Gatekeeping started already.. RDF is needed

that was the beauty of #nochange, just let it fly, but pandora’s box was opened.


I saw people asking for full sunwell gear lol

We were worried about what modern Blizzard would do to the game. And we were right to be.


Online gaming in general has definitely taken a turn for the worse - community, accessibility, communication, etc.

Having a different opinion than someone doesn’t mean you’re part of a terrible community, no.

They may not dictate YOUR experience, but if we believe Blizzard and what they say in terms of receiving feedback regarding RDF, yes, these people ARE dictating our game experience.

RDF enables players that work odd hours (Night shift, for example) or maybe they just had a kid and they can only get on an hour a day, a couple days a week, to actually be able to play the game. You don’t have to spend 30 minutes to an hour just spamming Chat/LFG, and then work your way out there.

Well, if we look at their forums, you’ll see Blizzard is effectively IGNORING everything, and only touching on things like “What do you think about Cataclysm Classic?!”

I think initially the idea was for them to act as representatives of us, the playerbase. However, again, given their lack of communication in terms of our opinions and suggestions, that’s not happening.

So, what do they do? They kiss Blizzard’s butt every step of the way.

Also, to say it again but the group finder we got is just horrible. The one in retail is so much better


sadly, I have 3790 people in front of me, so I messed up and came to the land where dreams die, the forums.


sorry for not being good at doing the quotes in reply, I’m kind of junk on the forums.

-per the RDF theme:

I haven’t had really any issues with the junky group finder they cobbled together to find dungeons, granted I only did a few yesterday as the queue boss beat me pretty hard. I realize I am in decent gear, but no one asked me or inspected me prior to entrance as I brought my friend with who came to northrend at 68 with me and was in quest gear.

I agree RDF was super easy to get into dungeons and didn’t see that much issue with it, but I’m not sure that we can assume that heroic group finder will be as gatekept as we are assuming. I can however draw the assumption that heroic+ will be 100% as bad as m+ gatekeeping.

Per the CC comments: agreed that blizzard sucks at communicating, but they’ve always only answered bullsht softball questions for retail while dancing around meaningful addressing of legitimate problems. Not excusing the behavior, but the CC chains seem to at least get perused more than the 839 threads on RDF and ‘SeRvErS SuCk’ threads. I also agree to the glad-handling comment, I think the CC has a lot of people that just don’t belong and too few in all of the perceived areas instead of assigning groups into major themes like classic and retail CC members.

I think you confuse the reason people are gatekeeping

Other people by and large dont care about your progress (either facilitating it or to block it) they only care about their progress (getting that exp bar to go up or getting the gear they need etc). To do this they will pick teams that are faster if an ungeared warlock is better dps than a t6 rogue then they will bring the ungeared warlock, sure they might prefer a geared one (and would take it if they can find it) but their intent is to get a team who clears the dungeon quick so they can get their exp.

I personally dont make groups (either in classic or retail) so if people want to put restrictions on who can come in sure fine by me. As long as we all understand the group makers goal is to get that progress for himself (he doesnt care about me or you).

If you want people who care about your progress join a guild and they will help you (and you will help then) as at that point the progress of every member in leveling and gearing helps with the overall progress of raiding (because these are the people your actually running with).

RDF is just the same thing with a different lid if someone is detracting from the random group (undergeared, just autoing etc) they get vote kicked so the group can complete the content as they dont want to spend 30 mins in a 15 min dungeon any more than an anti RDF person.

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Apparently, it wasn’t fine because they ended up making RDF to address issues with getting groups for dungeons lol.


The gate keeping at 80 is going to be horrendous, we’re just getting started


I, actually, had a few groups ask me just today what my gear was like before inviting me. I asked them if it really mattered, and they said “yes,” and I didn’t hear from them again. Now, I’m a tank, and I (99% of the time - only two runs have happened where I don’t lead) am always leading damage and DPS throughout the entire dungeon. However, they didn’t ask about THAT, they only cared about gear.

We’re already facing gatekeeping now, and the expansion JUST started.

But the problem is, that group has no idea who is better DPS. They base that decision on what gear they have.

Which is gatekeeping.

The issue with this is that the people gatekeeping are in guilds, too, right? Being in a guild doesn’t mean you’re going to find people to group with - heck, many guilds out there don’t even know you, unless you’re part of the ‘in crowd’.

If someone is just auto-attacking/auto-shooting, etc., I WILL aim to kick them, because they’re basically AFK. However, I will bring it up to them first because you don’t know if they’re just learning (which is a whole other issue going on in Wrath, right now)

I’m a Warrior tank (Super OP these days) and I out-damage AND out-DPS 99% of my groups so far. Do I kick the DPS that are below me? No. Why?

  • Everyone starts somewhere

A tanks role is different in different groups there are some groups I am in where my job is literally just hold aggro on 15-20 mobs while kiting them so the group can aoe it down

Some packs I literally just cast DnD and icy touch and never get meleed because that’s my job, others I need to pop my defensives 1 by 1 while the group bursts them down

In the case of huge pulls gear matters on everyone I need good gear and consumes to live as long as possible, the healer needs good gear and appropriate external cooldowns to buy more time and the dps need enough gear to burst it down before I die.

The reward for having all that gear is you save maybe 15-20% of the dungeon time and get to 80 just a little bit faster.

You could argue the issue is the structure of the game and community in which the journey to max level is now a chore rather than a fun part of the game.

If you were a new person and you were told you will have fun at endgame raiding once you level 1-80 farm your prebis level your professions and then you can have fun for 2-4hrs a week oh but you will need to spend another 3-4 hours farming consumes etc. (Note this isnt actually true the game is actually fun before endgame for most people or we would have quit years ago).

This is why all my friends refuse to come back to WOW. Great community here LOL


RDF is take what you can get, if you solo queue expecting all 4 others to be full brutal or sunwell, you’re in for a rude awakening.

And if you try kicking everyone else that isn’t geared like you, you’re in for a ruder awakening.

The tryhards will make their own group. They don’t want lil’ Timmy’s in their group, they want full spellcleave aoe runs with everyone way overgeared.


First thing you mentioned were spell-cleave groups…

The idea behind a tank being in such a group is for them to aggro so that the DPS (Usually Mages/Warlocks) can simply AoE them down, with little to no interruptions. Generally, you would stay out of melee range (the best you can) with Mages using Frost Nova, etc., but the idea remains the same.

I presume you pop DnD to hold aggro? Which means it’s the same responsibility or job, as the first example.

Put simply, there are only two jobs tanks have in dungeons, and they never change:

  1. Survival
  2. Threat Generation

Regardless of your group, these two things never change. The only aspect that CAN change is Leadership - however, this doesn’t count because it’s not exclusive to tanking.

Well wait till icc comes out which is when RDF happened.

It actually did. Everyone was able to get groups. I know I did. Never had a problem. Speak for yourself


Haven’t had to wait for the patch for any system for the last three years.

And Blizz had said it’s not coming with ICC.

So troll harder.


Then you must have missed phase 2 of classic.

Which was announced from the start, if blizzard would just announce that RDF was coming with ICC the issue could be dropped.