on.

WoW is still a great place to leave the issues of the world and move into the fantasy realm. /peace

If the opinions are hate speech, Blizzard is free to silence them.


The funny thing is in China it is going to be a male and female. Just like soldier 76 (gay in Western countries, not gay in China.) They are doing it for nothing other then MONEY per REGION.

Like how Disney made finn (from star wars) pretty much white in China.

You realize that who someone is attracted to is part of biology and not a choice, right?


Well I meant it in a more life encompassing way, not just sexual lifestyle.

Sorry to tell you but “hate speech” isn’t even a valid concept in countries with real freedom. It’s fiction.

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I’m willing to bet that you’ve been represented in video games throughout the years so you don’t understand why representation is so important for people who haven’t it represented in games.

You should try a little exercise in empathy—putting yourself in someone else’s shoes.


I hate to tell you this but free speech means you don’t have to fear going to jail for speaking badly about your government.

Private companies like Blizzard Entertainment have no obligation to give hateful speech a platform and they are free to remove it as they see fit.


I think what he’s referring to is Blizzard’s right as a company to police it’s own forums.

The “real freedom” also extends to businesses having the right to act in it’s own interests without the government forcing them to behave or speak on their behalf.


Hate speech is an all ambiguous term that can left at the whims of the interpreter to decide if it’s bad or not, which shouldn’t have a place in civilized conversation. It’s too prone to subjective interpretation to be considered a serious term. Now any call to action where someone is actually threatened is another story.

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