Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Some people are of the opinion that the opinion in the first case is bad. And that’s, like, their opinion. Don’t silence it!

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All it takes is for China to get mad at them and well, it’s bootlicking time.

If Blizzard were not based in a free country, for example if it were based in China instead, China truly would be running the company rather than Blizzard executives, and it wouldn’t just be a joke.

It would be a real thing that employees would be arrested for talking about too much at headquarters, or players would be banned for speaking out about.

Luckily we can actually talk about this without being afraid.

Oooof. But there seems to be some creedance to that statement

I can guarantee you that will NOT be included in the Chinese version of SL.

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The censorship of anything undead in China is ludicrous, their massive wall is a giant graveyard and tourists find bones there every day but they can’t say anything about it or they suddenly vanish.

What’s their deal with bones!?

Well you CAN play undead in China, just cant have no bones showing. Bones are… just… well you know.

I’d hate to be there if I suddenly fell from a great height and my femur is sticking out.

Are we supposed to give an f? Or do you want a cookie?

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Ah dont be hard on him/her, they are actually nice people and willing to have a civilized discussion about their stances without the knee jerk reaction of a radical.

Strange, it’s as though that’s not a conversation I feel needs to be had :grimacing:

You should try to calm down on the aggression. I AM trying to put myself in his/her shoes. I AM asking questions and not making accusations and emphatic statements. You are barking up the wrong tree. You need to get that in your head.

I get that. No way for me to talk to them privately though I would like to.

The language you were using earlier was highly suspect which is why I mentioned that who someone loves is biology and not a lifestyle choice cuz you kept using the word lifestyle.

It’s not really the job of LGBTQ folk to educate you. I’m pretty sure there are sources online that would help you understand.


Bummer. I guess Blizzard can look forward to your 25/30$ contribution for a race change then, huh?


Real life religion doesn’t exist in Warcraft, so stigmas against homosexuality are likely non existant. I don’t think any of the WoW religions have influenced their societies against homosexuality like ours have.


This is VERY exciting. It’s about time more people had widely seen representation in WoW, I can’t wait to see other groups/people who get their time to shine in the near future too!

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Who cares.

Awesome!! Good job.