Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

And here’s to you, Mrs. Proudmoore

True, Kirk kissed like 20 other women of various shades before Uhura.

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I’m thinking she still has a thing for Arthas and she’ll hook up with him in Shadowlands. Maybe… :wink:

No no no! There relationship ended long before he was ever Lich King. At best she and him were close friends by WC3.

Nooooooooo, she’ll go evil and be with him. Don’t ruin my imagination.

If you want Lich Queen Jaina just read the WoW manga. Or play hearthstone.




Coming from someone playing an undead(an entire playable race who moans about how they keep being persecuted for just existing) that is just rich.

Gay night elves. What else is new?

This is so cool!

Here’s to hoping it makes it to launch and doesn’t get changed.


So what we’ve learned recently is that the Alliance is still gay and the Horde is still made up of race-mixers. Par for the Blizzard propaganda course.

Can’t say I care as long as I can play battlegrounds and remember that Warcraft used to be cool.

I hope we don’t. Or at least not the kyrians, they are all pretty much identical by design.

This is what happens when you give NE feathery hair.

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Rialius opens up his gay agenda.

Monday: Be gay.
Tuesday: Tacos.
Wednesday: Be gay.
Thursday: Be gay.
Friday: Super gay.
Saturday: Super gay.
Sunday: Brunch gay.


Que audio replays of Tyrande and Malfurion calling for each other. :rofl:

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Night elf women and men have very different personalities and often they spend way more time with their own gender than with the opposite. It makes sense really, nice to have in the game too.

So? Why is this such a big deal for you?

Because this is the first time it happened? Most LGBT+ have been women and usually in very obscure portions of the lore. They happen to be part of the night warrior questline which a good chunk of players will experience.

Oh and this literally confirms gay marriage is a thing in lore which quite a few players have denied for years.


So? Why is what someone does with their genitalia such a big deal? Sounds quite bizarre to me. Almost obsessive. Help me understand.

  1. why do people assume same sex=they actually have sex. It could simply be because they actually love each other.
  2. because this is the first time it happened. People on the forums create threads for much more insignificant/significant things and I dont see you policing them.
    It is as interesting as say asian/black models actually becoming part of the game.

People who think that same sex relationships are scary think they are scary because of the genitals.